Tianyu Alchemy Lord

Chapter 786 The Body of Rock

Zhang Lin's eyes became brighter and brighter as he listened to the formula taught to him by Su Chen. Based on his qualifications, he can naturally tell that this formula is definitely the most powerful body training method. It is something that ordinary people cannot ask for, but he has obtained it just like this.

"Master Chen, I, Zhang Lin, was really a little unhappy with you just now. But now, I have convinced you. Thank you for passing on such a powerful body training method to me. From now on, I will treat you like my own family." Su family."

After listening to Zhang Lin's words, Su Chen nodded and said with a smile: "Go down and practice."

Su Chen had no intention of really letting Zhang Lin follow him as a follower. The follower was just a cover to teach him the method.

Su Chen had no plans to take Zhang Lin away from Duyang City in the future. The main reason why he trained Zhang Lin was to create a backer for the Su family's future.

From now on, even if Su Chen himself is no longer in Dongzhou, the Su family will be protected by the strong men on the Dongzhou list. As long as no big changes happen in Dongzhou, there will be no danger.

After Zhang Lin left the room, Su Chen also sat cross-legged, took out the five-color imperial jade paste, and applied it on his body to strengthen his body.

Ten days passed in a flash.

On the eleventh day, Su Chen's physical training had reached its peak.

boom! boom! boom!

It was as if many forces were impacting inside his body, breaking up the flesh and bones and then reorganizing them. The physical body is also being broken up and reorganized again and again, the structure is constantly being optimized, and the old physical body is gradually transforming into a new physical body.

After another day, the changes in Su Chen's body finally stopped.

The skin all over his body has become as smooth as jade, exuding an earthy yellow halo.

"The practice of 'body like a rock' was finally successful."

Su Chen let out a long breath, and finally reached the sixth level of the Nine Transformations of Vajra, which meant that he had finally reached the state where "the body is like a rock".

Rock is ten times harder than dead wood, which means that the defense power of "body like rock" is exponentially higher than that of "body like dead wood". Not only is it difficult to cut with sharp objects, but it is also more resistant to impact.

Moreover, the body of rock has another great improvement over the body of dead wood, that is, it can actively cut off the pain of the physical body!

In this way, in actual combat, if the physical body suffers serious injuries, the combat effectiveness will not be affected by the presence of pain.

Of course, pain is indispensable in normal times, because appropriate pain can increase sensitivity in actual combat.

Only when the pain reaches the limit and greatly affects the combat effectiveness, it is necessary to actively cut off the pain.

"It's time to go to Winterland City to participate in the Danta selection."

Su Chen calculated the time and found that it was almost time. If he didn't leave for Winterland City, he might not be able to catch up with the Danta selection.

At the moment, Su Chen first went to Zhang Lin's room.

"What? You want me to go back to Zhang's house?"

Zhang Lin obviously didn't react. Didn't he say that he would be a follower for a year? Why did he have to go back by himself before half a month?

"I'm going out for a trip and won't be back for a while. You just need to remember your promise to me."

Su Chen said that he had no intention of actually letting Zhang Lin be his follower.

"Okay, anyway, I will listen to you and promise that I will never forget it. If you come back within a year, I will still be your follower."

Zhang Lin scratched his head naively.

After Zhang Lin left, Su Chen gathered all his friends and went to meet his parents together.

"Xiaochen, are you leaving now?"

Xu Wei felt disappointed, time must have passed too fast. In her heart, her son had just come back a few days ago, so why was he leaving now.

However, although Xu Wei was reluctant to give up, she also understood that her son would have to leave sooner or later. It was just a matter of whether he left early or late.

At that moment, Xu Wei also held Su Chen's hand and told her many things to pay attention to when going out.

In the end, Xu Wei was a little relieved. Fortunately, her son was not alone. There were so many friends accompanying him, so he would not be lonely when he was away from home.

Su Shicheng took a few sips of tea, and then said: "Chen'er, when you come back next time, we, father and son, will never get drunk again."


Su Chen smiled and nodded.

Afterwards, Su Chen asked his partners one by one whether they wanted to stay in Duyang City or follow him.

He respects everyone's choice. Although Duyang City is not the top city in Dongzhou, it is still very suitable for warriors to live and practice. If they are willing to stay here, then at least there will be no problem with safety.

In the end, almost everyone chose to follow Su Chen.

Huang Ying'er was the only one who chose to stay. During this period, Huang Ying'er and Xu Wei got along very well. Huang Ying'er was very well-behaved and helped Xu Wei in everything. The two of them were almost like mother and daughter.

Huang Yinger has not had a mother since she was a child, so she is naturally reluctant to leave her now.

Xu Wei also decided to choose a day to adopt Huang Ying'er as her adopted daughter.

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