Tianyu Alchemy Lord

Chapter 775 King Yi Dan

Su Chen read the invitation and asked, "Did the Zhang family say what kind of banquet it was?"

The subordinate replied: "It is said that the Zhang family is holding a small trade fair to purchase some cultivation materials for the powerful members of the family. The scale is not large, and only a few alchemists from Duyang City and some caravan representatives are invited. ”

Su Chen nodded. He knew that some large families would indeed hold such trade fairs. The scale would not be too large, and they would mainly purchase specific training materials for the strong men in their families.

Although such a trade fair is not large in scale, all the purchased materials are valuable medicinal materials, so the transaction amount after a trade fair is also very huge.

And generally speaking, at such a trade fair, several well-known alchemists will definitely be invited, and the purpose is also to help with the palm eye, so as to avoid making mistakes when buying valuable medicinal materials.

As for why he received the invitation, it must be because he still has the status of "King Chen Dan".

"Go and have a look."

Su Chen made his decision mainly because at Su Jingyun's birthday party, Zhang Yuan, the head of the Zhang family, offered to help Su Jingyun deal with Su Shi'an. This made Su Chen have a very good impression of Zhang Yuan.

Going to the Zhang family to attend the trade fair today is just a favor to Zhang Yuan.

When the sun is three poles high.

Su Chen took a carriage and arrived at the gate of Zhang's family.

"Master Su is here, welcome."

An elder from the Zhang family who was responsible for welcoming guests at the door quickly stepped forward to greet them.

Now everyone knows that Su Chen's other identity is "King Chen Dan", but most people are still more accustomed to calling him Mr. Su.

"Master Su, let me lead you in."

The elder in that chapter said enthusiastically that Alchemy Kings were very rare in Duyang City. Every one of them would be treated respectfully by the four hidden families.

"Then it'll be hard work."

Su Chen nodded and was led into Zhang's house by the elder.

Arriving at the Zhang family banquet hall, it was already filled with distinguished guests and people from all walks of life.

"Master Su, welcome."

The head of the Zhang family, Zhang Yuan, who was talking to someone in the hall, immediately bowed his hands apologetically to the person he was talking to, and then walked towards Su Chen.

"Master Zhang, you're welcome."

Su Chen smiled slightly.

"Let me introduce to you, this is Su Chen, the direct grandson of the head of the Su family. He also has another identity, he is a young and promising Alchemy King."

Zhang Yuan introduced to the people around him.

When the people around heard this, they all gathered around.

"Such a young Alchemy King?"

"You are young and promising, which is good, but I don't know how much of it is true and how much of it is just moisture?"

Everyone was talking about it, and their curious, inquiring, or doubtful eyes all fell on Su Chen.

At this time, a man wearing a blue alchemist's robe also walked over from a distance.

This man wearing a blue alchemist's robe was the one who was talking to Zhang Yuan just now. In other words, Zhang Yuan also put him aside in order to welcome Su Chen.

At this moment, the alchemist's eyes were also slightly arrogant as he looked Su Chen up and down.

"I heard that you were the one who removed the poison from the head of the Su family?"

The alchemist asked.

"It's me."

Su Chen chuckled.

"Huh, in my opinion, he must have accidentally released the poison from the head of the Su family, right?"

Another alchemist wearing a gray robe walked over, looking Su Chen up and down with doubtful eyes.


Zhang Yuan coughed dryly and pretended not to hear their criticism of Su Chen. He just introduced Su Chen, "Master Su, these two are King Yi Dan and King Liu Dan respectively."


The alchemist in blue robes snorted coldly and did not greet Su Chen at all. He just said, "Master Zhang, please take your time and chat while my junior brother and I go look elsewhere."

With that said, without waiting for Zhang Yuan's reply, the two alchemists walked directly to the side to chat with others.

Zhang Yuan looked a little embarrassed and apologized to Su Chen: "Mr. Su, don't worry, they just have a bad temper."

After Zhang Yuan's brief introduction, Su Chen also understood the identities of these two people.

The alchemist in gray robe is King Liu Dan. He is also an old acquaintance of the Zhang family. He has cooperated with the Zhang family for a long time. King Liu Dan is in charge of the elixir shop opened by the Zhang family in Duyang City.

The alchemist in blue robes and with a proud expression is King Yi Dan, the senior brother of King Liu Dan.

King Yi Dan was not originally from Duyang City. He came to Duyang City to visit his junior brother, and was later invited by King Liu Dan to attend the Zhang family's trade fair.

It's no wonder that King Yi Dan's nostrils are turned upward, because in his eyes, Duyang City is just a small place, and the Zhang family is even a small family. If it weren't for the relationship between his junior brothers,

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