Tianyu Alchemy Lord

Chapter 774: Invitation from Zhang Family

Su Chen's current nine-turn diamond power has been cultivated to the fifth stage, which is the body of thunder, fire and dead wood.

The five-color imperial jade plaster was very powerful. Although Su Chen had controlled the amount of it applied on his body, he still applied too much due to his lack of experience, which was too much for him.

Fortunately, the Thunder Fire Dead Wood Body's defense is amazing. Under its active operation at this moment, it has resisted most of the medicinal impact of the Five-Color Imperial Jade Ointment.

However, there were still cracks on the surface of the skin, but under the effect of the Thunder Fire Dead Wood Body, no blood seeped out from inside.

Boom boom...

Within Su Chen's dantian, the two Yin-Yang spiritual platforms began to rotate like millstones, grinding out powerful true energy, wrapping the medicinal power entering the body, and continuously refining it.

One hour, two hours, three hours...

Su Chen stopped, and the ointment applied to his body had been completely absorbed.

At this moment, his skin became as transparent as jade, exuding a warm luster, as if it would not be broken even if it was scratched by a sword.

"Physical fitness has reached a new level."

Su Chen nodded secretly. For the next period of time, he would anoint his body with five-color imperial jade paste every day. He believed that soon the nine-turn diamond power would be able to break through to the sixth turn.

This is the reason why he got the Five-Color Imperial Jade Paste. If he had not obtained such treasures as the Five-Color Imperial Jade Paste, it might have taken him a long time to practice the nine-turn diamond power to the sixth turn.

Moreover, such a large piece of five-color imperial jade paste can be used for a long time, which means that Su Chen will not have to worry about body refining resources for a long time in the future.

Su Chen stood up and moved his body, clearly feeling that his physical strength had reached a new level.

At the same time, he also felt his stomach growling.

Su Chen knew that this was because his physique had just reached a new level. Now all the flesh, blood, muscles and bones in his body were in urgent need of food supplements in order to fully shape his physique.

That night, Xu Wei took the cooking herself and cooked a table of dishes, and the family sat around and ate together.

When everyone tasted the dishes one after another, they were surprised to find that the taste of these dishes was so good. It is not an exaggeration to describe them as delicious.

Even Gu Qianyin and Li Shitong, who had always been reserved, were engrossed in eating and did not bother to talk, let alone Gu Qianxue, who almost had to compete with others to eat.

Xu Wei also looked puzzled. Although she was very confident in her cooking skills, this was the first time that someone had eaten so much. Moreover, it was only some vegetables, not meat.

Could it be that my cooking skills have skyrocketed recently?

So Xu Wei herself picked up the chopsticks and took a bite, and was immediately surprised. She had never tasted this indescribable deliciousness in her life.

Of course, she also tasted that this had nothing to do with her cooking skills and was entirely due to the deliciousness of the ingredients themselves.

"Xiaochen, where did you buy these ingredients?" Xu Wei couldn't help but ask. Such ingredients make people want to stop after tasting them. If possible, she really wants to taste them every day.

Su Chen just smiled and said nothing. He didn't plan to tell his mother the secret of Mustard Seed Space right now. He would wait for a while before talking.

Moreover, these are just some vegetables. The poultry and livestock raised in the mustard space have not yet grown up, because in the mustard space, only the growth rate of plants is accelerated to a thousand times, while the growth rate of animals remains unchanged.

When those poultry and livestock grow up, there will be more delicious ingredients.

A group of people had enough to eat and drink, and were all very satisfied.

Su Chen had a good night's sleep to recharge himself and prepare himself for the next adventure.

When Su Chen woke up early the next morning, he felt refreshed and a new power flowed through his body.

He immediately got out of bed and went to the yard to do a set of punches, which made him furious.

On the other side of the yard, Su Shicheng and Xu Wei stood arm in arm. Both of them looked at Su Chen boxing in the yard with smiles on their faces, feeling proud in their hearts.

This period of time was simply the happiest time in Su Shicheng and Xu Wei's lives. The son they had been worrying about was back, and the family returned to the Su family, regaining their former status. The most important thing was to resolve the relationship with Su Jingyun. The knot between hearts.

All of this was due to Su Chen, which made Su Shicheng and Xu Wei deeply realize that their son had really grown up and had achieved achievements they could not imagine.

In this regard, they are only filled with pride.

After Su Chen finished punching, Xu Wei asked: "Xiao Chen, what are your... plans for the future?"

The couple naturally hoped that their son could stay with them forever, but they also knew that this was unrealistic. After all, Duyang City was still too small to accommodate Su Chen.

"I want to go to Winterfell in a few days."

Su Chen naturally understood what his parents meant and said with a smile.

He will definitely not stay in Duyang City like this for the rest of his life, and even Donglin City is just a springboard for him, because his final destination in this life must at least be the Dan Territory.

However, because of the existence of mustard space,

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