Tianyu Alchemy Lord

Chapter 767 Su Shicheng returns

"But unexpectedly, jealousy and resentment arose in the heart of the adopted son. While hiding the darkness in his heart, he made careful plans, and finally he found a suitable opportunity to trick his adoptive father into giving away his biological child. The son was kicked out of the house.”

"Since then, the adopted son has taken control of most of the family business. But he was not satisfied yet and began to poison his adoptive father. He wanted to wait until his adoptive father died to fully control the family business..."

Su Jingyun's tone was calm, as if he was talking about someone else's family affairs.

However, after hearing these words, Su Shi'an's expression immediately froze, and his expression changed drastically.

"I've finished my story."

Su Jingyun said calmly, "Everyone here, tell me, if this happens to you, how would you deal with that adopted son?"

"Needless to say, he must be executed on the spot. This kind of person is so hateful, he is simply worse than a beast."

"That's right, if such a person really exists, we must make his life worse than death, otherwise we will not be able to resolve our hatred."

"Yes, his adoptive father was very kind to him, but he repaid his kindness with evil. This kind of person should be executed late and his body hung on the city gate to dry."

Everyone was filled with indignation and talked in various directions.

Su Shi'an was sweating on his back. He didn't know why Su Jingyun told this story. Did Su Jingyun already know something? Or was Su Jingyun just talking casually?

Su Shi'an couldn't help but look at Su Jingyun, and saw that Su Jingyun's expression was calm, even with a smile, and there was no trace of resentment or anger at all.

Su Shi'an couldn't guess what kind of medicine Su Jingyun was selling in the gourd, so he could only stand aside and apologize awkwardly, saying: "This story told by my father really benefited my son a lot."

Su Jingyun glanced at Su Shi'an, chuckled and said, "As long as you benefit a lot."

At this time, Su Chen unexpectedly walked out of the guest seat. He raised his voice slightly and said: "Mr. Su, I have also prepared a birthday gift for you. I haven't had a chance to bring it out today. I will take this opportunity to give it to you." , hope you like it.”

Su Jingyun looked at Su Chen, chuckled and said, "Then, thank you, King Chen Dan."

Everyone stared at Su Chen, who was this King Chen Dan who suddenly appeared?

Isn't Su Jingyun telling a story? Why did King Chen Dan suddenly come out to give birthday gifts again? What does it mean?

However, Su Jingyun looked at Su Chen with a smile, showing a very expectant look, and said: "I am very curious, what kind of gift will King Chen Dan give me?"

"It's a great gift that will make Head Su very happy."

As Su Chen said this, he turned to look at the corner behind him and motioned for Su Shicheng in the corner to come out.

Su Shicheng originally didn't know what kind of medicine Su Chen was selling in the gourd, but at this time, he vaguely seemed to understand a little bit and what Su Chen planned to do.

At that moment, Su Shicheng walked out of the corner and walked towards Su Jingyun.

Others looked at Su Shicheng in confusion. Didn't he say he wanted to give a gift? Who is this masked man who suddenly appeared? King Chen Dan’s bodyguard?

King Chen Dan wears a mask, and so does the guard. Do both masters and servants like to wear masks?

Moreover, this guy didn't hold any gift in his hand. What kind of riddle is this King Chen Dan playing?

However, just when everyone was puzzled, they discovered that the moment Mr. Su Jingyun saw the figure of the masked man, his body began to tremble slightly, his eye circles gradually turned red, and he even began to shed tears. .

When the masked man approached Su Jingyun, he suddenly raised his hand and took off the mask on his face.

Suddenly, a strange yet familiar face appeared in front of everyone.

At this moment, tears rolled down from Su Jingyun's eyes!


Many senior members of the Su family also gasped. Looking at this face, they almost wondered if they were hallucinating.

Many guests outside the Su family, especially those from the younger generation, looked at each other in confusion.

Whispering voices soon started to sound one after another in the banquet hall.

"This...how does this person look so similar to the head of the Su family?"

"He seems to be the biological son of the head of the Su family, Su Shicheng!"

"What? The biological son of the head of the Su family? How come I haven't heard of him before?"

"I guess many people don't know about this. More than ten years ago, Su Shicheng made a mistake and quarreled with the head of the Su family. The head of the Su family was so angry that he kicked him out of the Su family. He has never returned since then. Su family."

"Really or not? I never thought there would be such a past event."

Everyone was talking a lot, and the dusty past events of more than ten years ago also surfaced.

Many people were wondering, how come these past events are so similar to the story Su Jingyun told before?

Could it be that that story is actually about reality?

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