Tianyu Alchemy Lord

Chapter 766 Tell a story

"Uncle Shi'an."

Just after Su Shi'an sat down next to Su Jingyun, one of his subordinates suddenly ran over with his waist hunched over, and whispered in Su Shi'an's ear, "Uncle Shi'an, my subordinates went to Qinghua Building to look for Su Rui, but they couldn't find Su Rui." Master."

"did not find?"

Su Shi'an was stunned, "Have you searched all the places he usually goes to?"

"I'll report back to Uncle Shi'an. I've searched for him, but I can't see Master Su Rui anywhere. I don't know where Master Su Rui has gone."

After hearing the report from his subordinates, Su Shian couldn't help but look gloomy and muttered to himself: "Where on earth has this kid gone?"

You must know that today is Su Jingyun's sixtieth birthday. It would be extremely unfilial if Su Rui was not present on this occasion.

Not only will it be greatly discounted in Su Jingyun's mind, it will also give a bad impression to others.

He had clearly told Su Rui several days in advance that he must attend Su Jingyun's birthday party.

As a result, this bastard wandered off somewhere and disappeared for several days!

"This bastard! He must have been so drunk in some brothel that he forgot the time!"

Su Shi'an gritted his teeth and cursed in a low voice. He knew that Su Rui had always had the habit of sleeping in flowers and willows, but he didn't expect that this kid was getting more and more outrageous. He could delay even such a big occasion as Su Jingyun's birthday party.

"There is also the matter of Su Shicheng..."

Su Shi'an frowned. He had given the task of killing Su Shicheng to Su Rui, but Su Rui didn't come back for several days. Now he doesn't know how the matter went.

"It should be fine."

Su Shi'an trusted Su Rui's ability to do things.

At this moment, Su Jingyun on the side also looked over: "What's wrong, Shi'an?"

Su Shi'an adjusted his expression, then raised his head to meet Su Jingyun's gaze and said with a smile, "Father, it's nothing."

"Where's Su Rui? Why aren't you with me?" Su Jingyun asked with concern.

"Surui was doing errands outside and didn't have time to come back. Don't worry, father, he will definitely come back to celebrate your birthday before the birthday banquet starts at noon," Su Shi'an said.

Su Jingyun smiled slightly and said, "You and your son are working outside every day for the family. It's really hard."

"It is our honor to be able to contribute to the Su family." Su Shi'an said quickly.

Su Jingyun nodded and said nothing more.

The time is gradually approaching noon.


Seeing that the time was almost up, Su Jingyun stood up from his seat and walked to a platform that had been set up in the middle of the banquet hall.

The noisy banquet hall also became quiet, and pairs of eyes looked at Su Jingyun on the stage.

As everyone knows, today Su Jingyun suddenly held a 60th birthday banquet with great fanfare, and also invited all the powerful families in Duyang City. This was definitely not just for show.

Now, seeing the serious look on Su Jingyun's face, everyone understood that Su Jingyun must have something to announce.

At that moment, pairs of eyes couldn't help but look at Su Jingyun curiously, wanting to see what he would announce.


"Today, I feel very honored that you can come to my birthday party."

Su Jingyun spoke, his voice was loud and full of energy, making it difficult to believe that this could be a seriously ill and dying person.

"Master Su is too polite!"

"Yes, it should be an honor for us to come to celebrate the birthday of Master Su!"

Everyone also spoke one after another, and compliments came and went in an endless stream.

However, Su Jingyun was obviously not interested in these compliments. He pressed his hand again and silenced the whole audience.

Then, Su Jingyun continued: "Perhaps many people have heard that I was seriously ill some time ago. It was this serious illness that made me realize that the huge Su family really needs to find a heir to the head of the family. To prepare for a rainy day.”

As soon as Su Jingyun said these words, Su Shi'an, who was not far away, immediately showed a look of joy in his eyes, but then returned to normal, except for a slight curl at the corner of his mouth.

As expected, he guessed correctly, Su Jingyun was preparing to hand over the position of head of the Su family to him!

Now that the position of the head of the family is about to fall into his hands, there is no need for Su Jingyun, an old man, to stay alive.

At this moment, Su Shi'an was already thinking about how to get rid of Su Jingyun.

"Before I announce the candidate to succeed the family head..."

Su Jingyun added, "I want to do something for him first, which is to make up for the debt I've owed him for so many years!"

Then, Su Jingyun turned his head and looked at Su Shi'an in full view of everyone.

Su Shi'an perked up, and his eyes met Su Jingyun's with great expectation.

"In recent years,

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