Tianyu Alchemy Lord

Chapter 753 Return to the Su family

This He Peng was once Su Jingyun's confidant and had been the housekeeper of the Su family for a long time.

And because He Peng had always been close to Su Shicheng and had a good relationship, after Su Shicheng was kicked out of the Su family, He Peng was deprived of his position as housekeeper and became an ordinary servant by Su Shi'an for a reason.

It is precisely because of this that he looks so down and out.

But despite this, He Peng's attitude towards Su Shicheng has not changed, and he still calls him Master Su Shicheng until now.

"I have something urgent to see you for."

Su Shicheng smiled bitterly. In fact, he felt very sorry for He Peng in front of him.

The other party was originally working as a housekeeper in the Su family, but it was because of his own reasons that he lost the housekeeper and became so depressed.

"What's up?"

He Peng was drunk at first, but when Su Shicheng said something was wrong, he regained his clarity.

"My son is back."

Su Shicheng patted Su Chen beside him and said to He Peng.

"What? This...is actually the young master?"

He Peng suddenly looked shocked and looked at Su Chen up and down in disbelief.

Su Chen knew that he had been away from the Su family for three or four years and had grown a lot in both height and appearance. It was normal for He Peng not to recognize him.

At the moment, he calmly allowed He Peng to look at him.

"The young master is really back."

He Peng took a deep breath. For such a big man, the circles under his eyes started to turn red. "Young Master has grown so big. Okay, great!"

After saying that, He Peng also decisively knelt down and bowed: "He Peng has met the young master!"

"Uncle He, no need to be polite."

Su Chen said, "My father and I have left the Su family and are no longer members of the Su family."

He Peng shook his head and insisted: "You will always be my young master and young master, He Peng!"

Seeing him like this, Su Chen didn't stop him anymore and allowed He Peng to salute.

"Lao He, yesterday you asked someone to send me the news that the old man is seriously ill. What is the specific situation?"

Su Shicheng asked. It turned out that He Peng asked someone to tell Su Shicheng that Su Jingyun was seriously ill.

He Peng stood up, shook his head, and said solemnly: "The situation is not good. The old master's condition has been recurring over the years, but this time it suddenly took a turn for the worse and worsened seriously. Several Alchemy Kings were invited. It seems that the meaning behind the words is for us to prepare for the funeral. "

When Su Shicheng heard this, he couldn't help but stumbled back half a step, his face turned pale: "Is it really so serious?"

He Peng looked at Su Shicheng and couldn't help but sigh: "Oh! Master, I know you feel uncomfortable, but the old master may really not be able to survive this time. Lord Dan King said, it can take as little as three months, and as long as Then half a year..."

After saying that, He Peng hesitated for a long time, and then said: "Master, to be honest, you should find an opportunity to come back sometime. In fact, the old master has been thinking about you in his heart. Although he didn't say it, but below us Everyone can see it.”

Su Shicheng took a deep breath and shook his head: "We'll talk about that later. Lao He, is there anything you can do now to allow Chen'er to come into the house and see a doctor for his father?"

"What? The young master is treating the old master?"

He Peng looked shocked and looked at Su Chen and then at Su Shicheng. In his eyes, he obviously suspected that Su Shicheng had been stimulated and had something wrong with his head.

"Young Master, I understand that you are worried about the old master's illness, but even the Lord Alchemy King of the Nine-Star Dan Association can't do anything about the old master's illness. Young Master, he..."

He Peng glanced at Su Chen. The young master had never heard of him learning alchemy when he was in the Su family. Now that he has been away from the family for three or four years, even if he has learned alchemy during these three or four years, he should be just an alchemy apprentice. , at most a first-grade alchemist is amazing.

Maybe it would be okay to treat ordinary people, but the old master's disease is a difficult and complicated disease, so how can it be understood by just an alchemist?

Su Chen knew that it was useless to talk to He Peng, so he simply took out the Dan King identity token and waved it in front of He Peng.

"The Alchemy King Token... Young Master, have you become the Alchemy King?"

He Peng was so excited that he completely woke up from the wine. He opened his mouth so wide that he could fit an egg into it, showing an extremely incredible expression.

"Uncle He, my father is worried about my grandfather's condition and wants me to go to Su's house to check on my grandfather. Is there anything you can do?"

Su Chen asked directly.

He Peng finally came to his senses and said quickly: "Young Master, I do have a way, but if you just run to Su's house like this, I'm worried about Su Shi'an..."

He Peng didn't say any more, but Su Chen understood the meaning of his words and smiled lightly: "Uncle He, you are worried that Su Shi'an will be unfavorable to me."

He Peng said quickly: "Young Master, although Su Shi'an always looks like a gentleman on the surface, I always feel that he is very sinister on the inside. I always feel uneasy if you are exposed to his sight."

"you're right."

Su Chen nodded and said to He Peng

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