Tianyu Alchemy Lord

Chapter 752 Wolf Ambition

Su Shicheng collected his emotions and then said slowly: "More than twenty years ago, my father once fought with an enemy. Although he won by luck, he was seriously injured. Later, the injury was cured, but the root of the disease remained. , Since then, my health has been deteriorating.”

"Even if it costs a huge amount to hire an alchemist from the Nine Star Dan Society, the result is just a barely extended lifespan."

Su Shicheng thought for a while and then said, "It's strange to say that when my father was injured, the wound was almost healed and there would be no root cause of the disease. But for some reason, the wound suddenly worsened rapidly and the root of the disease was left. ”

When Su Chen heard this, he roughly understood.

In his previous life, when Su Chen returned to Duyang City, Su Jingyun had already died of illness, and Su Shicheng had no intention of telling Su Chen the specific ins and outs.

It wasn't until this life that Su Chen had the opportunity to hear the details of when Su Jingyun was injured.

If Su Chen only suspected that there was something fishy about Su Jingyun's illness before, now he was sure that there must be something hidden in it.

The truth is easy to guess. Just think about if Su Shicheng was kicked out of the Su family and Su Jingyun died of a serious illness, who would benefit the most?

The truth is about to come out - Su Shi'an!

Su Chen shook his head. He had to say that Su Jingyun had poor vision and the adopted son he adopted with good intentions turned out to be an ungrateful and poisonous snake.

"Dad, if you are really worried, I can find a way to go to Su's house and check on my grandfather's condition."

Although Su Chen had no feelings for Su Jingyun, he took the initiative when he saw Su Shicheng's worried look.

After all, if Su Jingyun really dies of illness according to the trajectory of his previous life, then Su Shi'an will take charge of the Su family, which is what Su Chen doesn't want to see.

"Chen'er, can you understand?"

Su Shicheng was also stunned, and then asked hesitantly.

"Dad, during my time outside, I learned alchemy from an expert. Don't worry, I have now obtained the title of Alchemy King."

Su Chen smiled and said.

"What? The title of Alchemy King?"

Su Shicheng and Xu Wei were shocked. How could it be so easy to get the title of Alchemy King? Not to mention how old is Su Chen?

Su Chen knew that they wouldn't believe him if he told them, so he simply took out the Dan King identity token and waved it in front of the two of them.

At this time, the two of them looked at Su Chen in shock. Oh my god, what kind of adventures did his son get outside?


Su Shicheng was also very emotional and said to Xu Wei, "Look, I said that our two children are indeed the best among men and will definitely make us two very proud!"


Su Shicheng frowned again and said to Su Chen, "It's not that dad can't trust you, but you just entered the Su family in such a arrogant manner. I'm just worried that Su Shi'an will trip you up again when he sees you."

Although Su Shicheng did not yet have a clear understanding of Su Shi'an's ambitions, he had an instinctive defense against Su Shi'an ever since he was tricked by Su Shi'an, and naturally he did not want Su Chen to go to the Su family like this.

"Don't worry, I have a way. Su Shi'an won't stand a chance." Su Chen said with a smile, "And maybe, I can even cure my grandfather."

"Can you cure it? This is impossible..." Su Shicheng also shook his head. Although he knew that Su Chen was now the Alchemy King, the alchemist from the Jiuxing Dan Society was also an Alchemy King, and he was very experienced. There are many veteran Dan kings. Everyone was helpless, so how could Su Chen do anything?

Su Chen didn't explain much and just said: "Dad, anyway, I'm going to take a look. Even if I can't cure it, I can also understand my grandfather's current physical condition."

Su Shicheng pondered for a long time, still shaking his head, unwilling to let Su Chen take risks.

Su Chen's face sank deliberately: "Dad, you just don't believe me? Do you think I will be the kind of person who doesn't know the importance and deliberately puts himself in danger?"

"It's not like this……"

Su Shicheng was about to explain, but when he saw the aura exuding from Su Chen at this moment, he couldn't help but be stunned. At this moment, Su Chen gave him the feeling of incomparable confidence, and the light radiating from his body made people unable to help but feel heartbroken.

This is a kind of temperament that only the absolutely strong can have, but at this moment it appears in Su Chen, who is only seventeen years old.

Su Shicheng couldn't help but open his mouth slightly, and then slowly closed it after a moment. He had a vague feeling that his son had unknowingly become a being that he didn't understand.

However, Su Shicheng gradually gained an unplanned confidence in his son.

"Okay." Su Shicheng finally nodded, "I will take you to a place to find someone who can let you enter the Su family!"

Duyang City, a lively commercial street.

Although Duyang City is a hidden city, there are not only four major hidden families, but also many other forces, individual warriors and civilians living here, making Duyang City very prosperous.

At this moment, in a restaurant on the commercial street, everyone

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