Tianyu Alchemy Lord

Chapter 732 Not an enemy

Su Chen knew that Kuang Chun's experience was very legendary.

He is the illegitimate son of the current head of the Kuang family. His status is very special in the Kuang family and has not even been recognized by the Kuang family.

It is said that Kuang Chun's biological mother was just an ordinary woman without any cultivation. The current head of the Kuang family was accidentally seriously injured when he went out for training. He was rescued by him and recovered to health under careful care. Then the two gave birth to a child. Kuang Chun.

Soon after, Kuang Chun's biological mother died of a sudden illness. The current head of the Kuang family took Kuang Chun back to the Kuang family to raise her. Because of his biological mother's inferior status, Kuang Chun's life in the Kuang family was also very bumpy.

To put it bluntly, in the eyes of the powerful, Kuang Chun was an illegitimate child and was not worthy of publicity.

How an illegitimate son who was not worthy of publicity later defeated many competitors and became the head of the Kuang family is another legendary experience.

At least for now, there are still several years before Kuang Chun becomes the head of the Kuang family.

"Kuang Chun."

Su Chen stood not far behind him and said.

When Kuang Chun heard this, he couldn't help but turn around and glance at Su Chen, but there was no surprise in his eyes. Obviously, with Kuang Chun's identity, it is common for him to be recognized outside.

"Did you save me? Thank you."

Kuang Chun looked at Su Chen and said, with a strange color in his eyes. He thought that the person who saved him would be an old alchemist with good hands and benevolence, but he didn't expect that he would be such a young boy. .

He was so seriously injured that he thought he was dead at the time, but he was saved. Even he felt miraculous.

"It seems you are recovering well."

Su Chen smiled lightly and said that at first he just appreciated the other party's righteousness in dealing with Jin Lingying, and couldn't bear to see him die, so he took action to rescue him.

On the other hand, if Su Chen had not taken the Mustard Seed Monument away, the other party might have been directly transported away by the space power of the Mustard Seed Monument and would not have been so seriously injured. Therefore, because of this, Su Chen felt that he also had the obligation to save people.

However, Su Chen didn't expect that the other party's identity was so special.

Of course, Kuang Chun's current identity is just a hidden dragon, and has not transformed into a real dragon. In the future, he will soar to the sky and become the leader of the Kuang family among the eight ancient families.

Only Su Chen knew this.

"Tell me your name. Today's favor, I will definitely return it in full in the future!"

Kuang Chun said.

"You haven't fully recovered from your injuries, so don't rush to repay the favor."

Su Chen said and threw a pill bottle in his hand to Kuang Chun.

Kuang Chun caught the elixir bottle, hesitated for a moment, and opened the cork. To be honest, he also brought some healing elixirs with him.

However, he did not think that the wound he had scratched by Jin Lingying's claws could be cured with the healing elixir on his body.

Turning the elixir bottle upside down, a round elixir fell into the palm of Kuang Chun's hand, and a soothing aroma of the elixir emitted.

"It smells so good."

Kuang Chun couldn't help but have a strange look in his eyes again. As a member of the eight ancient aristocratic families, he had seen a lot of top-quality elixirs, but at this moment, he still couldn't help but be attracted by the mellow aroma exuded by this elixir. And was surprised.

Looking at Su Chen again, Kuang Chun swallowed the pill in one gulp without any further hesitation.

This elixir melts in the mouth and turns into a stream of heat that enters the limbs and bones. Wherever it goes, the flesh and bones scream in joy, scrambling to absorb the power of the medicine and use it to repair themselves.

Kuang Chun's expression also changed suddenly, and he was obviously aware of the excellent therapeutic effect of this pill on his body. He cupped his fist at Su Chen, then immediately sat cross-legged and began to refine the medicinal power with all his strength.

Su Chen smiled lightly and was not surprised by Kuang Chun's reaction.

A quarter of an hour later, Kuang Chun finished refining and stood up.

His body didn't seem to have changed much, but his face was a little rosier than before, and his whole person became more energetic, exuding a kind of vitality.

Su Chen nodded again and said, "He's almost recovered."

"Who are you?"

Kuang Chun couldn't help but ask again. Although he was mentally prepared, the efficacy of Su Chen's elixir still shocked him. Such an immediate healing elixir was unheard of, even with his experience.

"It doesn't matter who I am, what's important is that we are not enemies."

Su Chen said with a faint smile.

Kuang Chun nodded. Of course he agreed with Su Chen's words. Someone who was an enemy would not give such a precious elixir to him casually.

In fact, from the moment Su Chen rescued him, the relationship between the two of course had nothing to do with enemies.

But if we say they are friends, they don't seem to be considered friends. After all, they are just a chance encounter.

"You are from the Kuang family, you shouldn't be in the Kuang family? Why are you in the Black Night Mountains?"

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