Tianyu Alchemy Lord

Chapter 731 The future head of the family


The lion-haired man hit Jin Lingying on the head with a fist, and the nine fist energies shone brightly.

At the same time, Jin Lingying also grabbed a claw on the chest of the lion-haired powerhouse.

Jin Lingying's head was bruised and bleeding, and even his brains were smashed out. His wings hung down weakly, and his huge body crashed to the ground, making a huge hole in the ground.

The lion-haired man's chest was also scratched by Jin Lingying's claws. A shocking wound was made. The internal organs could even be seen from the wound, and blood was pouring out crazily.

The lion-haired man glanced at the sky and suddenly fell down.

The entire battlefield was in deathly silence at the moment, and almost everyone was dead and unconscious.

At this moment, the entire cave was shaken by the earth and the mountains, and huge boulders continued to fall from the top of the cave like rain.

Seeing this, Su Chen knew that the battle just now had put the cave in danger, and now it was completely unable to hold up and was about to collapse.

However, among the people present, many were just unconscious and not dead yet. If they had left it alone, they might have been completely crushed to death by the boulders in the cave.

At that moment, Su Chen couldn't think too much and grabbed the two people closest to him. With a thought, he took the two unconscious people to the space of the Mustard Seed Monument.

Su Chen laid the two people flat on the grass, then left the Mustard Seed space with a thought, then grabbed the two unconscious people and brought them to the Mustard Seed space.

In this way, he quickly transferred dozens of people to the mustard space. Basically, those who were not dead but just unconscious were transferred in by him. The strong man with lion hair was also transferred in by him.

Afterwards, Su Chen quickly escaped from the cave with the Mustard Seed Tablet.


The moment he ran out of the cave, the cave behind him completely collapsed.

Countless boulders completely sealed and compacted the space in the cave.

"What a pity that Jin Lingying's body is."

Su Chen stared at the direction of the cave and couldn't help but sigh. The corpse of the monster in the wheel realm was covered with treasures. It was a huge fortune. It's a pity that it was buried in the cave like this, and it may have to be turned into a fossil before it can be dug out.

After Su Chen took another look, he turned and left the valley without hesitation.

This trip to the depths of the Dark Night Mountains really made him very satisfied. The harvest was great. Obtaining a treasure like the Mustard Seed Tablet would be of endless benefit to his future cultivation path.

Su Chen ran all the way to a place far away from the valley, and then stopped.

He found a secluded open space, and then entered the mustard space.

After Su Chen's body enters the Mustard Seed space, the Mustard Seed Monument will turn into Mustard Seed dust and float in the air. It cannot be detected by ordinary people, so it is very safe.

As soon as he entered the space, Su Chen first saw the dozens of people he had just brought into the Mustard Seed space. At this moment, these people were still unconscious on the grass.

Su Chen took out some healing elixirs and gave them to these people.

Then, he walked towards the lion-haired strongman whose name he did not know.

In the battle with Jin Lingying just now, the lion-haired man made the greatest contribution and was also the most seriously injured.

There were dozens of injuries, large and small, on his body, the most serious of which was the last scratch from Jin Ling's eagle's claws. The skin was torn open and even the internal organs came out.

"This injury is really serious."

Su Chen sighed with emotion. He was not boasting. If this person did not meet him but met other alchemists, he would probably be unable to save himself. Or even if it is saved, there will be very powerful sequelae.

This is because the quality of ordinary healing elixirs is not enough, and they often do not have much effect in the face of such serious injuries.

Su Chen took out a few high-quality healing elixirs that he usually refined, stuffed them into the lion-haired man's mouth, pinched his chin, and made him swallow.

Afterwards, Su Chen walked aside, closed his eyes slightly, and began to practice.

It is possible to practice in this Mustard Seed Space. As for the speed of practice, Su Chen asked the tree spirit and the answer he got was similar to the outside world.

The reason why herbs can grow a thousand times faster here is because of the soil properties here, not because the flow of time here is faster than in the outside world.

After Su Chen had practiced for a while, he heard dozens of people over there who had been brought into the Mustard Seed Space waking up one after another.

"What is this place?"

"Didn't we fight Jin Lingying in the cave? Is Jin Lingying dead?"

"The air here is quite fresh. I said, could this be a dream?"

"Hiss—the wound hurts so much."

Everyone was talking in surprise. The injuries on their bodies told them that this was not a dream. However, suddenly they came from the dark and dangerous cave to this place with blue sky, white clouds, birds singing and the fragrance of flowers. This made them all feel as if they were falling into the clouds. middle.

And what makes them feel even more strange is that their injuries are actually getting better, as if someone has given them medicine. Strange, really strange!

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