Tianyu Alchemy Lord

Chapter 708 Jiang Laosan

Zheng Fang had nothing to say, because the man in the red turban was right.

When the employer entrusted the Red Rainbow Mercenary Group to escort the box, he did open the box and show it to them in advance. At that time, there were indeed twenty intact fresh herbs in the box. He saw it with his own eyes.

Even though Zheng Fang didn't believe the other party, he couldn't help but believe his own eyes.

Therefore, Zheng Fang felt a little dumbfounded at this moment. He really couldn't figure out why the medicinal materials in the box were still in good condition when he set off, and he had not opened the box along the way. Why did it turn into dry medicinal materials now? ?

"What, you're speechless?" the man in the red turban sneered.

Zheng Fang said in a deep voice: "I don't know what happened to these medicinal materials, but what I can guarantee is that the people in our Chihong Mercenary Group have never touched these medicinal materials!"

"How much is your guarantee worth?"

The red-turbaned man sneered disdainfully, "Forget it, I, Jiang Laosan, will not have any unnecessary arguments with you. In short, there was a problem with the goods while your Chihong Mercenary Group was escorting these goods. I ask you to compensate for these." Goods, that makes sense, right?”

Zheng Fang was calm. Although he could confirm that the goods were definitely not damaged by his own people, there was really no problem with the other party's request for compensation. Logically speaking, their Chihong Mercenary Group should indeed compensate.

Although their Chihong Mercenary Group is not large in scale, if a mercenary group wants to survive in the world, credibility is crucial. Once its credibility is gone, it will no longer be able to receive any commissions.

Therefore, Zheng Fang gritted his teeth, made up his mind, nodded and said: "Okay, how much is this batch of medicinal materials worth, I will compensate you according to the price."

Saying these words, Zheng Fang's heart was bleeding. Originally, they could get one hundred non-attribute spiritual stones as reward for this mission of escorting the goods. But now, not only are the wages ruined, but compensation is also required.

However, for the sake of the credibility of the Chihong Mercenary Group, Zheng Fang could only grit his teeth and say this.

After hearing Zheng Fang's words, the man in the red turban softened his expression slightly and said, "You have some credibility."

"Let's do this. Since you are sincere in solving the problem, I won't embarrass you too much. This batch of medicinal materials is high-level red snake ginseng in the Lingtai realm. According to the market price, it costs fifty yuan for a non-attributed spiritual stone. Twenty plants, one thousand non-attributed spirit stones, take out the spirit stones, and let’s clear it up,” said the man in the red turban.

"A thousand pieces of non-attribute spiritual stones?"

Zheng Fang took a breath of air and almost cried out.

And the people around them also opened their eyes wide, and couldn't believe their ears. This was the lion's mouth.

"You mean, you want us to compensate you with a thousand non-attributed spiritual stones for these tattered medicinal materials?"

Zheng Fang asked in disbelief. One thousand non-attribute spiritual stones is not a small amount. Their Chihong mercenary group has come and gone, and they cannot earn one thousand non-attribute spiritual stones in a year, let alone You still have to spend money on a regular basis, but in a year you may not even be able to earn two hundred non-attribute spiritual stones, and you may even lose money sometimes.

A thousand pieces of non-attribute spiritual stones are at least the earnings of their Red Rainbow Mercenary Group for ten years!

"That's right. Why, do you want to default on the debt?" The man in the red turban's face darkened.

"Captain Zheng, he is obviously trying to blackmail us."

"Yes, this box of medicinal materials is just some ordinary medicinal materials. How can it be worth so much money?"

"Okay! You really want to default on the bill!" The man in the red turban suddenly slammed the table and stood up, shouting, "This is obviously a box of high-quality red snake ginseng, and you stole our box of high-quality red snake ginseng." , and you still want to refuse compensation, where in the world can such a good thing come from? "

"Today you must come up with a thousand non-attribute spiritual stones, otherwise you won't be able to leave here even half a step!" The man with the red turban had a fierce look in his eyes, completely tearing off his disguise.

The two strong men behind the man in the red turban also stood up at the same time, releasing a pressure and pressing towards the members of the Chihong Mercenary Group.

From all around the restaurant, figures were also coming out one after another at this moment, approaching the people of the Chihong Mercenary Group.

Seeing this scene, Zheng Fang, as a veteran in the world, could not help but understand that he was being ripped off.

Zheng Fang said in a deep voice: "There is no evidence whether this box of medicinal materials is as valuable as you said. Our Chihong Mercenary Group is willing to compensate you for your losses, but that does not mean that we are willing to be taken advantage of!"

The red-turbaned man's eyes were fierce and he said: "Having said all this, don't you just want to deny the debt? Let me tell you, you have to pay today whether you pay or not. If you really can't come up with the money, then don't pay today. I want to get out of here.”

As he said that, the man with the red scarf turned his eyes around and landed on the little Ling'er. His eyes lit up slightly and he said, "Is this your daughter? She will be a beautiful girl when she grows up. If she sells it, she should be able to sell it." A good price, worth at least a hundred non-attribute spiritual stones!”

"Don't try to trick my daughter!" Zheng Fang hugged Xiao Ling'er and was furious.

The man in the red turban laughed loudly and said: "When you die, you won't have to worry about what I do to her. Of course, if you don't want this to happen, then take out the spirit stone to compensate."

"As long as the spirit stone is in place, I can let you

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