Tianyu Alchemy Lord

Chapter 707: Unexpected twists and turns

"In that case, let me put it here first."

Su Chen was naturally not polite and put the pendant away.

Sure enough, as Su Chen expected, after Su Chen used his soul power to cover up the aura of the pendant, no monsters followed them anymore, and no monsters came to attack again.

In the next few days, the team marched in the dark night mountains, collecting herbs and occasionally beating a few monsters to practice their skills, appearing very calm.

Su Chen's status in the team has also increased. Not only does no one dare to gossip about him behind his back, but Xiao Xiang and others from before are now respectful in front of him.

In this way, five days later, the team arrived at a village located in the core of the Night Mountains.

"This village is the closest village to the place where the treasure was born."

Zheng Fang said, "Strong men from all walks of life who come here to hunt for treasure will choose to settle in this village. Brother Chen, let's go in."

Su Chen nodded and walked towards the village with Zheng Fang and the others.

This village is somewhat similar to the Lingye Village where Su Chen stayed when he first came to the Black Night Mountains. They are the kind of villages that warriors spontaneously build to stay.

However, since this village is built at the core of the Black Night Mountain Range, its security level is much higher than that of Lingye Village.

After each person paid two pieces of non-attributed spiritual stones as the village entry fee, the group walked into the village.

"Brother Chen, now let's hand over the escort items to the person designated by the employer, and then we can end the escort mission." Zheng Fang said to Su Chen, "Are you coming with us?"

"Okay." Su Chen had nothing to do anyway, so he went to take a look with them.

The group of people came to a restaurant in the village. In a place like this, a restaurant is the best place to meet.

After casually ordering a few drinks and dishes, everyone sat down and waited for the connector to arrive.

No one was in the mood to eat the food on the wine table, only Little Ling'er could eat it with enthusiasm.

At three o'clock in the morning, three men walked into the restaurant from outside. The leader of them wore a red scarf on his head. As soon as he entered, he looked around with his eyes.

Zheng Fang's eyes lit up and he said: "The employer said that the contact person was wearing a red headscarf. It seems that it should be them."

With that said, Zheng Fang stood up and waved to the man in the red turban.

The man in the red turban also saw them and walked over with the other two people.

Su Chen glanced at him indifferently, and his intuition told him that this man with a red turban was careless and did not look like a good person.

Soon, the man in the red turban and the other two walked to the table and sat down.

The man in the red turban first picked up a wine glass on the table, took a big sip, smacked it, and then said, "Have you brought the goods?"

"Bring it." Zheng Fang said quickly, and then ordered a team member beside him, "Take out the goods."

The team member took out the small wooden box and placed it on the table.

Zheng Fang picked up the wooden box with both hands, handed it to the man in the red turban, and said: "The goods are here. They were safe along the way. We have not opened them. If there is no problem, please pay the other half of the reward."

Generally speaking, the rules for mercenary groups to escort goods are to pay half of the reward before departure, and after the goods are delivered to the designated location, the person who connects them will pay the other half.

The man in the red turban hummed, took the wooden box and said, "Check it first. If there is no problem, the other half of the reward will be given to you."

With that said, the man in the red turban took out a key from his body and opened the box in front of Zheng Fang.

He glanced inside the box and suddenly looked surprised.

Then, he suddenly slammed the table angrily, stared at Zheng Fang with a pair of eyes, and sneered: "Is this the goods you are responsible for escorting? I, Jiang Laosan, have been living in Yinfeng Village for so many years, and this is the first time I have seen him. To a mercenary group like you who blatantly embezzles your employer’s goods!”

Zheng Fang was startled and asked hurriedly: "What do you mean? We have never opened this box from beginning to end. What's more, the key is not with us, so we can't open it."

The man in the red turban sneered and said, "I just discovered that the lock on this box has been rotten for too long. It can be opened with just a twist. There is no need for a key at all."

"What?" Zheng Fang frowned, "I don't know about this kind of thing. Moreover, I can guarantee that no one in our Chihong Mercenary Group has touched this box without permission."

"Still quibbling?"

The man in the red turban sneered and pushed the open box over, "Then open your dog eyes and take a good look, and then let everyone present see what is in this box?"

The shouts of the man in the red turban attracted the attention of other people in the restaurant.

Several bystanders around him couldn't help but look at each other in confusion when they saw the contents of the open box.

Full of doubts, Zheng Fang stretched his head and looked into the box opened by the man in the red turban.

Afterwards, Zheng Fang couldn't help but take a breath of air.

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