Tianyu Alchemy Lord

Chapter 680: I dare you

"To be able to force Lin Jingtian to the point of using the ultimate trick, that kid who is half a step into the Lingtai realm is really a bit evil."

In the stands, the head of the Lin family also frowned. To be honest, he never expected that Lin Jingtian would be forced to use a unique trick in the top 16 match.

"In order to deal with that kid, Lin Jingtian exposed his strength too early."

The head of the Lin family shook his head slightly. Lin Jingtian's character has not yet been tempered. There are many other ways to deal with a half-step Lingtai realm, so why use the bottom-of-the-box moves?


Under everyone's gaze, Lin Jingtian pushed forward with both palms, and the terrifying primeval energy wrapped around his palms suddenly turned into a primeval palm less than half a foot in size and roared out.

Although the size of this true energy palm is not that amazing, the energy contained in it is astonishing.

However, at the same moment, Su Chen also opened his eyes, and two pupil lights that were condensed as if they were real, shot out from Su Chen's eyes and shot towards Lin Jingtian's eyes.

The moment Lin Jingtian's true energy palm was pushed out, Su Chen's pupils also hit Lin Jingtian's eyes.

And as Su Chen's pupils penetrated, Lin Jingtian's body suddenly stiffened, and the hands he had raised just now immediately dropped weakly, and he stood still in place with a dull expression.

"Bahuang Demonic Sword Formation!"

Su Chen activated his hand skills, and four flying swords shot out from the space ring and hit Lin Jingtian's true energy palm.

Boom boom boom!

The two collided, and continuous loud noises rang out from the center of the ring, as if a large explosion had occurred. Lin Jingtian's true energy palm and Su Chen's four flying swords collided, and the terrifying aftermath fanned out towards them. They surged out from all directions.

The ferocious and vigorous true energy and the sharp flying swords were eroding each other desperately during the collision, as if they were going to devour each other.

On the surface, it seemed that Lin Jingtian's true essence palm had the upper hand, while Su Chen's four flying swords seemed to be wrapped in Lin Jingtian's true essence palm, constantly eating away at it.

But the next moment, a sudden change occurred. Lin Jingtian, who was looking dull, suddenly opened his mouth and spit out a mouthful of blood.

Immediately, the four flying swords broke through the blockade of Zhen Yuan's palm and flew towards Lin Jingtian.

"Lin Jingtian's moves were defeated!"

Everyone took a breath and looked puzzled.

"What's going on with Sedum?"

The head of the Lin family also changed his expression. A strong man like him naturally understood that the main problem why Lin Jingtian's true energy palm was defeated was Lin Jingtian himself.

Lin Jingtian has a problem of his own, and his true energy palm will naturally collapse if it has no successor power.

But what happened to Lin Jingtian? He actually stood there, as if in a daze.

This is the most critical moment in the arena, a critical moment that determines victory or defeat, but Lin Jingtian seems to be in a trance, standing there in a daze!

If it weren't for the fact that this person was the always excellent Lin Jingtian, the head of the Lin family would have almost blurted out "trash".

In the blink of an eye, Su Chen's four flying swords had flown in front of Lin Jingtian.

The sharp air flow brought by the four flying swords that rotated at high speed had even scratched small scars on Lin Jingtian's face, with blood gushing out from them.


The face of the head of the Lin family in the stands changed and he stood up.

At this time, Lin Jingtian finally woke up in the ring.

As soon as he woke up, his expression changed drastically. However, it was too late to wake up at this moment.

Su Chen's four flying swords have begun to launch the final strangulation!

The flying sword rotates at high speed, like a millstone, twisting and grinding hard.

Lin Jingtian had no time to react. His body, which he was proud of, was cut off by the flying sword. His whole body was divided into two parts from the middle and he fell down.

At this moment, the whole place was dead silent!

Everyone stood there with their mouths wide open, all with uniform expressions, which even looked a bit funny.

Damn it!

How can this be!

The same sigh lingered in everyone's heart.

They couldn't even believe that what they saw was real.

Chen Shu, who was halfway to the Lingtai realm, actually killed Lin Jingtian, who was at the sixth level of the Lingtai realm, in the ring!

Moreover, in such a shocking way, Lin Jingtian was twisted into two pieces.

"In the end what happened?"

"Lin Jingtian actually died like this?"

Everything happened so fast that many people didn't even know what was happening.

They just saw that Lin Jingtian seemed to be stunned for a moment, and then he was strangled to death by Su Chen's flying sword.

However, they couldn't figure out why Lin Jingtian suddenly became dazed.

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