Tianyu Alchemy Lord

Chapter 679 The Peak Battle

Then, everyone saw Su Chen's figure shot out like a sharp arrow from the collision point, and he took more than ten steps back before he could regain his balance.

However, at this moment, no one dared to laugh at Su Chen's retreat, even Lin Jingtian looked solemn.

In the stands, the head of the Lin family had a look of shock in his eyes.

Because only his eyesight could tell that there was a slight crack on Lin Jingtian's great sword of true essence.

How can this be!

The head of the Lin family couldn't believe it. Lin Jingtian had a head-to-head fight with an opponent at the Half-Step Lingtai level, but it was Lin Jingtian who cracked first?


As this slight sound sounded, the cracks in Lin Jingtian's True Essence Giant Sword continued to expand, finally attracting the attention of everyone else present.

A series of stunned eyes were cast on Lin Jingtian's True Essence Giant Sword, unable to believe the scene they saw in front of them.

"Did you see that Lin Jingtian's great sword actually cracked?"

"How is this possible?"


As everyone started talking, a crisp sound suddenly sounded.

In the astonished eyes of everyone, Lin Jingtian's true essence giant sword shattered with a crisp sound, and pieces of true essence fragments dissipated in the air.

"A person who is half-step to the Lingtai realm..."

"In a head-on confrontation, he actually shattered the full force of a sixth-level genius in the Lingtai Realm?"

At this moment, a feeling of extreme absurdity pervaded the hearts of everyone present.

How did that guy do it?

Although he retreated in the face-to-face confrontation with this move, he shattered Lin Jingtian's True Essence Giant Sword!

It was very obvious that the person who had the upper hand in this move was actually Su Chen!

There was dead silence in the stands, everyone was shocked and speechless by Su Chen's strength.

At least, so far, the two people in the ring are in a very stalemate situation.

It can be said that although this battle in the ring is a battle among the top 16, it is also a peak battle that is ahead of schedule!

After Su Chen stood firm on the stage, he let out a breath and suppressed the surge of blood in his chest.

In fact, Su Chen was not as relaxed as everyone had guessed when he shattered Lin Jingtian's True Yuan Giant Sword. In addition to the powerful explosiveness of Su Chen's True Yuan, the Blood Demon Sword that activated three-tenths of its power also helped. A lot of work.

However, even so, this move still caused the energy and blood in Su Chen's chest to shake, making him very uncomfortable.

The reason why Su Chen did not dodge this move but chose to take it head on was because he had his own purpose.

This is to disturb Lin Jingtian's mind so that he can prepare for his future plans.

A genius at the sixth level of the Lingtai realm like Lin Jingtian has many trump cards, and his actual combat power exceeds that of the average sixth level of the Lingtai realm. Such an opponent deserves to be dealt with more carefully by Su Chen.


Su Chen took another long breath, and then his eyes suddenly opened, and his pupils suddenly turned into red hook shapes, like two bloody crescent moons.

At the same time, the soul power in Su Chen's sea of ​​consciousness suddenly started to move at a high speed.

"What's this?"

Lin Jingtian couldn't help but frown when he saw Su Chen's red eyes.

"What a powerful fluctuation in soul power!"

Just when Su Chen mobilized his soul power, Li Shitong in the stands also took a slight breath.

Many alchemists in the stands also noticed this faint fluctuation of soul power.

Even though the stands are so far away from the ring, you can still feel the fluctuations in soul power, which is enough to show how powerful the fluctuations in soul power are.

The power of this soul is no less powerful than that of a high-level Alchemy King!

Many alchemists gasped. Many of them only thought that Su Chen was just an alchemy genius among the younger generation, and had never really paid attention to Su Chen's alchemy strength.

Many people even knew that King Mulangdan and King He Yandan admired Su Chen very much, but they just thought that what they admired was just Su Chen's theoretical knowledge of alchemy.

However, at this moment, they realized that they were completely wrong. Su Chen's soul power was not inferior to those two veteran alchemy kings.

At only sixteen or seventeen years old, he actually possesses such surging soul power. This is simply a monster!

Su Chen ignored the many shocked looks and just kept stimulating the soul power in the sea of ​​consciousness.

Finally, the expression of Lin Jingtian opposite him gradually changed, and he finally read a fatal threat from Su Chen's red eyes. The brief doubt and surprise just now caused him to miss the best opportunity to attack.

"Does this guy want to use his soul attack in battle?"

Lin Jingtian knew that many people believed that alchemists would be inferior to ordinary people in martial arts, which was why many people looked down on alchemists in the martial arts arena.

However, in fact, alchemists have unique

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