Tianyu Alchemy Lord

Chapter 652: Reversing Time

"The three Songyun Pills I have on hand now are all fourteen-star quality. If taken by a warrior at the Transformation Realm, they can extend their lifespan by about forty years. If taken by a warrior at the Lingtai Realm or above, they can extend their lifespan by twenty-five years. Of course, this It’s still an average value, and it will fluctuate depending on each person’s physical condition.”

Su Chen gave a precise answer.


Ren Jiuguang nodded and said decisively, "I'm offering three thousand non-attribute spiritual stones. What do you think?"

As soon as these words came out, although everyone else present knew that Ren Jiuguang's bid would definitely not be low, they still couldn't help but gasp when they heard his words!

Three thousand pieces of non-attributed spiritual stones, what is this concept?

A piece of spiritual stone without attributes can be sold for twenty thousand taels of silver in the market.

Three thousand pieces of non-attributed spiritual stones, that’s a total of 60 million taels of silver!

Moreover, many people don't have much of a resource like non-attribute spiritual stones on hand, and most of the transactions are for ten or twenty yuan, and they can rarely be purchased in bulk.

In other words, even if you have 60 million, it is difficult to buy 3,000 non-attribute spiritual stones at one time.

Being able to take out three thousand non-attributed spiritual stones in one go means that a master of alchemy at the level of Ren Jiuguang has a rich family that is unimaginable to ordinary people, so he can be so wealthy.

Even Su Chen didn't expect Ren Jiuguang to be so majestic.

But he soon smiled. Three thousand non-attribute spiritual stones were enough to meet his and his companions' long-term cultivation needs. Being able to get them from Ren Jiuguang also saved him from having to spend energy to buy them.

"make a deal."

Su Chen also said decisively.

In full view of everyone, the two immediately completed the transaction on the spot. Ren Jiuguang's space ring contained 3,000 non-attribute spiritual stones and was handed over directly to Su Chen.

Later, Su Chen also put a Songyun Pill in a pill bottle and handed it to Ren Jiuguang.

Ren Jiuguang almost couldn't wait to take the elixir bottle, uncorked the bottle and poured out the Songyun elixir. He held it in his hand and showed a comfortable smile: "Okay, okay, the elixir that competes with the sky for longevity, I finally Got."

Looking at Ren Jiuguang's appearance, he didn't feel any pain at all for having paid three thousand non-attributed spiritual stones. Instead, he felt contented and even elated.

Obviously, for a strong man like Ren Jiuguang who is old and may end his life at any time, money is more than just a number. He can spend a large amount of wealth in exchange for a few more decades of life. He has no intention at all. I don’t feel any loss.

Moreover, if he makes another major breakthrough in his cultivation during these extra decades of living, then his lifespan will also make another breakthrough.

From this perspective, Ren Jiuguang not only did not lose money, but also made money.

Of course, for Su Chen, this deal was extremely cost-effective. He earned three thousand non-attribute spiritual stones at almost no cost, and it was not in vain that he spent so much soul power to refine these three pine stones. Yun Dan is gone.

——Complex elixirs like Songyundan, even if Su Chen refines them, are very soul-consuming, and it will take at least a full month of rest to recover.

"Vice President Ren, the key points of taking Songyundan..."

Su Chen was talking about the precautions for taking Songyundan, while Ren Jiuguang had already put Songyundan into his mouth.

This scene also surprised everyone at the scene and was a bit funny. Unexpectedly, Ren Jiuguang, who looked quite majestic, was so impatient that he swallowed Songyundan on the spot and could not wait until he got home. Take.

As soon as this Songyundan is taken, the power of the medicine is dissolved and spreads along the meridians to every corner of the body.

Within a moment, Ren Jiuguang's body surface suddenly emitted a faint green halo, and a wave of vitality filled every corner of his body.

Su Chen knew that this was the power of Songyundan starting to take effect, and the faint green halo was the dissolving power of Songyundan.

As time passed, the green halo became lighter and lighter, and the medicinal power in it was gradually absorbed by Ren Jiuguang's body.

Suddenly, everyone present saw a crack suddenly appear on Ren Jiuguang's neck, and then, a piece of dead skin fell off like a piece of wallpaper stuck to the wall.

Immediately afterwards, there were more and more cracks, and more and more dead skin fell off, and it was not limited to the neck, but the face, hands and feet, and the whole body...

Everyone was surprised to find that Ren Jiuguang was actually shedding his skin. After the dead skin fell off, what was revealed was slightly red, young and elastic new skin.

Next, black impurities continued to overflow from Ren Jiuguang's seven orifices and ten fingers.

Su Chen knew that this was the skin on Ren Jiuguang's body being replaced by old and new. As for those black impurities, it was the toxicity accumulated in the body for many years that was being discharged.

At this time, other people present could also see that Songyundan seemed to be really working.

At least, the replacement of old and new skin on the body, as well as the overflowing black impurities, all show that there is indeed a metabolic force at work in Ren Jiuguang's body.

Time passed by minute by second, and finally, when the faint green halo disappeared, Ren Jiuguang's whole body

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