Tianyu Alchemy Lord

Chapter 651 Buying on the spot

Seeing this, King Wan Dan calmed things down and said with a smile: "If you have doubts, that's easy. Just ask Chen Xiaoyou, what kind of medicine is this medicine and what kind of medicinal effect does it have? Then you will know?"

After saying that, King Wan Dan looked at Su Chen and asked, "Xiaoyou Chen, what kind of medicine is this medicine you refined?"

Su Chen met the gazes of everyone present, walked forward calmly, and said, "This pill is called Songyun Pill. When warriors above the realm of material transformation take it, they can increase their life span by twenty to fifty years."


As soon as these words came out, everyone present took a breath, especially those who were very old, and their expressions changed.

Increase your life, prolong your life! Who wouldn't be excited to hear this kind of thing, especially old guys like them!

Even people like Ren Jiuguang couldn't help but change their expressions after hearing this!

Needless to say, King Wan Dan, as soon as he heard Su Chen said that it was a longevity elixir, his head suddenly exploded and he was shocked.

However, King Wandan immediately realized that this was a big deal. The longevity-prolonging elixir had never appeared in Dongzhou before. Once it appeared, it would definitely cause a huge sensation.

At that moment, King Wandan immediately pulled Su Chen behind him: "Little friend Chen, there is no need to say anything else."

The starting point of the Wandan King is very simple, that is to protect Su Chen. If many powerful people in the outside world know that Su Chen can refine longevity elixirs, trouble will ensue.

Therefore, King Wandan felt that at least this matter could not be spread outside the Jiuxingdan Society.

Su Chen smiled slightly at King Wandan. He naturally knew what King Wandan was thinking, but he had already made plans about this. He knew that once the world knew about the existence of Songyundan, it would be a disaster for him. Blessings depend on each other.

The advantage is, of course, that it can make oneself famous. The disadvantage is that it may bring negative pressure to yourself.

Holding the prescription and refining method of this high-level elixir in his hands would make Su Chen the center of everyone's attention in an instant, and naturally many people with ulterior motives would target him.

King Lai Dan raised his eyebrows and said, "Brother Wan, what do you mean? We just want to know more information about this elixir. There is nothing to hide, right?"

King Wan Dan said in a deep voice: "Brother Lai, if the news about this medicine gets out, you should know how much impact it will have, right?"

"Hmph!" King Lai Dan disagreed, "Is this pill really a pill that can prolong life? Why do I feel so confused?"


Ren Jiuguang suddenly spoke, his eyes staring at the bottle of elixir refined by Su Chen, intently, full of different meanings.

In fact, many people know that even though Ren Jiuguang looks rosy and energetic, he is actually very old, more than ten years older than the other three senile Dan Kings.

In other words, compared to the other three Alchemy Kings, Death's footsteps are closest to him.

Therefore, he has a greater sense of life and death crisis than the other three pill kings. If this life-prolonging pill is real, it will be the most tempting to him.

"Bring me the elixir and take a look."

Ren Jiuguang said again.

Su Chen smiled slightly and handed the medicine bottle in his hand to Ren Jiuguang.

Ren Jiuguang took the medicine bottle, uncorked it, poured a pill into his palm, observed and smelled it again, then closed his eyes and thought carefully.

After a moment, he suddenly opened his eyes and murmured: "The pine-crowned crane competes with the sky for longevity... This is indeed a pill that can extend people's lives!"

As soon as these words came out, everyone present was shocked!

Everyone took a breath. If they had doubts before, Ren Jiuguang's words were undoubtedly the final word for Su Chen's elixir, confirming that it was indeed a life-prolonging elixir.

"This...how is this possible? It's actually a life-prolonging elixir!"

"It's so amazing. This is truly a battle for longevity with the sky and a fight for the creation of the heaven and earth. It's simply a miraculous workmanship."

While everyone was sighing, they also knew that if the powerful people from all over the East Continent knew that the Nine-Star Dan Society actually had a life-prolonging elixir, the crowd of people who came to ask for the medicine would definitely break the threshold of the Nine-Star Dan Society!

"Your name is Chen Shu?"

Ren Jiuguang's eyes turned to Su Chen.

Su Chen nodded calmly and said, "Yes."

This Ren Jiuguang, if nothing else happens, should be Ren Xiaozhou's grandfather. Because Su Chen remembered that Ren Xiaozhou mentioned that his grandfather was one of the vice-presidents of the Nine Star Dan Society.

"How about selling me one of your Songyundan pills?"

Ren Jiuguang spoke again.

At this time, the people present were shocked again. Many people's mouths could not help but open in a round shape, and it was difficult to close them for a long time.

What did they see? Ren Jiuguang, the vice-president of the Jiuxing Dan Society and one of the few alchemy giants in Dongzhou, actually asked a young man to buy elixirs!

Moreover, Ren Jiuguang's tone did not sound like a joke at all, but very serious.

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