Tianyu Alchemy Lord

Chapter 62 Five times the power

Immediately, an invisible energy fluctuation overflowed, and the strong energy fluctuation formed a small tornado, sweeping up where the two met, causing sand and rocks to fly!

After the windstorm stopped, everyone was shocked to find that Su Chen and Wang Zhong kept their fists intersecting, and no one took a step back!


Evenly matched again?

At this time, everyone was really surprised. Wang Zhong was a genius in the Condensation Realm!

Moreover, everyone has seen clearly just now that Wang Zhong has used the cultivation level of the first level of the Condensing Yuan Realm this time. Under such circumstances, how can he still be on a par with Su Chen?

Wang Zhong showed an extremely unbelievable look, staring at Su Chen closely with his eyes, as if he wanted to poke two holes in Su Chen's body: "How is it possible? I am a genius in the Condensation Realm, how can you be? My opponent?"

Wang Zhong murmured, as if he was really puzzled.

Su Chen smiled lazily: "Isn't this simple? Do you think you are the only one who can break through the Condensation Realm?"

As soon as these words were said, everyone present suddenly gasped as if they were struck by lightning!

"Has Su Chen broken through to the Condensing Yuan Realm?"

"Oh my god, how old is he? He's only fifteen. It's terrifying to be in the Ning Yuan realm at the age of fifteen."

"I originally thought that Wang Zhong would be a genius if he broke through to the Condensing Yuan Realm in his early twenties, but I didn't expect that there is a better world!"

Jiang Shan was also a little surprised. He couldn't help but look at Su Chen with a hint of murderous intent. Xu Yin really has a good nephew!

The fifteen-year-old Condensation Realm is really terrifying. There has never been such a genius in Qinghe City. Perhaps only the young Jiang Hai can barely catch up by one or two points. Jiang Shan remembers that when he was young, he was always competing with Jiang Hai, but the more they competed, the bigger the gap became, and Jiang Hai became stronger and stronger. It wasn't until Jiang Hai finally disappeared unexpectedly that he felt relieved.

But now, although Jiang Hai is no longer here, his wife has shown up as a nephew from her natal family, and his talent is even better than that of Jiang Hai back then.

It's okay if this boy doesn't hinder his family's great cause. If it does hinder his family's great cause, then this boy must not be kept!

Needless to say Jiang Shan, even the other two family heads have different thoughts at the moment. Qinghe City has never seen a genius who broke through to the Condensing Realm at the age of fifteen. Now that he has appeared, he is a relative of the Jiang family, and he does not seem to be of the same mind as the Jiang family.

No one can tell clearly what impact this will have on the situation in Qinghe City.

Even Instructor Ouyang of Tianyue College couldn't help but take a second look at Su Chen. However, after just one glance, he looked away indifferently.

Breaking through the Condensing Yuan Realm at the age of fifteen may be considered a peerless genius in a small town like Qinghe City, but in Tianyue College, he has seen geniuses who have broken through the Condensing Yuan Realm at the age of ten. Breaking through the Condensing Yuan Realm at the age of fifteen is not considered a genius. Nothing.

However, if Instructor Ouyang knew that Su Chen broke through from the seventh level of the Qi-entraining realm to the Condensing Yuan realm in just one month, I'm afraid he wouldn't think so.

In the field, Wang Zhong took a deep breath and put away his previous look of underestimating the enemy. After two fights, he was very wary of Su Chen and no longer dared to underestimate Su Chen like he did before.

Wang Zhong began to circulate the true essence core in his dantian, and silk threads of true essence poured out, and his hands began to transform into fists, preparing to perform martial arts.

He wants to use a yellow-level intermediate palm martial art!

Intermediate yellow-level martial arts are rare even among the three major families. Wang Zhong was taught this intermediate yellow-level palm martial art because he was the legitimate son of the family and a martial arts genius.

Wang Zhong believed that Su Chen, as an outsider who was not even considered a collateral member of the Jiang family, would never be able to obtain an intermediate yellow-level martial skill.

Therefore, I will definitely win this competition!

"Suffer death!"

"Create mountains and shake the earth!"

Wang Zhong shouted, terrifying power surged out of his palms, and he slapped Su Chen's chest with one palm!

"it's over!"

Everyone present shook their heads. It would be okay if Wang Zhong didn't use his martial arts. Once he did, Su Chen would definitely lose.

Although Su Chen had no idea how lucky he was to break through to the Condensing Yuan Realm, he definitely didn't have the powerful martial arts to match the Condensing Yuan Realm, and it had to be done with bare hands. This possibility was really slim. .

Jiang Shan and Jiang He also had sneers on their faces. They knew that Su Chen had a powerful martial skill, but it was a sword skill and had no use in this kind of unarmed competition.

This time, Su Chen will definitely lose!

Although Su Chen was nominally a relative of their Jiang family, they were very willing to see someone teach Su Chen a lesson on their behalf.

Under the glare of everyone's gaze, Su Chen struck back. This time, he still didn't use any martial arts, just a mediocre punch to meet him.

A sly smile appeared on Wang Zhong's lips. Faced with his own yellow-level mid-level martial arts, Su Chen was so confident that he didn't use any martial arts. This was enough to show that Su Chen was at the end of his rope and he would definitely win!

But, the next moment, Wang Zhong's smile froze on his lips.

Because, he felt Su Chen's fists, with an astonishing force like the surge of the sea, hit his palms hard!


Wang Zhong spat out a mouthful of blood in disbelief, and flew back with his whole body, hitting the wall behind him hard, creating a large human-shaped crater in the wall.

The next moment, Wang Zhong groaned like a pig being killed!

Only then did everyone realize that Wang Zhong's arms were hanging softly on both sides of his body at a strange angle.

Both arms were actually broken alive!

This scene shocked everyone present!

"Wang Zhong was actually defeated?"

"Su Chen defeated Wang Zhong without using any martial arts?"

The probing eyes wandered back and forth over Su Chen's body, as if they were trying to drill countless holes in Su Chen's body.

Everyone really didn't understand what magical skill Su Chen used just now. It seemed like he didn't use any martial arts. How could he break both Wang Zhong's arms?

Only Wang Zhong understood in his heart that Su Chen did not use any martial arts just now, but a pure burst of true energy. However, I don’t know why, the power of Su Chen’s true energy burst out was so powerful!

He even felt that Su Chen's true energy power was almost the same as that of the second level of Condensing Yuan Realm!

Naturally, Wang Zhong didn't know that Su Chen possessed the legendary Five True Essence Cores, and the power of each attack would be five times that of an ordinary warrior.

"Be bold!"

An elder of the Wang family jumped out angrily almost immediately.

He never expected that the number one genius that their Wang family was so proud of would have his arms broken alive and lie there like a dead dog.

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