Tianyu Alchemy Lord

Chapter 61: Lesson on the spot

Su Chen stood tall on the spot and waited with cold eyes. Both Xu Yin and her daughter have fulfilled their filial piety, and at least they have a clear conscience at this moment!

What's more, if the other party hadn't gone too far just now, how could Su Chen fight back like this?

Not long after, the old lady finally woke up.

"Mom, are you okay?"

Jiang Shan and Jiang He immediately took a side and supported the old lady.

"I'm fine."

The old lady shook her head and looked at Su Chen with an angry look in her eyes, staring at Su Chen coldly.

"Boy, since you just said that, I will also put it here today. I will never accept any gifts from your second wife in the future! I will never accept any gifts from you in the future!"

The old lady spoke coldly, her words resoundingly.

While talking, she picked up the pair of jasper bracelets given by Jiang Tingyi and threw them back to Su Chen.

Su Chen raised his hand, caught the pair of jasper bracelets, and said calmly: "That's good, we don't want to give them to you anyway."


The old lady snorted coldly, the anger still lingering in her eyes.

"Su Chen!"

At this moment, a thunderous sound sounded, and then a figure strode out of the crowd.

"Today is Mrs. Jiang's seventieth birthday. As a junior, you openly committed the following crimes at the birthday banquet. Today, on behalf of all the juniors present, I will punish you for your arrogance!"

This man pointed one finger at Su Chen and spoke in a righteous tone.

The person who came forward was none other than Wang Zhong!

Wang Zhong was seen staring at Su Chen with his eyes tightly, and the words coming out of his mouth were sonorous and powerful. Those who didn't know, thought that he wanted to repair it because he was really fighting for the old lady of the Jiang family.

But in fact, Wang Zhong was just unhappy because he lost to Su Chen in a fist fight just now.

In Wang Zhong's view, as a genius in the Condensing Yuan Realm, it is simply the greatest shame in life that he would lose to the Qi Entraining Realm. However, it was also because he underestimated the enemy and suppressed his cultivation to the Qi-entraining realm that he lost.

This moment was a great opportunity given by God, and Wang Zhong wanted to take advantage of this opportunity to regain his position.

"Yes, such an arrogant young man should be treated properly!"

"To compare Mrs. Jiang to being worse than a dog. To say such words at a birthday banquet is simply treasonous!"

All the guests present spoke one after another, supporting Wang Zhong in teaching Su Chen a lesson.

Only Instructor Ouyang from Tianyue Academy and Master Yu from the Alchemy Guild remained silent.

These two people are of aloof status and naturally do not need to please Mrs. Jiang and everyone in the Jiang family, so they stay out of the matter.


Seeing this, Xu Yin quickly shouted, "This is at the old lady's birthday banquet, how can we use knives and guns?"

"I do not mind!"

A cold voice sounded immediately, but it was the old lady who said coldly!

As the old lady said this, she glanced at Su Chen with disgust, a hint of rage flashing in her eyes! Obviously, just now Su Chen said in public that she was worse than a dog, which also made her furious.

"Second brother and sister."

Jiang Shan, who had not spoken for a long time, raised his eyebrows and said calmly, "Wang Zhong wants to teach Su Chen a lesson. As an elder, you should not interfere. Just watch from the side."

As he said that, Jiang Shan looked at the VIP seats not far away and said, "Teacher Ouyang, Master Yu, Master Wang, Master Ye. I'm really sorry for making you laugh!"

The four people Jiang Shan called out were the four people with the highest status at the scene.

Among them, Teacher Ouyang just nodded lightly and said nothing more. The matter here had nothing to do with him and he was not interested.

Master Yu, on the other hand, coughed and expressed his attitude: "The following offenders might as well be punished!"

The head of the Wang family is Wang Zhong's elder, and he doesn't have any objections at this moment. In his opinion, Wang Zhong should take action to kill Su Chen's vigor at this moment.

As for the head of the Ye family, it has nothing to do with him, so he naturally follows the crowd.

In this way, everyone present unanimously agreed to let Wang Zhong teach Su Chen a lesson.

Su Chen seemed to have expected such a result, with a sarcastic smile on his lips, appearing nonchalant.

"Auntie, there's no need to tell them, I'll take care of this matter," Su Chen said.

"Haha, you have courage!" Wang Zhong smiled solemnly, "It seems that the fist fight just now gave you a wrong understanding of your own strength and my strength."

"However, you will soon reverse this understanding, and you will discover how big the gap between the Qi-Entraining Realm and the Yuan-Condensing Realm is!"

At the end of the sentence, Wang Zhong couldn't help but show a ferocious look on his face. This time, he must regain his position!

"In that case, let's move outside the banquet hall and let the two of them compete!" Jiang Shan said calmly.

It is common for martial arts families to have competitions at banquets. All they need to do is go outside the banquet hall and there will be space for competitions.

A group of people came to the patio outside the banquet hall. There was an open space of ten feet around, enough for a battle.

"Boy, you can't run away this time!" Wang Zhong smiled coldly, his eyes began to fill with murderous intent, and he lowered his voice and said, "I'm going to destroy you!"

"Daydreaming!" Su Chen said in just four words.

Wang Zhong sneered, looked at the people watching, and suddenly raised his voice: "Everyone, for the sake of fairness, and also because it is Mrs. Jiang's birthday banquet, it is not easy to see blood, so I propose that neither of us in the competition use it. Weapons, fighting with bare hands.”


"Fighting with bare hands is a better way to test your true strength."

Unarmed fighting always makes people more excited. Now that there is unarmed fighting to watch, everyone naturally cheers in unison.

Su Chen smiled sarcastically and fought with his bare hands. This Wang Zhong planned to beat him alive. Wasn't it because he had beaten him in the fist fight just now? He actually planned to hit him so hard.

"If you fight with bare hands, you may lose faster." Su Chen curled his lips and said calmly. He was telling the truth. If Wang Zhong fought with him using weapons, he might be able to last longer. As for fighting with bare hands, he was simply seeking death.

"Haha..." Wang Zhong laughed as if he had heard the funniest joke, "Are you dreaming? Will I lose to you?"

As he said this, Wang Zhong's expression suddenly turned ferocious, "This time you are seeking death yourself, but you can't blame me!"

After the words fell, Wang Zhong raised his fist, with traces of thread-like True Qi condensed on his fist, and punched Su Chen in the face!

This time, Wang Zhong used all his cultivation at the first level of the Condensing Yuan Realm. He believed that as long as he used his cultivation at the first level of the Condensing Yuan Realm, he could completely crush Su Chen without using any martial arts.

Su Chen was not afraid at all and also punched him.

Under the gazes of one after another, the two fists collided fiercely.

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