Tianyu Alchemy Lord

Chapter 593: Thousands of beauties

"This favor is related to the emperor."

Guan Qiyun said, took a sip of tea, pursed her red lips, and said, "Brother, in your opinion, what do you think of the emperor's current situation?"

"If we tell the truth, the emperor's condition is already terminal." Su Chen didn't bother to hide it and said directly.

"Terminal ill?" Guan Qiyun asked.

"Yes, you can tell from the voice that the emperor may not be in poor health, but that he is about to die. He only has a few years left at most."

Su Chen said, although he could not clearly see the appearance of the person in the sedan because he was too far away, he could tell from his tone that the emperor's condition was not as simple as an illness.

"Almost dying?"

Guan Qiyun gasped slightly, "You mean, the emperor's body is already very old and he is about to reach his end?"

Su Chen shook his head and said, "I can't be sure since I haven't seen the emperor up close. But, it's likely to be the case."

Guan Qiyun frowned slightly, sighed, and said:

"Actually, two months ago, Prince He Yan and several other Princes of Pills came for consultation in secret. They came to the same conclusion as you, that is, the emperor's body is already very old. If this continues, he will only be dead in a few days." He will die in a year.”

"But, the emperor is only in his forties this year, why has his body aged so much?" Guan Qiyun said again, with a puzzled look on her face.

"There are many possible reasons. It may be poisoning, injury, or even natural blood, which can lead to a rapid loss of vitality in a forty-year-old person, making him look as old as a centenarian."

Su Chen explained.

Guan Qiyun slowly blinked her slender eyelashes and said: "Then the question I asked you last time, can the Evergreen Pill... be effective on the emperor?"

Su Chen understood: "So the last time you went out of the palace to buy the Evergreen Pill, it was not for yourself, but for the emperor?"

Guan Qiyun nodded and said: "It is impossible for the emperor's situation to be made public, otherwise the situation between the government and the public will be turbulent. Therefore, I cannot make a big splash and can only help him seek treatment in private and secretly."

"In this case, I still said what I said last time, the Four Seasons Evergreen Pill is of no use in this situation."

Su Chen said and shook his head, "The function of the Evergreen Pill is to stimulate the vitality buried in the human body. However, for those who have lost their vitality, the Evergreen Pill cannot create vitality for them."

Although Guan Qiyun had already heard Su Chen say this once, but now that she heard Su Chen say it again, Guan Qiyun still couldn't help showing a look of disappointment on her pretty face.

"As you said, is there no other way?" Guan Qiyun asked.

"Of course there are ways. However, I need to get close to the emperor to diagnose his specific cause and then prescribe the right medicine." Su Chen said.

"Then I will take you to see the emperor now."

Guan Qiyun said, stood up and ordered, "Come here, prepare a sedan for me!"

Soon, a small sedan was prepared and stopped at the gate of Guan Qiyun's palace.

Guan Qiyun led Su Chen out of the palace, smiled sweetly, and said: "Brother, I am taking you to treat the emperor. You must not let anyone know, especially Prince Rui. Therefore, I can only wrong you, and I took the same sedan to go to the emperor's palace."

Su Chen had no objection, but when he entered the sedan, he discovered that the sedan was actually a single-person sedan that could only accommodate one person.

Therefore, Su Chen and Guan Qiyun could only sit squeezed together in the narrow sedan.

No matter how stable the sedan is, it will inevitably shake slightly when walking, causing some friction on the body.

Guan Qiyun seemed to enjoy this feeling, giggling and charming. Not only did she not avoid suspicion, but she leaned against Su Chen.

Any man who sees that look can't help but feel angry and angry.

However, for Su Chen, he already knew that the reason why Guan Qiyun was so naturally charming was not only because of her appearance and figure, but also because of her faint aphrodisiac aroma. Not small.

As Su Chen's former Dan Emperor, this little aphrodisiac fragrance would not make him lose his mind. Therefore, although the scene in the carriage was very beautiful, Su Chen could still remain conscious.

But Su Chen was inevitably a little curious and asked, "Aren't you afraid of something happening if you are playing with fire like this?"

Guan Qiyun chuckled, deliberately straightened up, and said, "Then come on!"

Su Chen knew that Guan Qiyun was so confident because she knew that the sedan was so narrow that she couldn't move at all inside. He smiled and stopped talking to Guan Qiyun.

Seeing Su Chen like this, Guan Qiyun showed a bit of curiosity. You know, it was the first time in her life that she had seen a man who could remain as calm as ever despite her charming skills.

What's more, Su Chen was still able to do this at a young age, and his character was really that of an old monster. Guan Qiyun almost doubted whether he was the reincarnation of some old monster.

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