Tianyu Alchemy Lord

Chapter 592: Come and sit in my palace

"Is this the voice of Emperor Yunyuan?"

This was the first time Su Chen heard Emperor Yunyuan's voice. It sounded lifeless. Compared with the lively Prince Rui, they were completely two extremes.

No wonder people say that Emperor Yunyuan's health is not good now and is getting worse.

However, from the voice, one could tell that the emperor was not much older than Prince Hiei.

Why this extremely weak physical condition occurred, Su Chen could not judge by the sound for the time being.

"Is the Imperial Brother here to attend the Queen Mother's birthday banquet?" Prince Rui asked.

Emperor Yunyuan in the sedan was silent for a moment and said, "I just happened to be passing by."

Emperor Yunyuan's answer immediately caused a silent commotion on the scene.

It was said that the relationship between Emperor Yunyuan and the Queen Mother was not good, but when everyone heard with their own ears that Emperor Yunyuan refused to attend the Queen Mother's birthday banquet because he was ill, and even when he showed up at this moment, he only said that he was passing by, they still felt a little unavoidable. Surprised.

Unexpectedly, the relationship between Emperor Yunyuan and the Queen Mother had really deteriorated to this extent.

The Queen Mother's well-maintained face could not help but reveal a hint of anger because of the emperor's words.

In fact, the Queen Mother has been very restrained, because the emperor's words are almost equivalent to slapping the Queen Mother in the face. You said you were here, but you actually said that you were not here to attend the birthday banquet, but just happened to pass by. ?

The Queen Mother took a deep breath and said calmly: "In this case, the Emperor should go back and rest quickly, so as not to hurt his body from overexertion."

Emperor Yunyuan's voice in the sedan said: "Thank you, Queen Mother, for your concern. But I came here in a sedan just now, and I have roughly heard what happened here."

After a pause, Emperor Yunyuan said calmly, "I remember that according to the rules of our ancestors, the inheritance in Qianqing Lotus Pond is generally not given to people other than the royal family's children. However, once it is given to outsiders, there is absolutely no reason to take it back. ”

"This Chen Shu did not break any rules during the trial just now. Since he has obtained the inheritance based on his own ability, the inheritance should be rewarded to him."

Emperor Yunyuan said these two sentences calmly, and the whole audience was silent.

No one raised any objections. The emperor had already said so. Any further objection would be sheer ignorance.

Although Emperor Yunyuan has been in poor health recently, he is still a great person, and his prestige in the minds of everyone still exists.

After the emperor finished these two sentences, he lowered the sedan curtain and left directly.

Prince Tulurui stood there, all the veins on his face beating.

Although Prince Rui didn't know why the emperor suddenly appeared just now, the emperor's meaning had been clearly conveyed, that is, the opportunity Su Chen had obtained, no one was allowed to deprive him of it!

The emperor is the most powerful person, and no one can disobey what he says.

Although Prince Rui has many unwillingnesses, he is not sitting in that position after all. If he disobeys the emperor's order and is told the truth, it will not do him any good.

After deliberation for a long time, Prince Rui's brows twitched fiercely, and finally he chose to give up and continue to attack Su Chen.

This also meant that Prince Rui acquiesced that the inheritance in the stone carvings belonged to Su Chen.

As for the head of the Lin family and other members of the Lin family, although they felt extremely heartbroken over the hard work of making wedding clothes for others, Prince Rui did not speak again, so naturally they could not say anything else.

"Mr. Chen, congratulations, you have obtained the opportunity in the stone carving."

Guan Fan said with a smile. Anyway, he was not afraid of Prince Rui or the Lin family, so he could naturally congratulate Su Chen without any scruples.

Besides, for Guan Fan, this is the best result. Lin Jingtian did not get the opportunity, which is equivalent to the complete abortion of the Lin family and Prince Rui's plan.

"Guan Guogong is so polite."

Su Chen also smiled. Speaking of which, he had to thank Guan Fan. If Guan Fan hadn't assigned him a spot in the Lotus Pond Trial, he wouldn't have gotten the Green Lotus Sword Seed.

This time in the Lotus Pond trial, obtaining the Green Lotus Sword Seed was indeed an unexpected opportunity for Su Chen, far exceeding his expectations.

Su Chen had to sigh that in this life, he was really lucky.

At the same time, Su Chen was also curious as to why the emperor suddenly appeared and helped him.

Prince Rui also lost interest in continuing the birthday banquet.

Soon, the birthday banquet ended hastily.

Everyone present was preparing to leave the palace.

Before Lin Jingtian left, he took a deep look at Su Chen, his eyes were extremely cold.

Su Chen raised his eyebrows and looked back indifferently. He remembered Lin Jingtian's trick on him in the lotus pond today.

I will definitely pay it back one day.

Guan Qiyun walked up to Guan Fan and Su Chen swaying and said, "Wait a minute, don't leave!"

"Qiyun, what else is going on?" Guan Fan couldn't help but frown, and he was in a hurry to go back to deal with family affairs.

"I didn't call you, I told Brother Chen not to leave!" Guan Qiyun rolled her eyes at Guan Qiyun.

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