Tianyu Alchemy Lord

Chapter 584 Causes heated discussion

As long as you have martial arts will in a certain aspect, such as sword will, boxing will, etc., you can use it to fight against sword will.

To put it bluntly, this level is a test of the players’ martial arts will.


Lin Jingtian swung his sword.

This sword finally shattered all the sword-shaped water in front of him.

The water in front of Lin Jingtian gurgled a few times before becoming calm again.

There was already a thin layer of sweat on Lin Jingtian's forehead. This level was not easy. Even he struggled for a full quarter of an hour to suppress the kendo will behind these sword-shaped water flows.

"Look, Lin Jingtian passed the second level."

"Top geniuses are still top geniuses after all. Others still have no clue about this level, but Lin Jingtian has passed it."

Everyone on the shore looked at Lin Jingtian who resumed riding on the lotus leaf as if strolling in a garden, and couldn't help but sigh.

"It seems that Lin Jingtian should be the well-deserved first place in this lotus pond trial."

"That's right, while everyone else is still struggling with the second level, Lin Jingtian has already moved on to the third level."

"Lin Jingtian has almost reached the third level."

"It seems that the first place in this lotus pond trial is, not surprisingly, Lin Jingtian."

"Wait, look!"

Suddenly, a family head pointed in one direction in surprise and said, "That contestant seems a little different from the other contestants!"

Everyone looked around and saw a young man standing on a lotus leaf in the direction pointed by the head of the family, fighting against the sword-shaped current.

However, the way he fought against the sword-shaped water flow was a little different from others. Everyone else used moves to smash the sword-shaped water flow, but only him. When the sword-shaped water flow came near him, it did not attack him, but instead circled him. It spun around him, causing his whole body to form a sphere with him as the center and composed of sword-shaped water flow.

Moreover, new sword-shaped water flow is constantly added to the ball, making the ball bigger and bigger.

This strange scene made other people open their mouths slightly with a look of astonishment on their faces.

"What's happening here?"

"Why doesn't the sword-shaped water attack him?"

"Not only did he not attack him, but he also circled around him. I have never heard of this kind of thing before."

"By the way, whose family is this kid? Why haven't I seen him before?"

"Guan Guogong, I remember that this boy seems to have used your Guan family's entry quota, right?" A family head asked curiously, "What is his origin?"

Guan Fan chuckled: "Chen Xiaoyou is my old friend, and he was also the champion of the alchemy competition not long ago."

"What? The champion of the alchemy competition?"

"So he's a genius in alchemy?"

When everyone heard this, they looked at Su Chen even more surprised. A genius in alchemy actually came to participate in this kind of trial for a genius in martial arts?

At this moment, Su Chen, who was in the lotus pond, had no idea what kind of discussion the outside world had caused about him.

Moreover, because of the existence of the formation, Su Chen could not see the situation of other people.

At this moment, Su Chen's eyes were slightly closed, and he seemed to have entered a state of trance in the sphere formed by the sword-shaped water flow.

Among all the contestants at the scene, everyone was struggling to fight against the sword-shaped water flow that kept coming, but Su Chen was undoubtedly the only one who was meditating motionlessly on the spot.

And if someone is very close to Su Chen at this moment, they will find that there are also faint shadows of swords around Su Chen, constantly flickering on and off.

"Yin and Yang, heaven and earth, Wuji..."


"The fourth level of the ninth level of sword essence is indeed too profound."

"Even at this moment, I have the kendo will of my predecessors, but it is still extremely difficult to understand the fourth level of the ninth level of sword essence."

If anyone heard Su Chen talking to himself, he would definitely exclaim, because at this moment, Su Chen actually imposed the kendo will of his predecessors on himself, using the pressure of the kendo will of his predecessors to comprehend My own way of swordsmanship.

When there is pressure, there will be motivation. This sentence is also applicable in the world of martial arts. In many cases, appropriate pressure will often stimulate the potential in a warrior, and even enable the warrior to break through. This is also the reason why some warriors can even achieve a breakthrough in battle when faced with a huge life and death crisis.

At this moment, Su Chen is using the pressure brought by his predecessors' kendo will to stimulate his body's potential in order to achieve a breakthrough in kendo.

For ordinary people, they are absolutely unable to do this. Only those who have reached a certain level of kendo will can do it, because this is equivalent to controlling the kendo will of their predecessors!

On the one hand, he controls the kendo will of his predecessors, and on the other hand, he uses the kendo will of his predecessors to put pressure on himself. Without full kendo fire and confidence in himself, he will never be able to do it with ease.


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