Tianyu Alchemy Lord

Chapter 583 Three Tests


Hundreds of green lotus leaves were put into the thousand-hectare lotus pond.

Looking from a distance, the thousand-acre lotus pond is covered with green, as if there are countless small boats floating on the water.

"You can use these lotus leaves as a boat and go to the other side of the lotus pond."

"On the way to the other side, you will pass three tests. These three tests reflect your strength, wisdom, character, etc."

Prince Rui briefly introduced the rules of Qianqing Lotus Pond.

Three more tests?

The contestants on the scene began to whisper again. At this time, they also began to feel the pressure.

The trial of this thousand-acre lotus pond does not seem that simple.

"Now, let's begin."

Following Prince Rui's order, everyone chose a lotus leaf and jumped on it.

Su Chen also locked onto one of the lotus leaves, jumped on it, and immediately found that everyone around him was gone.

However, Su Chen was not too surprised. He knew that there must be a formation at work in this thousand-hectare lotus pond in order to prevent the testers from interfering with each other.

Su Chen was not in a hurry and moved forward immediately. He first observed the surrounding environment, and then activated his true energy to push the lotus leaf under his feet to slowly float forward.

Although according to the rules of this lotus pond trial, the first person to reach the other side will be the first, but the first person to reach the other side will definitely not be as simple as the fastest person.

At least, you will encounter those three tests on the road, whether you are fast or slow.

Therefore, Su Chen didn't put much thought into speed, because he didn't know when the first test would appear, so blindly pursuing speed was not a good thing.

This thousand-hectare lotus pond, when you are in it, is so white that you can't see the edge, just like a vast ocean.

After walking forward for about a quarter of an hour, Su Chen's eyes suddenly saw a piece of white in front of him, as if it was blocked by something.

A closer look revealed that it was something like a wall of water, completely blocking Su Chen's path.

"This thousand-hectare lotus pond, I didn't expect it to be so famous, but it actually has such a formation."

Su Chen knew that this was a blocking formation. The formation needed to be broken before the water wall would flow away. It was as simple as that.

To break through this formation, you don't need any special means. You only need to use your own strength to forcefully break through the formation.

In other words, to put it bluntly, this is a level that tests one's hard power.

Although Su Chen is currently at the eighth level of the Transformation Realm, his combat power is actually even higher than the average third level of the Lingtai Realm.

At that moment, Su Chen grabbed his hand, and the Moon-Zhancing Sword appeared in his hand. He aimed at the wall of water in front of him and slashed it down with all his strength.

When the sword went down, the water wall only swayed slightly, and a few ripples spread out, without any intention of disintegrating.


Su Chen's expression condensed, and layers of overlapping wave slashes immediately rushed out from the sword body of the Moon-Zhancing Sword. Among the sixteen overlapping wave slashes, four snow-white sword auras as thick as forearms were faintly visible.

Sword light and sword energy intertwined together, finally breaking a gap in the water wall.

Once gaps appear in the formation, it is only a matter of time before the structure collapses. As soon as a gap appeared in the water wall, it immediately collapsed in a short period of time, and the water flow turned into countless waves, all of which dispersed in all directions.

In this way, Su Chen passed this level easily.

"This first level is really not difficult for me. However, there should be some people who have been passed this level."

"However, there should be many people who can easily pass this level."

"Don't know what the next level is?"

Su Chen thought like this, activated his true energy, pushed He Ye forward and continued walking.

At this moment, in the outside world, Prince Rui stood by the lotus pond with his hands behind his hands. There were other royal family members and nobles, as well as the heads of various aristocratic families and the leaders of major forces.

Everyone's eyes were focused on the situation in the lotus pond. Although the contestants participating in the trial cannot see each other, those on the shore can see the progress of everyone in the lotus pond.

At this moment, several key players are also the focus of everyone's attention.

"In the first level just now, Lin Jingtian passed the fastest."

"There are several other geniuses who are also very fast."

"Generally speaking, the first level tests hard strength. Those with stronger strength will pass faster. Those with relatively weak strength will pass slower."

"I don't know what the next test will be?"

While everyone was talking about it, they saw that Lin Jingtian had already entered the second level first.

The originally calm area in front of Lin Jingtian suddenly rose up one after another, and many sword-shaped water flows rushed out from the waves, shooting towards Lin Jingtian like sharp swords.

Lin Jingtian calmly drew his sword to resist, smashing the sword-shaped streams of water into pieces. However, even so, the sword-shaped

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