Tianyu Alchemy Lord

Chapter 575: The Downfall of Sanhe Chamber of Commerce

"Is this true? The Sanhe Chamber of Commerce actually took advantage of our trust to earn the price difference from us..."

"Yes, we turned to the Sanhe Chamber of Commerce to buy it because of the side effects of the pills from the Rongxian Chamber of Commerce. In the end, the pills sold by the Sanhe Chamber of Commerce turned out to be pills from the Rongxian Chamber of Commerce!"

Many people who had bought elixirs from the Sanhe Chamber of Commerce felt deeply deceived and angry at this moment.

And then, they thought of another more serious problem.

"Since the elixirs sold by the Sanhe Chamber of Commerce are from the Congrongxian Chamber of Commerce, how come there are no side effects?"

"Yes, isn't it said that the pills from the Rongxian Chamber of Commerce have side effects? Otherwise, why would we give up buying the pills from the Rongxian Chamber of Commerce?"

"Could it be that the so-called Rongxian Chamber of Commerce's elixirs have side effects are actually just rumors spread by the Sanhe Chamber of Commerce, right?"

"It's impossible. That day, a group of people went to the Rongxian Chamber of Commerce to cause trouble. They carried a man who was possessed and said that he had such evil consequences after taking the pills from the Rongxian Chamber of Commerce. I witnessed this with my own eyes and I still remember it now. It’s clear.”

Suddenly, someone in the crowd said weakly: "Actually, I once saw one of the people in that group entering and exiting the back door of Sanhe Chamber of Commerce..."

"I saw it too, and at the time I thought I was wrong."

"Why do I feel that the obsessed man they were carrying at that time seems to have been seen in some elixir shop before. He has been obsessed for a year or two, and the Rongxian Chamber of Commerce has only been open for a month or two, so there is no way It can’t be caused by taking the elixir from Rongxian Chamber of Commerce.”

"Is it true? Doesn't that mean that this whole thing is simply a fraud by the Sanhe Chamber of Commerce and is deliberately slandering the Rongxian Chamber of Commerce?"

Even Commander Naluo couldn't help but become serious when he heard these discussions. He walked up to the people who were discussing the matter and asked seriously: "Is what you just said true or false?"

"Really, I'm not the only one who saw it. You can ask other people."

"What I said is true."

"Okay, I will report this matter to the senior management and investigate to get to the bottom of it!"

Commander Luo thought about it and said majestically.

As soon as Commander Luo said these words, Lin Jin wilted completely like an eggplant beaten by frost.

He knew that this meant that the Lin family's plan to suppress the Rongxian Chamber of Commerce was completely bankrupt.

And he himself will also face the storm from his family because of his incompetence in doing things.

“It went smoother than expected.”

Su Chen also smiled lightly. In fact, since King Lu Dan made the final decision, Sanhe Chamber of Commerce has been facing a situation where everyone is pushing against them.

Once the Sanhe Chamber of Commerce's trust among everyone is in crisis, there is no need for Su Chen to do anything. The collapse of the Sanhe Chamber of Commerce is inevitable.

"Sanhe Chamber of Commerce is suspected of using extremely vicious means to falsify information, slander and suppress competitors. It will suspend operations for rectification starting today!"

"Everyone from Sanhe Chamber of Commerce, come with us to the government office."

Commander Luo announced.

Lin Jin and the rest of the Sanhe Chamber of Commerce, who were still very arrogant before, turned into eggplants one by one, and were taken away by the purple guards in dejection.

"Little friend Chen, your secret method of elixir recipe today really opened my eyes to this old man."

King Lu Dan walked to Su Chen's side and cupped his hands.

"Senior, you are very polite. Thank you very much, Senior, for bearing witness to me today."

Su Chen returned the favor. King Lu Dan helped him a lot today, so he would not be rude to him.

"Mr. Chen, regarding the Sanhe Chamber of Commerce's slander against the Rongxian Chamber of Commerce, I will definitely find the evidence as soon as possible and make it public."

Commander Luo walked up to Su Chen and said.

Su Chen cupped his fists and said, "Thank you, Commander Luo."

"You're welcome, you're welcome." Commander Luo said quickly, "This is my responsibility."

Then, Commander Luo sighed again, "Oh, it's a pity that the Lin family is behind all this. Even if there is evidence to prove that the Sanhe Chamber of Commerce is fabricating and slandering the Rongxian Chamber of Commerce, with the limited power in the hands of our purple guards, there is no way It’s impossible to do anything to the Lin family. The most we can do is shut down the Sanhe Chamber of Commerce.”

Commander Luo also looked like he felt that he had more than enough ambition but not enough power.

"Commander Luo, there is no need to blame yourself. You have already fulfilled your responsibilities."

Su Chen smiled faintly. He knew that the purple guards had limited power, and he did not expect that the purple guards could defeat the Lin family.

However, this time the Lin family's plan to suppress the Rongxian Chamber of Commerce was completely bankrupt, and the Sanhe Chamber of Commerce was also shut down. They also paid more than 20 million taels of silver in the Wudou Casino, which was enough to hurt the Lin family for a while.

This was because Su Chen didn't know that Lin Jin had spent an extra ten million taels of silver in order to get the deciphered elixir.

Generally speaking, in this confrontation, Su Chen severely damaged the Lin family's vitality without even using a single soldier.

Moreover, he also got back 16 million taels of silver, which was enough to make up for the losses caused by the neglect of the Rongxian Chamber of Commerce during this period, and it also

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