Tianyu Alchemy Lord

Chapter 574 King Lu Dan makes the final decision

King Lu Dan also said to Su Chen: "Chen Xiaoyou, although the elixir recipe you wrote is indeed the same as the elixir recipe of Sanhe Chamber of Commerce, it can only prove that you have mastered these three elixir recipes, but it cannot prove that the elixir recipe sold by Sanhe Chamber of Commerce is the same." The elixir comes from your Rongxian Merchant Guild."

"Yeah, those are two different things."

Su Chen nodded calmly and said, "I just wrote down the elixir recipe from Sanhe Chamber of Commerce just to prove that the elixir recipe they gave is actually the elixir recipe that was deciphered by asking someone to break down the finished elixir. Rather than the original recipe.”

"Although this kind of elixir decoded from the finished elixir seems to be what it is, in fact, when you use this deciphered elixir to refine the elixir, the result will be the same as the original elixir. There is a slight difference in medicine.”

“This gap may seem innocuous to a layman, but to an insider, it can be seen at a glance.”

"Actually, just let the people from the Sanhe Chamber of Commerce refine the elixir according to their recipe, and you will find that the elixir they refined according to this recipe has the same medicinal effect as the elixir they are selling in the store now. It’s not the same at all, but there is a slight difference.”

"That's nonsense!"

Lin Jin couldn't help scolding, "According to what you said, do we still have to refine the elixir on the spot to prove our innocence?"

"Do you think you are some big shot?"

"Why should our Sanhe Chamber of Commerce keep working back and forth just because of your words?"

Lin Jin asked one question after another.

Su Chen said calmly: "I know you won't dare to refine it on the spot."

"But it doesn't matter, because I have the original elixir recipe. I believe that with King Lu Dan's alchemy skills, after seeing the original elixir recipe, he will naturally understand what is right and what is wrong."

With that said, Su Chen took out a piece of paper that had been prepared from his arms and handed it to King Lu Dan.

King Lu Dan accepted the paper handed over by Su Chen, but did not open it on the spot. Instead, he asked with great interest: "Chen Xiaoyou, how can you be sure that the elixir refined with the elixir recipe of Sanhe Chamber of Commerce will definitely be as good as Is there a slight difference in the elixirs they sell now?”

"Even if it is true as you said, the elixir prescriptions of Sanhe Chamber of Commerce are decoded by decomposing finished elixirs, but as far as I know, the technology of deciphering is now very mature. If it is the Alchemy King who specializes in the field of deciphering elixirs, Then the restoration of the elixir recipe should be perfect without any errors," King Lu Dan said again.

"Under normal circumstances, there really won't be any difference."

Su Chen said lightly, "However, there is a secret door in the original elixir recipe of our Rongxian Merchant Guild. Even if the elixir refined from the Rongxian Merchant Guild's elixir formula is deciphered, the deciphered elixir formula cannot There will always be slight differences in completely restoring the original recipe.”

"Secret door?"

King Lu Dan couldn't help but be surprised. Could this be the reason why Su Chen was so confident from beginning to end?

"Senior, open the prescription in your hand and take a look, you will understand."

Su Chen said.

King Lu Dan lowered his head and opened the elixir in his hand. His old eyes suddenly brightened up. He pointed at one of the elixirs and said, "Is this the secret door you mentioned?"

"There are three secret doors in total, one here, and two more..."

Su Chen pointed out the secret door on the pill recipe to King Ludan.

King Lu Dan's eyes became brighter and brighter, and his hand holding the pill trembled slightly. He took a deep breath, as if to calm down his excitement, and then let out a long sigh.

"I have only heard that some elixirs have secret doors in them, which can prevent the refined elixirs from being decomposed and deciphered by others. But I have never really seen it. I didn't expect that today, I will see it here... "

King Lu Dan said with an expression of infinite emotion, "It's true that there are people outside the world, and there is a heaven outside the world..."

Su Chen was a little surprised. He just left a few secret doors in the elixir recipe, but he was able to attract King Lu Dan's surprise.

You know, in areas where the level of alchemy is higher, this is a routine operation for alchemists. Otherwise, if the elixir that I worked so hard to develop was broken down and deciphered by others, wouldn't it be so uncomfortable that I would die?

Could it be that in the Yunyuan Empire, the level of alchemy has declined to this point?

It took King Lu Dan a while to calm down completely. After all, now is not the time to sigh. The focus is on the elixir recipe of the Sanhe Chamber of Commerce and the elixir recipe of Su Chen. Which one is the original elixir recipe.

King Lu Dan ordered people to get three elixirs that were being sold by the Sanhe Chamber of Commerce, and carefully compared them with the elixir prescriptions of both parties to make deductions.

After a long time, King Ludan breathed a long sigh of relief and said, "It is true that I made a mistake just now. Although the three prescriptions of elixirs presented by the Sanhe Chamber of Commerce seem to be able to be used to refine elixirs, in fact, the elixirs cannot be refined. There is indeed a slight difference in efficacy between the elixir and these three finished elixirs."

"But the three pill recipes that Chen Xiaoyou took out can perfectly correspond to the three finished pills, and can perfectly refine the finished pill."

King Lu Dan has the final say!

And as soon as these words came out, the atmosphere in the whole place suddenly became commotion!

"real or fake?"

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