Tianyu Alchemy Lord

Chapter 568: Huge Bet

The host said, and then walked up to the guests who bet on the 23rd to win one by one with their trays.

Everyone who made a successful bet received twice as much money in return, and Su Chen was no exception, receiving one million taels of silver.

For those who bet unsuccessfully, the bet is forfeited.

Li Shitong blinked and looked at Su Chen. He didn't expect Su Chen to win five hundred thousand taels of silver so easily.

On the other hand, Mr. Yan lost one million taels of silver in a snap of his fingers.

Mr. Yan's eyes were very depressed, as if he had been hit hard, and his previous arrogance had also dropped a lot.

"There are many people who guessed wrong and few who guessed right. This time the banker made another profit."

Everyone was talking about it, and the man in the last row of the audience smiled when he saw this situation.

The "banker" refers to the Sanhe Chamber of Commerce. Due to the rules of the martial arts casino, the banker will return double the stake to the person who guesses correctly, and the banker will confiscate his stake to the person who guesses wrong.

Therefore, the more people who guess correctly, the greater the amount of money gambled by those who guess correctly, the more the banker will lose, and vice versa, the banker will make money.

Many people guessed wrong today, so the banker made more money and the man was naturally happy.

The headless body of warrior No. 8 was dragged off the field, and the arena was cleaned with water. A strong man at the third level of the Lingtai Realm died in the martial arts arena like this.

However, in the martial arts casino, this is obviously a common thing. People who come here to fight in the ring have already signed a voluntary agreement with the martial arts casino, and they are responsible for their life and death.

"The next battle is between Warrior No. 2 and Warrior No. 36."

Following the host's announcement, two more warriors entered the competition arena.

"I bet on number two to win."

After the warm-up sparring session ended, Young Master Yan couldn't wait to say.

He didn't believe it. Could he still lose this one?

"How much do you want to bet, Mr. Yan?"

The host asked with a smile on his face, Mr. Yan just lost a million taels of silver to the casino. Such a great God of Wealth must provide for him well and don't let him run away.

"Bet one million taels!"

Mr. Yan gritted his teeth and took out another stack of banknotes.

The host smiled warmly and hurriedly took the one million taels of silver notes from Mr. Congyan's hand.

Then, the host walked up to Su Chen and asked, "Does this young master place a bet?"

"Bet on number 36 to win, one million."

Su Chen smiled lightly, and then put all the one million silver notes he had won just now.

Mr. Yan looked at Su Chen intently, with an ugly expression on his face, and muttered: "That guy bet on the 36th to win?"

It’s different from what I bet!

Could it be that he was going to make the wrong bet again this time?

Impossible, that guy just now was definitely deceived too!

"I bet on number 2 to win..."

"I'll bet number thirty-six..."

Other spectators also placed bets, on both sides, but the bet amounts were far less exaggerated than those of Su Chen and Mr. Yan.

After everyone has placed their bets, the fighting officially begins.

Mr. Yan's eyes were fixed on the fight in the field, and his fists were clenched tightly without realizing it. This time, he must win the bet.

However, things went counterproductive...

After two quarters of an hour of fighting, Mr. Yan looked at the No. 2 warrior lying in a pool of blood with a stiff expression.

Wrong bet again!

Mr. Yan simply doubted whether he was possessed by the god of bad luck, and he guessed wrong twice in a row.

Two million taels was wasted so easily. Even a wealthy man like Mr. Yan couldn't help but his eyelids twitched a little at this moment, but he still pretended to be calm.

"This is unreasonable!"

Mr. Yan murmured in a low voice, he guessed twice wrongly in a row, but the guy opposite guessed correctly twice in a row?

Su Chen, because he had just bet one million taels, he won back two million taels.

In other words, after Su Chen played twice, the initial 500,000 taels had turned into 2 million taels, making 1.5 million taels in vain.

Even Li Shitong was shocked. He blinked at Su Chen, seeming to be thinking, it turns out that making money is so easy. Does that mean that even if Rongxian Chamber of Commerce fails, he doesn't have to worry about starving to death?

Of course, Li Shitong is not worried that she will starve to death. She is mainly worried about Gu Qianxue, a snack foodie. Now that her appetite is getting bigger and bigger, and she likes food rich in spiritual energy, her ordinary income really cannot support her.

However, since Su Chen can make so much money even by entering a casino, it seems that she doesn't have to worry about Gu Qianxue starving to death.

Everyone else present looked at Su Chen in surprise, obviously not expecting that this seemingly ordinary boy wearing a mask could actually win 1.5 million in such a short period of time.

However, what they didn't expect was yet to come.

The next third fight.

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