Tianyu Alchemy Lord

Chapter 567: Insight

However, Li Shitong thought about it and still did not persuade Su Chen. She believed that Su Chen would have his own reasons for doing anything and would not do it randomly. At least, she had known Su Chen for so long, and she had never seen Su Chen suffer a loss.

"Hey, you guy, are you deliberately going against me? I bet heavily on number 8 to win, so you guy will bet heavily on number 23 to win."

Not far behind Su Chen, the handsome young man known as Young Master Yan was unhappy and shouted at Su Chen from a distance.

"Whether you are sick or not, we bet on what matters to you."

Li Shitong said rather displeasedly.

Seeing that the two sides were about to start a tit-for-tat confrontation again, the host quickly came to smooth things over and said: "Both of you are distinguished guests of our Sanhe Chamber of Commerce. You come to the Wudou Casino just to have fun and relieve your anger."

Mr. Yan hummed: "Okay, I'll give you a face. I'm too lazy to compete with this guy. However, I also put my words here. There is no way that No. 23 will win. He bet on No. 23 to win. One Just wait and cry!”

Obviously, Mr. Yan was quite unhappy when he saw that Su Chen was betting heavily on his opposite. He seemed to think that Su Chen was losing face by doing this.

Su Chen also looked quite enigmatic, smiling and saying nothing.

"Now, the arena battle between Warrior No. 8 and Warrior No. 23 officially begins."

The host shouted loudly.

As the words fell, the two warriors on the field immediately started fighting.

Everyone's attention was focused on the competition, and no one noticed that in a corner of the last row of the auditorium, a man in simple clothes was sitting leisurely there. He looks ordinary, but if anyone gets close, they will be shocked to find that the aura exuding from this man reaches at least the sixth level of the Lingtai realm.

At this moment, the man was flipping through a ledger, with a smile on his face, and murmured to himself: "Another day of making a lot of money."

Next to the man, a person who looked like a confidant flattered him at the right time: "It's all because of Mr. Jin's good management that the Sanhe Chamber of Commerce can be so prosperous. The family will definitely reward you heavily when you look back."

"Hahahaha... Speaking of which, I have to thank the Rongxian Chamber of Commerce. Without their elixirs, how could the Sanhe Chamber of Commerce be what it is today?" The man closed the account book with satisfaction and murmured to himself.

"It is their good fortune that the elixirs of the Rongxian Chamber of Commerce are favored by our Sanhe Chamber of Commerce. Speaking of which, it is their own fault. If the boy from the Rongxian Chamber of Commerce hadn't harmed Young Master Lin Cheng and made a grudge against our Lin family, what would happen to our family? Are you going to send us on a special trip to attack them?" the confidant said with a smile.

"Hmph!" The man also sneered, "It's really unreasonable to oppose the Lin family. Didn't you see how angry the family owners were when they knew that Lin Cheng's inner demon had turned into an idiot. That kid from the Rongxian Chamber of Commerce is definitely finished. Attack Rongxian The Chamber of Commerce is just the first step.”

"Hey, that guy from the Rongxian Chamber of Commerce is probably hiding at home and feeling miserable!"

The subordinates also sneered.

"Haha, let's not talk about the Rongxian Chamber of Commerce. Let's focus on the arena. The two boys just bet a lot of money, and I don't know where they came from."

The man said, turning his gaze back to the ring.

Obviously, the man didn't know that the boy from the Rongxian Chamber of Commerce he was talking about was in this martial arts casino at the moment.

At this moment, the fight between Warrior No. 8 and Warrior No. 23 on the field was becoming intense. Judging from the scene, the older warrior No. 8 must crush the opponent regardless of the purity of his true energy or the level and proficiency of his martial arts.

It seems that the young warrior No. 23 is in a miserable situation. He has been suppressed and beaten by the warrior No. 8 and is completely at a disadvantage.

"I know that Warrior No. 23 has no chance. Some people insist on placing heavy bets on Warrior No. 23. I wonder if they are out of their minds?"

Mr. Yan looked at Su Chen provocatively and said with a bit of gloating.

Su Chen smiled slightly, folded his arms and leaned on the back of the chair, ignoring Young Master Yan at all, as if he was a ball of air.

Mr. Yan's ridicule did not have the expected effect, and he suddenly showed a constipated expression, and then said to himself: "Tsk, pretending, you will lose money later, let's see how you can still pretend?"

However, just when Mr. Yan was thinking about it, the situation on the field suddenly changed.

I saw that Warrior No. 8, who had always had the advantage, was attacking Warrior No. 23 with all his strength, but his own defense accidentally revealed a negligible flaw.

This trivial flaw was immediately caught by Warrior No. 23. He immediately grabbed the white folding fan he had held in his hand from his sleeve, and unfolded it with a "clatter". A strong wave of The spiritual energy fluctuations immediately escaped.


"That folding fan is actually a magic weapon?"

Everyone was a little uneasy, and it seemed that the folding fan was obviously not low grade, at least reaching the level of a second-grade magic weapon.

"Just now, Warrior No. 23 has never used this folding fan to fight. Could it be that this is his trump card, and he can't use it until the critical moment?"

Li Shitong murmured in surprise

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