Tianyu Alchemy Lord

Chapter 511 Shopkeeper Xue Da

"Remember, our Longyou Chamber of Commerce wants to be the leader in the alchemy industry in the imperial capital, and we must not let such a small chamber of commerce come in halfway to shake our position."

The old man named Luo with a goatee warned again.

"Don't worry, President Luo, what a foundation our Longyou Chamber of Commerce has, even if ten more Narongxian Chamber of Commerce comes, they won't be able to shake us."

"That's right, as long as we take action to suppress them, the Rongxian Chamber of Commerce will definitely not be able to resist it."

"Then the Rongxian Merchant Association is jumping like this. It really should be suppressed!"

The old man surnamed Goatee Luo nodded and said, "According to the plan. The Rongxian Chamber of Commerce will continue to send people to keep an eye on it."


Su Chen naturally didn't know that the largest elixir merchant association in the imperial capital had listed the Rongxian Chamber of Commerce as a target of suppression.

Early in the morning, after finishing his training in the Soul Spring, he changed his clothes, left the Rongxian Chamber of Commerce, and walked towards another neighborhood.

The commercial streets of the Imperial Capital were all concentrated in one area. It didn't take long for Su Chen to arrive at the headquarters of the Imperial Capital's Wubaotang.

The branches of Wubaotang can be found in all major cities in the Yunyuan Empire, including Qinghe City. And its headquarters is in the Imperial Capital.

Su Chen walked into the door and was immediately greeted by a guy from Wubaotang.

"Sir, what would you like to order?" the waiter asked enthusiastically.

Su Chen looked around and saw that the hall of the Five Treasures Hall of the Imperial Capital was divided into various areas. There were a dazzling array of elixirs, magic weapons, magic talismans, natural materials and earthly treasures, and various miscellaneous items. Just like the Five Treasures Hall of Qinghe City, They are all the kind of shops that span various fields.

However, the preciousness of the goods here is obviously more than one level higher than that of Qinghe City Five Treasures Hall.

"I'm looking for Feng Qixing." Su Chen said concisely.

"Oh... Feng Guanshi?" The waiter was stunned for a moment and then reacted, "I'm going to inform you, what do you call the guest?"

"Just say that an old friend from Qinghe City came to find him."

Su Chen smiled and said.

"Okay, please wait here for a moment."

The guy immediately turned around and walked quickly to the back.

Su Chen stayed in the hall, doing nothing, casually looking at the goods on the counter.

"Shopkeeper Xue is back!"

At this moment, a high-pitched announcement was suddenly heard.

Following the announcement, a group of people poured in from outside the gate, among which was a woman in purple.

"Hello, Mr. Xue!"

"I've met Shopkeeper Xue!"

The Wubaotang guys in the lobby stopped what they were doing and saluted the woman in purple.

At a glance, I saw that the woman was wearing a well-cut purple robe. The material was very luxurious, which made her face beautiful and her body hot. She exuded the aura of a mature woman. , people can’t help but have wild imaginations.

But at the moment, the woman in purple was obviously in a hurry. She nodded casually to the waiter in the lobby and walked into the backyard without stopping.

After the figure of the woman in purple disappeared for a long time, many of the waiters were still looking at the direction where she disappeared with nostalgia, as if she were a god in the sky.

Su Chen withdrew his gaze and stopped paying attention.

After a while, the waiter came out and said politely to Su Chen:

"Sir, steward Feng, please come in."

"lead the way."

Su Chen said, following the guy into the backyard.

The backyard of Wubaotang is much larger than the backyard of Rongxian Chamber of Commerce. It is not an exaggeration to say that it can rival ten Rongxian Chamber of Commerce. Various exotic flowers and plants are planted in the courtyard, which hides the quiet houses, and you can even hear the leisurely chirping of birds.

Being able to have such a quiet place in the midst of chaos in a place like the Imperial Capital, where every inch of land is precious, is a testament to the financial strength of the Five Treasures Hall.

"This is the room where Manager Feng lives."

The waiter led Su Chen to one of the houses, pointed to the door and said, and then left.

Su Chen pushed the door open and went in. Feng Qixing was already waiting inside. When he saw Su Chen wearing a mask, he was startled for a moment.

"Young Master Chen, it's really you who's here!" Feng Qixing finally recognized Su Chen after a while and immediately saluted excitedly.

Su Chen waved his hand, indicating that there was no need to be polite.

Feng Qixing moved a chair for Su Chen to sit on and asked, "Why did Mr. Chen think of coming to the imperial capital for a stroll? By the way, this mask is..."

"My identity is not very safe in this imperial capital, so I made a fake identity." Su Chen smiled and said, "Oh, I also set up a chamber of commerce called Rongxian Chamber of Commerce."

"Rongxian Chamber of Commerce? No way, was that done by you, Master Chen?"

Feng Qixing's mouth opened wide. He had naturally heard of the name of Rongxian Chamber of Commerce in the past few days, and he was also dubious about the legendary double recovery pill launched by Rongxian Chamber of Commerce.

However, he never expected that Su Chen was controlling the Rongxian Chamber of Commerce behind the scenes.

"This time, I need you to do a favor." Su Chen said.

"Young Master Chen, no matter what you say, as long as it is within my ability, I will definitely do it." Feng Qixing said seriously, "No matter where you are, I will be your loyal subordinate."

Su Chen nodded and said, "I need your help to introduce the top person in charge of the Five Treasures Hall."

Su Chen knew that for a behemoth like Wubaotang, if he came over hastily and said that he wanted to find the person in charge, even if the other party didn't invite him out directly, it would be very troublesome and he might have to wait for a long time.

However, it would be much easier to introduce him through Feng Qixing, a person within the Five Treasures Hall.

After hearing Su Chen's words, Feng Qixing subconsciously froze for a moment and said, "Shopkeeper Xue?"

Shopkeeper Xue?

Su Chen thought of the woman dressed in purple that he saw in the hall just now.

So she is the top person in charge of Wubaotang?

"Master Chen, you are talking about shopkeeper Xue Da. It just so happens that she just came back from overseas today. I will take you to see her."

Feng Qixing said, leading Su Chen out of the room.

He came to a small independent courtyard in the deepest part of the backyard and knocked on the door.

"Come in."

The female voice inside said.

Feng Qixing led Su Chen over and saw several senior officials of Five Treasure Hall standing in the small courtyard. The woman in purple whom I saw just now was sitting on a chair with one leg crossed over the other, listening carefully to the reports of the senior executives.

Under the purple dress, you can vaguely see the outline of her beautiful legs, which are clearly not exposed at all, but the straight and slender outline is unreasonably fascinating.

"Shopkeeper Xue!"

Feng Qixing walked up and bowed his hand to the purple-clothed woman.

The senior executive who was reporting on his work stopped, and everyone stared at Feng Qixing, obviously very dissatisfied with Feng Qixing for interrupting their progress.

"What's up?"

The woman in purple chuckled and asked, her voice was hoarse and sexy.

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