Tianyu Alchemy Lord

Chapter 510: The First Alchemy King in the Imperial Capital

At the same time, the Rongxian Chamber of Commerce's next new elixir launch conference has also become a hot topic of discussion. Everyone is curious about what the next new elixir launched by Rongxian Chamber of Commerce will be.

As for the new owner of the Rongxian Chamber of Commerce, he was described as a mysterious and unpredictable figure in word of mouth. It is said that he is young, but he can make Grandmaster Ze, a third-grade alchemist, willing to work for him.

Many people therefore inferred that the origin of the new owner of Rongxian Chamber of Commerce was not simple.

As for the specific origin, there are several versions circulating.

For a time, various topics about Rongxian Chamber of Commerce were rampant.

A large hall somewhere in the imperial capital.

A figure dressed in black flashed into the hall, turned around, closed the door gently, and walked towards the center of the hall.

In the center of the hall, there was an old man sitting leisurely drinking tea. On the table to his left was an exquisite octagonal red Kui tripod. While drinking tea, the old man looked at the alchemy cauldron from time to time, his eyes full of satisfaction.

At this moment, seeing the figure in black, the old man greeted cheerfully: "Yun Lan, come here and take a look at this new alchemy cauldron I got."

The figure in black approached the old man, pulled the alchemy cauldron on the table, and said, "Teacher, where did you get this good alchemy cauldron?"

The voice of the man in black was also gentle and clear, like an oriole leaving the valley, and he was obviously a girl.

"Haha, it was indeed a good item given by others." The old man looked happily at the alchemy cauldron in front of him, and the more he looked at it, the more he liked it.

Seeing this, the girl in black couldn't help but shook her head gently and said: "Teacher, you are still the same. As long as it is related to alchemy, anything can make you happy for a long time! You are not like the number one elixir in the imperial capital at all. king!"

The old man is none other than the chief alchemist of the royal family of the Yunyuan Empire, He Yan, who is known as the number one alchemist in the imperial capital.

The girl in black is his close disciple, Qi Yunlan.

"Haha, this octagonal red Kui Cauldron is already a fourth-grade alchemy cauldron. Even if I have it, I don't have many fourth-grade alchemy cauldrons in my collection." He Yan said and suddenly looked at Qi Yunlan in surprise, "Hey, I have I almost forgot, today is not a teaching day, what are you doing here?"

"I brought something to show the teacher."

Qi Yunlan said, taking out a vial from his arms, opening it, pouring out a pill and handing it to He Yan.

"Huh? What kind of elixir?"

He Yan took it, looked at it, and sniffed it. The expression on his face gradually became surprised, and he said: "It smells like a muscle-building pill, but it also has a hint of Yangyuan pill. Weird, weird! The medicinal properties of these two pills are very different. How could it appear on the same pill?"

"Teacher has never seen this kind of elixir before?"

Qi Yunlan asked.

"I've never seen it before, Yunlan, where did you get this elixir?"

He Yan's expression slowly became serious, and he looked at Qi Yunlan with his eyes.

"Teacher, have you ever heard of the Double Return Pill?"

Qi Yunlan asked.

"Never heard of it."

He Yan raised his brows, and was also very surprised that words that he had never heard of appeared in Qi Yunlan's mouth.

"A few days ago, a small chamber of commerce called Rongxian Chamber of Commerce held a press conference for a new elixir. What was released was this elixir, called Shuanghui Dan. It has the effect of restoring physical injuries and restoring true energy at the same time. It is equivalent to combining the Myogenic Pill and the Yangyuan Pill into one.”

Qi Yunlan said.

"The Shengji Pill and the Yangyuan Pill are combined into one? Girl Yunlan, are you kidding me?"

He Yan frowned tightly and said decisively, "The properties of these two medicines are obviously in conflict, and it is impossible to fuse them. This goes against common sense."

Obviously, even He Yan, the number one alchemy king in the imperial capital, believed that the existence of these double recovery elixirs was impossible.

"Teacher, at first, I thought it was against common sense. But the people from the Rongxian Chamber of Commerce invited the elixir tester to test the elixir in public, which confirmed the authenticity of the efficacy. I saw it on the spot and didn't think it was fake. "

Qi Yunlan said.

Hearing this, King He Yandan frowned even more tightly. He put the elixir under his nose again, took a deep sniff, and murmured: "It does smell like the Muscle Pill and the Yuanyuan Pill at the same time. It's strange. ,strangeness……"

After saying a dozen strange words, He Yan suddenly seemed to have made up his mind and slapped his chest hard. The force was so strong that a trace of blood suddenly overflowed from the corner of his mouth, and his face also changed. Then he turned pale.

Seeing him like this, Qi Yunlan was startled at first, and then realized what he wanted to do, and couldn't help but called out worriedly: "Teacher."

He Yan waved his hand, then took the pill, hesitated for a moment, broke off half of it and swallowed it.

Then, he immediately closed his eyes and circulated his breath.

After a moment, He Yan opened his eyes, with a deep look of disbelief in his eyes, and said: "It really has the effect of healing wounds and restoring true energy at the same time!"

"Yun Lan, what chamber of commerce did you just say that this elixir came from?"

He Yan stood up suddenly and asked Qi Yunlan.

"It's Rongxian Chamber of Commerce!"

Qi Yunlan replied.

"Rongxian Merchant?"

He Yan looked confused and murmured the name, "Isn't it one of the four major chambers of commerce? Which Alchemy King is in charge?"

"Teacher, there is no Alchemy King in charge of this Rongxian Merchant Guild, only one third-grade alchemist." Qi Yunlan replied.

"Third-grade alchemist?" He Yan frowned again, "Impossible. It is absolutely impossible for a third-grade alchemist to refine such an elixir independently. There must be someone else behind it."


Qi Yunlan couldn't help but think of the new owner of Rongxian Chamber of Commerce, and said, "I don't know whether there is an expert or not, but the new owner of Rongxian Chamber of Commerce is a young man, very young."


He Yan shook his head and said, "That's impossible, maybe he is just the spokesperson of the master."

With that said, He Yan rushed out, "Come on, you accompany me to the Rongxian Chamber of Commerce. I want to see what the Rongxian Chamber of Commerce is all about."

at the same time.

Imperial Capital Longyou Chamber of Commerce.

This is one of the four most famous first-class chambers of commerce in the imperial capital. It is very luxurious and beautifully decorated.

At this moment, a secret meeting was being held in an office of the Longyou Chamber of Commerce.

"The content of today's meeting is roughly the above. When the time comes, everyone will act according to the plan."

An old man with a goatee said to everyone in the conference room.

"Yes, President Luo, we understand."

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