Tianyu Alchemy Lord

Chapter 5 Enemies meet on a narrow road

Seeing that Jiang Tingyi was gone, Xu Yin turned to Su Chen and said, "Xiaochen, come and seek refuge with my aunt. I don't have anything good for you here."

As she said that, Xu Yin took out a stack of banknotes from her arms: "This is some of my aunt's personal savings over the years after she married into the Jiang family. Take it. If you see anything you need, just buy it. Now is the time to spend money on your cultivation. , don’t be polite to my aunt.”

Su Chen was stunned for a moment, but did not reach out to take it. He looked at the banknotes, but his nose felt a little sore.

How could he almost forget that Xu Yin also gave him these banknotes in his previous life? If he remembered correctly, these banknotes should be a total of ten thousand taels.

After so many years of marriage to the Jiang family, Xu Yin had only saved so much private money, and almost all of it was given to Su Chen.

Su Chen once asked Xu Yin to leave part of it for Jiang Tingyi, but Xu Yin insisted that Jiang Tingyi was a descendant of the Jiang family, and the Jiang family was responsible for the training expenses, and her private money could not be used.

"Xiao Chen, take it. If it's not enough, I'll have some more at my place later." Seeing Su Chen in a daze, Xu Yin misunderstood, thinking that Su Chen didn't accept because he didn't have enough money.

"Enough, very enough. I will cherish this bank note." Su Chen took a deep breath and took it with red eyes.

He knew that if he didn't accept the money, Xu Yin would definitely not give up.

At the same time, Su Chen secretly made a decision in his heart that he would definitely let his aunt live the best life in this life.

Never repeat the mistakes of the last life!

"I don't care why you suddenly came here. In short, since it's a foregone conclusion that you will live in the Jiang family, I hope you will stay safe and not cause trouble for my mother and me!"

When the two of them walked out of the Jiang family gate side by side, Jiang Tingyi said to Su Chen with a cold face.

Su Chen shrugged, smiled lightly, and did not answer.

Jiang Tingyi glanced sideways, her eyes full of disdain. This cousin is obviously a waste, otherwise how could he leave Zhengyi Sect in a good way.

She didn't believe that she left Zhengyi Sect voluntarily. Maybe Su Chen left because he couldn't stay in Zhengyi Sect any longer.

The two of them went to the famous tailor shop "Yunjinlou" in the city and made some clothes for Su Chen.

Jiang Tingyi reluctantly took out her wallet and prepared to pay, but was told by the clerk: "Young Master has already paid."

Jiang Tingyi was a little surprised and glanced at Su Chen in surprise. Su Chen had already paid?

Tsk, it must have been paid with her mother's money. She knew that this Cousin Chen was just coming to Jiang's house to enjoy the autumn breeze.

Jiang Tingyi sneered, full of contempt, and was about to leave Yunjin Tower without even looking at Su Chen.

Suddenly, a group of teenagers, surrounded by a girl with a charming face and a black mole on the right corner of her eye, walked into the lobby of Yunjin Tower, and they bumped into each other.

"Hey, isn't this the second young lady of the Jiang family?" Before Jiang Tingyi could say anything, the enchanting girl's sharp voice sounded like a smile.

"Wang Bingyan!" Jiang Tingyi bit her red lips slightly. They were really enemies, and they met her here.

This Wang Bingyan of the Wang family is similar to her in age. She has been competing with her in everything since she was a child, including skills, elixirs, beautiful clothes and jewelry, and even her suitors.

Unfortunately, today, Wang Bingyan is surrounded by suitors, but Jiang Tingyi only has a shabby cousin who is fighting against the autumn wind, and she is bound to be laughed at by Wang Bingyan.

Sure enough, when Wang Bingyan saw Su Chen alone beside Jiang Tingyi, she deliberately made a very surprised expression and asked, "Jiang Tingyi, who is this? Is this your new boyfriend?"

"Don't talk nonsense, he is my cousin!" Jiang Tingyi immediately clarified.

"Cousin? When did you suddenly have a cousin appear?"

"I know, he is Su Chen!" A fat young man pointed at Su Chen and said, "He was originally a disciple of the Zhengyi Sect, but he was kicked out by the Zhengyi Sect for stealing precious elixirs from the elders of the sect! "

"real or fake?"

"It's absolutely true. I just heard it yesterday from my distant cousin who is a disciple of Zhengyi Sect."

"Tsk, tsk, tsk, it turns out he is an abandoned disciple of the sect, and he was kicked out for such a shameful reason. Anyone who comes near him will be humiliated."

Even Wang Bingyan laughed, and said in a long and sarcastic voice: "Jiang Tingyi, your relatives are so embarrassing. If it were me, I wouldn't want to live..."

"Shut up!"

Jiang Tingyi's eyes widened with anger. At the same time, her face was burning and she felt ashamed.

Fortunately, she had thought that Su Chen left because he was too useless and couldn't stay in Zhengyi Sect any longer, but she didn't expect that things were even worse than she imagined.

Su Chen was kicked out after stealing something from the Zhengyi Sect!

"Su Chen, I thought that although you were useless, you were at least a gentleman. I didn't expect that you actually had a problem with your character and stole things from the sect!" Jiang Tingyi blushed and reprimanded.

Su Chen shrugged nonchalantly. He could guess that it must be Elder Xingyun and Lu Yuan who, in order to protect their own reputations, confused right and wrong and told the truth that he was kicked out of the sect for stealing elixirs. .

However, Su Chen was too lazy to explain.

As the Alchemy Emperor in his previous life, how could he care about what these ordinary people thought of him?

Just like does an elephant care what ants think of him?

Obviously not.

Seeing that her goal of humiliating Jiang Tingyi had been achieved, Wang Bingyan smiled proudly and said: "Jiang Tingyi, you can take care of your housework here and I won't disturb you. By the way, I'm at Zuixianju at noon today. We’re hosting a banquet for Mr. Ye Xuan, if you’d like, you can come too.”

After saying that, Wang Bingyan proudly led a group of suitors to the second floor of Yunjin Building to try on clothes.

"Master Ye Xuan's reception party?" Jiang Tingyi's expression changed. Ye Xuan was the male god of all the girls in the city, and he was also the golden son-in-law that she and Wang Bingyan had been competing for.

Of course she would go to Mr. Ye Xuan’s reception party!

"Su Chen, I'm eating out at noon today. You can go back by yourself!" Jiang Tingyi glanced at Su Chen with disgust. She didn't want to take Su Chen, a loser, to have dinner with her male idol.

Su Chen said nonchalantly: "That's just right, I don't want to be with you anyway."

After saying that, before Jiang Tingyi could react, Su Chen calmly walked out of Yunjin Tower.

And when Jiang Tingyi came back to her senses, her eyes widened with anger. Su Chen, a bastard, actually said that he didn't want to be with her!

Facing such a pretty beauty like him, what right did he, a loser and a thief, have to say this?

"Su Chen, just wait for me!" Jiang Tingyi suppressed her anger and settled the score with Su Chen when she got back. At the moment, participating in Young Master Ye Xuan's reception banquet was her top priority.

Speaking of Su Chen.

After leaving Yunjin Tower, he turned around and went to Wubao Hall a street away.

Wubaotang is one of the largest elixir shops in Qinghe City. Everyone in Qinghe City knows that Wubaotang has the most complete range of elixirs and medicinal materials.

If you can't buy any elixirs or medicinal materials at Wubaotang, you won't be able to buy them anywhere else.

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