Tianyu Alchemy Lord

Chapter 4 Chaos Immortal Record

"Xiaochen, did Zhengyi Sect treat you..." Xu Yin considered her words carefully.

Su Chen saw her worries, smiled and said, "Auntie, I have indeed left the Zhengyi Sect."

"But don't worry, it's not Zhengyi Sect that kicked me out, it's just that I don't want to stay in Zhengyi Sect anymore."

Su Chen's tone was very understated.

If it were anyone else, they would definitely think that Su Chen said this just to save face.

After all, the Zhengyi Sect is the largest sect within a thousand miles. In terms of cultivation environment, it is many times superior to the cultivation families in small cities.

However, Xu Yin looked at Su Chen's eyes carefully, and what she could read from Su Chen's clear, star-like eyes was indifference and determination.

This made her nod involuntarily, feeling a lot more relieved: "In that case, Xiaochen, I will go and tell the head of the Jiang family, and you can stay with my aunt with peace of mind."

"It just so happens that it's deserted here, aunt, so you can keep some company when you come." Xu Yin smiled.

Su Chen nodded: "By the way, aunt, please keep this matter a secret for me first, and don't tell my parents for the time being."

Xu Yin agreed and immediately ordered her servants to arrange a room for Su Chen.

A quarter of an hour later.

Su Chen was already in the familiar room in his memory.

Looking at the familiar furnishings around him, Su Chen took a deep breath and got rid of the distracting thoughts in his heart.

Then, he opened his arms slightly forward, as if embracing the universe.

The technique he is practicing now is "Zhengyang Heart Jue", one of Zhengyi Sect's Zongzong Zhenzong techniques, which is a second-grade technique.

This kind of skill is good for ordinary people, but it is not good enough for Su Chen, who was once the Alchemy Emperor.

There are many martial arts secrets in Su Chen's memory, which he collected after he became the Alchemy Emperor in his previous life. Many people know that Chen Dan Emperor has a hobby of collecting martial arts secrets, and when asking him to refine elixirs, they will exchange precious secrets.

Su Chen also likes to study these martial arts secrets. After so many years, his theoretical knowledge of martial arts is vast.

Therefore, if he could practice martial arts in this life, he would naturally choose the best techniques to practice.

In fact, he had already thought about what skills he wanted to practice.

"Just practice the "Chaos Immortal Record"!"

"Chaos Immortal Record" is a supreme mysterious skill obtained by Su Chen in his previous life. I don't know who created it or what its origin is.

Su Chen only knew that when this skill appeared in the previous life, its level surpassed all the known skills in the world. It attracted many strong men to snatch it. The last strong Martial Emperor almost lost his life before he took it away. Grab it.

Unfortunately, after getting it, the strong Martial Emperor discovered that there is an extremely harsh condition for practicing this technique, that is, one must start practicing at the first level of martial arts - the Qi-Entraining Realm, in order to obtain the essence of this technique. .

The strong Martial Emperor was unwilling to abandon his cultivation and start over from scratch, so he did not practice this technique. Finally, he gave this technique to Su Chen. As a reward, Su Chen refined a ninth-grade Taiwei Dust-Free Pill for him.

Now, Su Chen is at the seventh level of the Qi Entrainment Realm, which is just right for him to practice this technique!

Therefore, Su Chen did not hesitate to abandon "Zhengyang Heart Jue" and modify this "Chaos Immortal Record".

Su Chen settled down and began to recall the formulas of "Chaos Immortal Record".

As he began to practice, the surrounding spiritual energy of heaven and earth gradually gathered together, twisting into thick cyclones, and poured into his body from the Tianling Gai.

Subsequently, the large and small meridians in Su Chen's body rotated and compressed at full speed, continuously converting the huge spiritual energy entering the body into the true energy in the Dantian.

If other people saw this scene, they would probably be shocked.

Because the "Chaos Immortal Record" that Su Chen was running was so miraculous that it absorbed all the spiritual energy of heaven and earth within a radius of ten meters, and completely sealed it in the body, unable to get in or out!

You must know that ordinary exercises, no matter how brilliant, will absorb a large part of the spiritual energy into the body along with the human body's breathing and pores, which is usually said to be wasted.

However, "Chaos Immortal Record" completely seals the absorbed spiritual energy within the body and converts it 100% into the true energy in the Dantian without any waste. This shows how overbearing this technique is!

Su Chen was originally a genius with a physique that was very suitable for cultivation, and with the blessing of this magical technique, he suddenly became more powerful, and his cultivation level increased rapidly at an incredible speed.

The moon sets and the sun rises.

When Su Chen finished practicing, opened his eyes and exhaled slowly, he realized that it was already early the next morning and he had been practicing all night.


Su Chen slapped his palms on the ground, leaving two half-inch deep and delicate palm prints on the hard ground.

"Just one night of practice, he actually broke through to the eighth level of the Qi Entrainment Realm. This "Chaos Immortal Record" is really overbearing!" Su Chen's eyes flashed with obvious joy. He stood up and stretched his muscles, and his body immediately felt like fried beans. "Crackling" sound.

At the same time, it can be seen with the naked eye that his height has increased by half an inch.

The body seems to contain infinite power.

This feeling was something Su Chen had never experienced in his previous life. In his previous life, he only cultivated to the seventh level of the Qi Entraining Realm and then was deprived of his cultivation. He never practiced again for the rest of his life.

"In this life, I will definitely ascend to the supreme level of martial arts with this body!" Su Chen's eyes gleamed with confidence.

At this moment, someone knocked on the door outside, and at the same time, my aunt Xu Yin's voice came asking: "Xiaochen, are you up?"

"Auntie, please come in." Su Chen simply tidied up the room, opened the door and invited Xu Yin in.

Xu Yin walked into the room with a smile: "Xiaochen, are you used to sleeping?"

"Your cousin Tingyi came back last night, and because it was too late, she didn't bother you. It's early in the morning, and you two young people just happen to know each other."

Su Chen looked behind Xu Yin and saw a young girl with a round figure standing in the backlight at the door of the room.

The girl wore a purple blouse on the upper body and a silver short skirt on the lower body, showing off two slender legs as white as jade.

As if she felt there was something dirty in Su Chen's house, she wrinkled her nose slightly and stood outside the door, refusing to take even a step into the house.

"Jiang Tingyi."

The name of this cousin flashed through Su Chen's mind. In his previous life, because he was expelled from the Zhengyi Sect and deprived of his Dantian, he was often discriminated against by this cousin.

In Su Chen's impression, this cousin was very beautiful and one of the most beautiful women in Qinghe City. Even Su Chen in his previous life was amazed by her appearance when he saw her for the first time.

However, the Su Chen of today is no longer the Su Chen of his previous life. There have been many talented women in the Dan Realm who wanted to have a relationship with him, and he has read them all. Now, seeing his cousin again, he naturally feels a little upset in his heart. nor.

"Mom, why do you have to bring me here? Cousin Chen, isn't he just a Qiufeng guy? Do we still have to accept him?" The girl kept complaining.

The smile on Xu Yin's face disappeared and she scolded: "Don't be rude in front of your cousin!"

Then, Xu Yin turned to Su Chen and apologized: "Xiao Chen, I'm so sorry, Tingyi was spoiled by me."

"It's okay, aunt, I don't care." Su Chen smiled.

"You are the first time here and you don't have a change of clothes. Today, I asked Tingyi to accompany you to buy some clothes and some daily necessities." Xu Yin said.

When Jiang Tingyi heard that she wanted to accompany Su Chen to buy clothes, she immediately protested fiercely: "Mom!"

Su Chen also smiled: "Auntie, I'll go by myself."

"No." Xu Yin, who had always been gentle, was unexpectedly stubborn at this moment, "Xiaochen, you are not familiar with Qinghe City, so let Tingyi accompany you. Tingyi, go freshen up and set off in a quarter of an hour."

"Humph!" Seeing that her resistance was ineffective, Jiang Tingyi stamped her feet angrily, glared at Su Chen bitterly, and ran away quickly.

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