Tianyu Alchemy Lord

Chapter 4360 is too sinister

Su Chen chuckled. There are always people who think that their cultivation is low and easy to bully, but such people usually end up in tragedy.

Su Chen condensed his fists to attack the opponent.


The two forces collided, and the man in white suddenly leaned up, and then jumped backwards.


Not to mention that the man in white couldn't believe it, even the other man in yellow next to him had his mouth half open and almost spat out.

What is the situation? A mere Guiyi Realm, first level, can actually defeat an invincible genius of the same level, Guiyi Realm, second level, with one punch?

"Who are you?"

The man in white asked.

"Why are you asking? Are you trying to make friends now?"

Su Chen shook his head.

"Don't get too proud too early, I may not lose to you!"

The man in white said coldly, and shot towards Su Chen again.

This time, the man in white went all out, activating a Guiyi realm martial skill, and the energy of the Silver Immortal Chart surged towards Su Chen.

Su Chen pointed out, puff puff, puff puff, the attack of the man in white was immediately neutralized, but Su Chen's finger power did not dissipate, and he still attacked the man in white.

The man in white quickly retreated, but the cave was so small that he could only retreat but not completely dodge, so he couldn't actually escape. He could only shout loudly and punch repeatedly. After several consecutive blows, Su Chen's finger power was neutralized.

Both the people in white and the people in yellow were shocked. How could there be such a powerful first level Guiyi Realm?

Su Chen smiled, put away Daoji, and said, "Lest you say I bullied you."

As soon as Dao Ji retreated, the man in white was no longer suppressed and his combat power was restored.


The man in white snorted, but secretly felt that Su Chen was stupid and didn't take advantage of him.

This should be a disciple of a large sect, or even a true disciple, but it is obvious that he has just entered the world, so his mind is not very flexible yet.

The man in white couldn't help but feel excited. Such a being should have an amazing secret treasure on his body, right?

Sorry, it's all my own now!

The man in white roared and charged towards Su Chen, taking advantage of Daoji's unsuppressed momentum to capture Su Chen with a thunderous force.

But when he first rushed over, Su Chen showed a smirk.

Daoji was sacrificed again!

Suddenly, the man in white's strength was cut off in a straight line again.


The man in white had ten thousand grass and mud horses running through his heart. Unfortunately, he thought that the other party was an innocent young man who was just starting out and had an advantage but didn't know how to take advantage of it. Unexpectedly, the very stupid and naive person turned out to be myself.

So shady, so shady!


Su Chen punched out and hit the man in white on the face. The man screamed and fell to the ground.

In fact, if the man in white's combat power had been suppressed, he wouldn't be so miserable. But he had calculated his strength in advance, and all attacks were based on this, but the baseline suddenly changed, and naturally everything was in chaos.

That's why he said that Su Chen was evil.

"You are so insidious!"

Another man in yellow scolded loudly.

Su Chen shrugged and said: "I thought about it, if I don't use it when I have an advantage, you will call me a fool. So, I decided not to be a fool."

The man in white felt like crying under Su Chen's feet, he was the fool now.

"Hand over everything you have on you, or I'll throw you out to the wind."

Su Chen said calmly.

The man in white was stunned, what is this? Robbery?

"What's that look in your eyes? Come on, my patience is limited."

Su Chen said impatiently.

The man in white was helpless and turned to his companions for help.

"Your Excellency, you have gone too far!"

The man in yellow couldn't bear it any longer, so he took out a sword, trembling with cold light, and charged towards Su Chen to rescue his companions. .??.??

Su Chen was not afraid of the man in white escaping. If he had the ability, he could run outside the cave. Su Chen had no objection. Anyway, people could freeze to death outside the cave.

Su Chen stepped hard on his feet, and with a bang, his figure shot out and faced the man in yellow.


The man in white yelled, his face distorted, "You can fight with me, why would you step on me? Several bones were broken."

Su Chen met the man in yellow and exploded with a punch.

The man in yellow was wary of him using Daoji to suppress him. This sword was actually three points of attack and seven points of defense.

However, Su Chen had no intention of suppressing it with Daoji. He activated the meridian light curtain, crashed directly into the sword light, and then punched directly.


With just one blow, the man in yellow was knocked away and hit the wall hard.

Fortunately, this mountain rock is extremely strong, otherwise an ordinary mountain would collapse with such a collision.

The man in white was originally lying on the ground and yelling at Su Chen for being sinister, but after seeing this scene, he silently closed his mouth.

Obviously, even if the other party doesn't cheat on him, he can't be his opponent in a head-on confrontation.

How could there be such a scary guy?

"Say it again, robbery."

Su Chen smiled.

Both of them were convinced, but the gap in strength was too big. They were no match at all, and they could only act as heroes according to the current situation.

They have closed the space one after another

He took it out and handed it to Su Chen.

Su Chen took it, glanced at it a few times, and couldn't help but smile with satisfaction: "Not bad, not bad, my family is quite rich."

Both of them wanted to cry. It was so unreasonable for a genius with such a perverted talent to rob someone in public. How could he be so shameless?

But looking at the mask on Su Chen's face, it was obvious that this guy was shameless.

They didn't dare to say anything. At this stage, Su Chen was only robbing money. What if he escalated to killing people?

Su Chen was naturally not polite. He occupied the deepest position in the cave, asked the two to watch the door outside, and closed his eyes to rest.

Seeing Su Chen sleeping, the two were a little tempted. Should they take the opportunity to kill Su Chen? Not only can they recover their losses, but also avenge their great revenge.

But thinking of the gap in strength between themselves and Su Chen, they looked at each other, shook their heads, and gave up the idea.

What if this is another trap set by Su Chen for them?

It's not the first time they have been fooled.

After a night, when the early morning of the next day came, the atmosphere in the cave became more and more subtle. The man in white and the man in yellow looked outside frequently, with anxious faces.

When the first ray of sunlight shone over, the two of them suddenly ran as fast as they could as if they were bitten by a dog.

Am I so scary?

Su Chen laughed and left the cave.

This valley is very long, and everyone's speed is very slow. Therefore, another day passed, and in the evening, Su Chen still looked for a cave to avoid the cold.

This time, Su Chen did find an empty cave, but soon after he entered, someone appeared with a domineering attitude and asked him to get out of the cave.

For such people, Su Chen had no reason to be polite, so he directly suppressed them and then robbed them, which was quite effective.

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