Tianyu Alchemy Lord

Chapter 4359: Death of the Sixth Prince

"No, how can you be so strong!"

The sixth prince said in disbelief while coughing up blood.

He is at the pinnacle of the first level of the Guiyi Realm, and with just some time to accumulate, he can reach the second level of the Guiyi Realm.

Moreover, after reaching the Guiyi Realm, the gap between geniuses will be much narrower. He was also a one-star genius in the Nirvana Realm, and now he can be regarded as invincible at the same level. How could he be so much weaker than a person who has just entered the Guiyi Realm?

Besides, he is still the son of a high-level Guiyi Realm, and what kind of person is he? Can he compare with him?

But now, he was easily defeated by the opponent.

"Because I'm a genius."

Su Chen smiled and slapped him back. With a pop, the sixth prince vomited blood again.

The sixth prince almost exploded with anger at this answer. This was really a typical answer for a villain to succeed. ??

"Lao Liu, I'm very disappointed in you."

Sixth child?

Who do you call Lao Liu?

The Sixth Prince almost couldn't believe his ears. Is this the way you should talk to Mr. Tianhuang?

"As your grandfather, it would be a shame to bully a junior like you, but who made you do too many bad things? Just the massacre of Scarlet Flood Dragon City, I can't possibly spare you."

Su Chen said.

The sixth prince was angry and anxious. This guy actually regarded himself as his grandson!

"You want to do the following?"

The Sixth Prince shouted, he was very frightened in his heart, because this was not the Twin Moon Territory, let alone the Black Moon Imperial Capital.

With a snap, Su Chen slapped her across the face: "I told you that I am your grandfather, how dare you speak to me in this tone?"

The sixth prince glared at Su Chen angrily. He swore that as long as he had the chance to return to Shuangyue Domain, he would tell his father that Zhang Chao was really crazy.

"For your father's sake, in fact, you have repeatedly targeted me, so I don't have to worry about you."\u003cb\u003c p\u003er\u003e

Su Chen said sternly, "But you made the mistake of massacring Scarlet Flood Dragon City. This was a completely inhuman act. If I spare your life, how can I be worthy of those who died unjustly?"

"You're going to kill me for the death of some untouchable?"

The sixth prince said in surprise.


Su Chen laughed and shook his head. According to what the Sixth Prince said, in the eyes of higher-ranking people, what is the difference between him and a pariah?

"You can't kill me!"

The sixth prince said sternly, he is a prince!

The Sixth Prince regretted it very much. If he had not wanted to win over Su Chen, but did it without hesitation, he would not be here today.

The Sixth Prince hated that he was destined to do something great, and his father was a high-level expert in the Guiyi Realm, but now he was going to die at the hands of a first-level Guiyi Realm man. He was wronged, he was humiliated, and he was unwilling to accept it.


The Sixth Prince roared wildly and glared at Su Chen, as if he wanted to kill Su Chen with his eyes.

Su Chen remained indifferent, and struck out with a palm, causing the energy of annihilation to boil. With just one roll, the sixth prince disappeared, not even his body, as if he had never existed.

The sixth prince died.

Although this was not a very strong opponent, Su Chen still felt relaxed.

Having avenged the unjust death of a whole city, he seemed to have lifted a burden off his shoulders.

Su Chen continued to close his eyes and meditate. When the sky got brighter the next day, he tried to walk out of the cave.

When we walked to the entrance of the cave, the first feeling was still cold. Even the light curtain that circulates the meridians cannot resist the invasion of cold air, and it is impossible to get out.

In the valley, the sun seems to come out extremely late again

, and nearly an hour passed before the first ray of sunlight shone down.

Su Chen tried again, and this time the chill was much less. Although it was still very cold, it was bearable.

Su Chen walked out and started walking in the snow, leaving sparse footprints.

Soon after, the cold wind howled and the temperature suddenly plummeted. Everyone hurriedly looked for caves to escape the cold, the rhythm was exactly the same as yesterday.

At the end of the day, Su Chen still hadn't left the valley. When night fell, Su Chen had to find a cave to spend the night.


There were already two people in the cave. After seeing Su Chen, one of the men in white immediately shouted.

"The place is big, and one more person won't affect it."

Su Chen shrugged. He didn't dislike being in the same space as the other person, so there was no reason why the other person disliked him.

"I have the final say whether it will affect or not."

The man in white snorted, with a look of disdain on his face.

When Su Chen heard this, he became rude and said, "This cave is not owned by your family. You want me to leave? Haha."

"You're not going, are you? Then I have to do it myself."

The man in white walked over and with a bang, violent aura surged out of his body, "You are so small, I can crush you with just one finger!"

It can be said that he does have the capital to be arrogant, because he is at the second level of Gui Yi Realm and is invincible at the same level.

The second level of Guiyi Realm is invincible, so naturally he will not take the first level of Guiyi Realm seriously.

The man in white mobilized a force of pressure to bring Su Chen down.

However, the surging pressure roared past, but it had no effect at all.


The man in white showed a hint of surprise

The look was strange, but immediately turned into pride.

Since coercion alone cannot suppress it, then use Daoji.

After all, you can hone your will to be extremely tenacious and not afraid of pressure, but the suppression of Daoji is a gap in cultivation level that cannot be bridged.


The man in white urged Dao Ji out, the golden light shone with astonishing momentum.

Seeing this, Su Chen also sacrificed his Dao Foundation.

The Taoist base imitating the ancient Taoist gates is simple and unpretentious, just like the stubborn stones that can be seen everywhere, but the aura it exudes is enough to make those at the third level of the First Realm tremble.

"Haha, you dare to compete with me in Daoji at the first level of Guiyi Realm?"

The man in white almost laughed out loud when he saw it.

But just for a moment, he let out a muffled groan. Not only was his momentum completely suppressed, but his Dao Foundation was trembling as if it was about to collapse.

What's happening here?

The man in white quickly put away his Dao Foundation. If he continued like this, his Dao Foundation would really collapse and his cultivation would fall to the realm of Nirvana.

Even so, the man in white was still suppressed in terms of momentum, and his combat power could be used at most 70%. This is because of his outstanding talent and tenacity. If he were replaced by another second-level Guiyi Realm, he might only be able to exert 50% of his combat power, or even less.

How could there be such a unified realm?

"You must have had some adventure, or even incorporated some powerful divine stone when building the Dao Foundation, so that the Dao Foundation of the first level of Guiyi Realm can have such power!"

The man in white regained his composure, "But no matter what, you are just the first level of Guiyi Realm."

With that said, the man in white took action and grabbed Su Chen.

Even if he could only exert 70% of his combat power, he still felt that he was sure of victory.

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