Tianyu Alchemy Lord

Chapter 4355 Liuhua Daozong

Su Chen's eyes lit up, he could actually use the nine-layer cauldron to absorb the power of the flames here!

However, after entering the nine-layer cauldron space, the flame symbol immediately melted, as if it had melted and swelled. A symbol that was originally only the size of a fist, now turned into a sea of ​​fire. As a result, the space of the nine-layer cauldron is obviously very large, but the amount of flames collected is not much.

However, Su Chen couldn't control it, so if it wasn't too much, it wouldn't be too much.

He filled the entire space of the nine-story tower with the source of pure fire, or the melted and swollen source of pure fire. It should be one level worse than the original source of pure fire, and its power is also reduced by one level.

However, the source of pure fire can burn to death in the Destroy the Void Realm, and even if my own flame is not capable, it shouldn't be difficult to burn to death in the Half-Step Destroy the Void Realm, right?

Even in a super high domain like King Qing's Domain, there may not necessarily be a powerful person in the Destruction of the Void Realm, so the half-step of the Destroy the Void Realm is already the strongest combat power.

Su Chen was also very satisfied. This time he came to the Valley of Fire. Not only did he achieve his goal of smelting the source of pure gold, but he also collected a lot of sources of pure fire. It was a very good deal.

"If that old man is still guarding outside, burn him to death."

Su Chen murmured, then put away the nine-layer cauldron and strode away from the valley.

After leaving the deepest part of the valley, the power of the flames dropped greatly, and Su Chen's consumption also slowed down.

"Boy, do you really think you can escape from me?"

A faint voice sounded, and it was the red-haired old man who appeared again.

This time, Su Chen had the confidence to retreat towards the depths of the valley. In that extremely fiery place, the opponent's strength can be greatly weakened. Otherwise, if the opponent kills him instantly as soon as he takes action, he will not even have the chance to sacrifice the source of pure fire.

"Old bastard, do you have a mental problem? Did I provoke you?"

Su Chen spoke provocatively.

In fact, the old man could understand that Su Chen had complaints, but this kid was too bold.

Then call him an old bastard? Are you saying he has a neurological problem?

He is a half-step master of the Void Destroying Realm, the top expert in the Qingwang Realm!

"court death!"

The old man said solemnly, raised his hand and grabbed Su Chen.

If Su Chen was respectful to him, and if Su Chen could resist his pressure, he might take a look, and if his talent was good, he might as well accept him as his disciple. Of course, the premise was that Su Chen would use that defensive Give your magical power to yourself.

However, after Su Chen scolded him, he would naturally not have such thoughts again.

With a bang, he grabbed it with his big hand, as if the stars in the sky could be easily grabbed down.

The power to destroy the virtual realm in half a step is so terrifying.

Su Chen sneered, and with a thought, the nine-layer cauldron appeared, and then the space of the first-layer cauldron opened, and the fire boiled.


The flames are blazing, burning everything.


The old man exclaimed and quickly retreated.

As a strong man, he naturally has the keenest instinct for crises. He would not even dare to touch such a flame.

But here, the power of the flames was too strong, and he couldn't retreat quickly.

The flames pouring out from the space of the tripod's body were billowing, chasing behind his butt, getting closer and closer to the front line faster.

However, the old man was running out of the valley, so his speed was getting faster and faster. Although the flame was approaching, his speed was getting slower and slower.

Still caught up!

The old man let out a scream and his buttocks were burned.

He made a prompt decision and turned his palm into a blade.

When it fell, blood filled the air, and half of his butt was cut off immediately, preventing the flames from spreading to his whole body.

But despite this, the fire poison still entered his body, leaving him with huge hidden dangers.

The old man turned around and took a deep look at Su Chen, but his steps were faster and he disappeared without a trace in an instant.

His first priority now is to get rid of the fire poison, otherwise, even if he has sacrificed half of his butt, he will still die.

This is a great shame and humiliation. He has only half-stepped to the realm of annihilation of the void, but he has suffered such a big loss at the hands of the elementary level of the Guiyi realm.

So what level of magical weapon is it that can contain such terrifying flames from the depths of the valley?

While the old man was still frightened, he was also extremely jealous.

This son is definitely not a descendant of any Taoist sect in King Qing Domain, because he has seen all the precious divine weapons here, and none of them have that shape.

He would recover from his injuries, then find Su Chen, kill him, and seize the weapon!

Su Chen closed the nine-layer cauldron to prevent the remaining flames from leaking out, and then strode out of the valley.

After the magic weapon was made, and an old tortoise was burned by the way, Su Chen was in a good mood. He had a trump card, and he could even achieve half-step to the realm of annihilating the void.

After leaving the valley and releasing the little girl and the nine brothers, Su Chen briefly told them the situation and expressed that he wanted to leave here as soon as possible.

"Brother, are you in trouble again?"

the little girl asked.

"Well, I provoked a half-step annihilation realm and burned half of his butt off."

Hearing Su Chen's words, the little girl was speechless. You must know that she was capable of causing trouble, but compared with Su Chen, she was dwarfed and not on the same level at all.

That's half a step to annihilation

territory! Is it someone you can mess with casually?

"Are you bragging?"

The little girl didn't believe it. How could the elementary level of Guiyi Realm be injured by the Half-Step Destroying Void Realm? The gap between the two sides was too big.

"Believe it or not."

Su Chen patted the little girl on the shoulder and said.

They quickly left, from the territory of Wuheng Dao Sect to the territory of Liuhua Dao Sect.

"It's time to go to the Liuhuaguo Party."

The territory of the Liuhua Dao Sect is still different from the Liuhua Dao Sect. The group traveled in the territory of the Liuhua Dao Sect for another two days before arriving at the Liuhua Dao Sect.

From the outside, the mountain gate of Liuhua Daozong is majestic and unparalleled.

A majestic peak is inserted into the sky, and it is unknown how high it is. There is a golden mist lingering in the mountain, and there is a tens of thousands of divine lights shining. From time to time, you can see cranes flying over, like a fairyland.

This is just the most intuitive visual impression. If you feel it a little more, you will find that the aura of heaven and earth here is extremely rich.

It is precisely because of this that this place is qualified to be the seat of Taoism.

Su Chen had been cultivating all the way and gained insights from the flame symbols. At this moment, a flame was beating in the palm of his hand. It was very small, like a flame, but the heat wave it emitted was extremely terrifying. It was different from the energy of the fire-attribute fairy diagram that he had mastered before. The same cannot be said.

Of course, Su Chen has only cracked one symbol now, so this flame is just a small flame.

"When you get stronger in the future, go to the Flame Valley and master all the symbols there. That will be enough power to burn even the Void Destroying Realm to death."

Su Chen murmured.

Approaching the Liuhua Dao Sect, Su Chen still asked the little girl and the nine brothers to enter the mustard space, while he entered the Liuhua Dao Sect alone.

Soon, Su Chen walked to the gate of Liuhua Dao Sect.

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