Tianyu Alchemy Lord

Chapter 4354: Building a Nine-Layered Cauldron

However, the old man firmly believed that the boy on the other side couldn't hold on for long, and his energy would eventually be exhausted, and he would come out at that time.

I just need to wait and see.

Su Chen walked quickly, and his true energy was constantly being consumed, so he had to take another recovery elixir he had refined to maintain consumption.

Su Chen was also very unhappy in his heart. That Lao Deng insisted on killing him just because he was interested in his magical defensive powers. He was really shameless.

However, Lao Deng was able to reach such a deep place without any special powers, so his strength should not be ordinary.

It seems that revenge will not be possible in a short time.

If you let others know, they will definitely be quite speechless. You must know that the other party is in the realm of half-step annihilation, and Su Chen's first reaction is not how to escape, but when to take revenge. This is really crazy.

Su Chen put aside the matter first and came to the depths of the Flame Valley.

There is a hole here that looks like it was smashed out. However, the pit is only three feet in diameter and no more than ten feet deep.

Here, the power of fire attributes reaches its extreme.

Su Chen looked over from a distance. Even if he had magical defensive powers, he would not dare to touch the flames here.

All the boiling flames in the pit were in the shape of symbols, emitting an indescribable mysterious aura.

This is Xiantu energy!

Su Chen knew that there were differences between the same Immortal Diagram energy and the Fire attribute Immortal Diagram energy, which could be known by the level of the Immortal Diagram.

Immortal diagrams of different levels have completely different energy that they can activate.

Here, the energy of the fire-attributed Immortal Diagram has obviously reached a certain extreme, and it can easily burn to death even those in the Extinguishing Void Realm.

Su Chen's heart skipped a beat. Could it be that these symbols were the secret of communicating the energy of the supreme fire-attribute immortal map?

With this thought in his mind, Su Chen didn't move his hands at all.

Slowly, he took out the source of pure gold from the space ring and threw it into the fire pit.

He definitely cannot control such a powerful fire attribute energy at this stage, and even a little bit of it will be burned to ashes.

Therefore, he needs a carrier, and the source of pure gold is the best carrier.

Use the pure fire source here to smelt the pure gold source, and the smelted magic weapon will naturally have a trace of the supreme fire attribute power.

Moreover, to deal with the source of pure gold, the energy of the source of pure fire is also needed to smelt it, which can be said to kill two birds with one stone.

As soon as the source of pure gold was thrown into the fire pit, the flame symbols immediately started beating crazily, surrounding the source of pure gold, trying to smelt it.

But how does the source of pure gold exist? The source of pure fire that can easily burn the realm of extinguishing the void seems to have no effect on it at all. The source of pure gold does not change at all, and there is not even the slightest sign of turning red.

Su Chen was not in a hurry. The source of pure gold must not be smelted so easily, otherwise it would not be the source of pure gold.

Su Chen replenished his energy while observing the flame symbols. Even if you master a little bit of these flame symbols, it will be of huge benefit to you.

One day, two days, three days, time gradually passed.

Fortunately, Su Chen didn't have to travel hard when he stayed here, so the recovery elixir on his body could barely sustain his consumption, but he just didn't have to think about cultivation.

Four days, five days, and six days passed, and the source of pure gold remained unchanged.

Surrounding the source of pure gold, there are waves of golden energy, which can resist the fire attribute energy without losing at all.

We can only continue to wait.

Su Chen could enter the Mustard Seed Space and wait, but he did not choose to do so, mainly because he wanted to stay here to figure out the meaning of the fire symbol.

More than ten days later, Su Chen's mouth was dry and his true energy was continuously flowing in his body. Daoji exuded waves of prehistoric energy, suppressing the power of the flames.

Su Chen kept trying to figure out the flame symbols and had no time to care about his own physical condition.

Thirty days later, Su Chen was completely dehydrated and shriveled up. If he walked out now, no one would recognize him.

However, he already had some idea about the flame symbol.

This flame symbol was too difficult to master, so Su Chen simply focused on one of them to study, and finally made some progress.

Thirty-one days, thirty-two days, thirty-three days...

Su Chen discovered that the source of pure gold finally showed some signs of melting.

After discovering this sign, Su Chen stopped studying the flame symbol. In comparison, the source of refining pure gold is definitely more important.

Su Chen activated his soul power and wrapped the source of pure gold.

At this time, his knowledge of weapon refining in his previous life came into play, allowing him to perform this step with ease.

One day later, Su Chen's soul power completely enveloped the source of pure gold.

Change it for me!

Su Chen activated his soul power, and with the power of the source of pure fire, he began to shape the source of pure gold.

The source of pure gold, what shape should it be shaped into a divine weapon?

Su Chen thought about it a lot.

Sword, the king of weapons, cuts the sky with one sword and dazzles the world.

The sword is so domineering that it cuts through the sky with one strike.

However, Su Chen did not deliberately shape the shape in the end, letting the source of pure gold play freely and shape it.

Come in the shape of yourself.

Gradually, the source of pure gold took shape. It was not a knife or a sword, but a cauldron.

A tripod?

Su Chen was a little surprised, but then he was relieved.

As an alchemist, I have an indissoluble bond with the tripod. Now the magic weapon made from the source of pure gold is also a tripod. It seems that it is indeed destined to me.

Next, the shape of the tripod continued to refine, and nine layers appeared, becoming more and more refined.

Just like the mustard seed space, each layer of the tripod formed an independent space, which was very large.

But Su Chen's soul power was limited. After reaching a certain degree, he could no longer open up.

However, his soul power has been integrated with the source of pure gold. As his soul power becomes stronger in the future, he can naturally continue to open up space.


Su Chen shouted lightly, and the nine-layer tripod flew towards him in a rotation, hanging above his head, with golden light falling and lightning blazing, like a killing weapon for heaven's punishment.

This golden light is extremely heavy and can crush everything, while the power of thunder is unparalleled and can destroy everything.

Of course, Su Chen's strength is not enough now, and he can only use a little bit of the power of the two. But in the initial stage of the Return to One Realm, he should not be able to find an opponent.

Su Chen laughed loudly. What kind of luck is it to have a magic weapon forged by the source of pure gold in the initial stage of the Return to One Realm?

Unfortunately, this was made by Su Chen himself, so it is naturally impossible to have the ultimate power right from the start, but it has endless growth and potential.

Su Chen manipulated the Nine-Layer Cauldron. After becoming familiar with the basic operation, he directed the Nine-Layer Cauldron to the top of the fire pit.


Su Chen's mind moved, and the space on the ninth floor of the Nine-Layer Cauldron immediately opened and began to absorb those flame symbols.

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