Tianyu Alchemy Lord

Chapter 4349: Ninth-grade Alchemist Assessment

The thin examiner took out a jade box, put his hand on the lid, and then asked Su Chen: "Are you ready?"


Su Chen nodded.

The thin examiner smiled at the other two examiners. There was no way to fake the previous written test, but this interview was very subjective, and the results were all under their control. What was right could be wrong, and what was wrong could also be said. Yes.

Of course, they won't do it so obviously, and they don't need to do it so obviously. They just need to give the three people in front some medicinal materials that are easy to distinguish. And it's Su Chen's turn... haha.

When the jade box was opened, a medicinal scent rushed out, but the thin examiner did not give Su Chen a chance to smell it more and immediately closed the lid again.

"Say it."

The thin examiner said calmly.

So fast?

Su Chen complained in his heart, could the other three be so fast?

He didn't believe that he could tell it immediately after hearing it for a moment. How abnormal was his alchemy attainment?

Moreover, standing outside the door, he could also see the three people sniffing around. The examiner didn't urge them, but when they came to him, they treated him differently?

Su Chen curled his lips and searched around in his mind, and twelve matching answers suddenly came out.

The reason there are so many twelve is because these twelve elixirs all have this smell after being ground into powder.

"Deliberately targeting me?"

Su Chen shook his head inwardly. He also heard the names of the medicinal materials that the three people had identified before. They were all elixirs that were easy to identify and had a special smell. But when it came to me, it was a smell that could correspond to more than a dozen kinds of elixirs.

It seems impossible to say that it is not directed at myself.

But is he so easily defeated?

"What's the name?"

The thin examiner urged, "You only have ten breaths, hurry up."

Su Chen remained unmoved and just meditated.

Although there are as many as twelve elixirs that match this smell, if you identify them carefully, the smells of these twelve elixirs are still different.

Maybe others can't tell the difference, but if Su Chen, the Alchemy Emperor, can't tell the difference, then it's impossible.

"This is the powder ground from the horns of the Thunder Tiger."

Su Chen said.

The thin examiner was stunned. He was fooled by this guy?

Was he deceived, or was he really discerned?

If it's the former, then it can only be said that this kid is really lucky. But if it's the latter, this kid's alchemy attainments are a bit scary to think about.

However, neither the former nor the latter could allow him to pass.

"No, this is elderberry."

The thin examiner shook his head and said.

Su Chen's face darkened. It was okay to deliberately embarrass himself in setting the question, but when the other party deliberately said the answer was wrong when he clearly answered it correctly, this was too much.

"You dare to trick me?"

Su Chen said solemnly.

The thin examiner was startled. He felt that the person in front of him suddenly seemed to be filled with endless domineering and majestic power, which made him feel chilled from the bottom of his heart.

But the thin examiner immediately became angry. He was an eighth-grade high-level alchemist, and the opponent was most likely only an eighth-grade junior alchemist. If he was afraid of the other party, where would he put his face?

"It's wrong, it's wrong. Where do you come from so many words?"

The thin examiner asked sharply.

Su Chen looked at the other party and asked, "Think carefully before you say it, am I wrong or right?"

The thin examiner sneered: "What, are you threatening me?"

Su Chen smiled lightly: "Whatever you think."

"Huh, if you are wrong, you are wrong. Even if you have a great background, we will never engage in malpractice for personal gain."

The old examiner slammed the table and shouted loudly.

Su Chen glanced around, looked at the three people one by one, and asked, "You all think so?"

"What do you mean, you want to threaten the three of us together?"

The old examiner frowned.

"Don't regret it."

Su Chen said.

"Su Chen, can't you afford to lose?"

Kuang Zhan interjected and asked.

"Since you won't regret it, just wait."

Su Chen said, turned and left.

The thin examiner and others sneered. Naturally, they would not care about the threat of a small person.

Su Chen walked out of the room. He had no intention of participating in any new blood assessment, he was just here to look for materials. However, this does not mean that he is easy to bully.

Su Chen came to the lobby and found the front desk staff to ask about the certification of a ninth-grade alchemist.

If you want to be certified as a ninth-grade alchemist, you only need to refine a ninth-grade elixir.

However, the raw materials for refining ninth-grade elixirs are expensive. Unless you become a new member of the guild, you can have an opportunity to have the alchemy guild pay for certification once a year. Everyone else has to buy the materials out of their own pockets.

It seems that this money cannot be saved.

Su Chen walked around, bought a set of raw materials, and went straight to the place where the ninth-grade alchemist examination was held.

Soon, three ninth-level alchemists arrived as witnesses.

After asking about the elixir Su Chen was going to refine, the three ninth-level alchemists signaled Su Chen to start.

Su Chen started refining, and every step was controlled with precision, making it very enjoyable to watch.

Seeing Su Chen's skillful technique, the three ninth-level alchemists all nodded secretly. This was not a person who came to waste their time. Moreover, Su Chen's methods had many unique features, which gave them an idea that they could learn from and benefited a lot.

At first, no one paid attention to the refining here, but after an hour, it was learned that Su Chen was still refining, and gradually attracted many people to watch.

Two hours later, more and more people came here, most of them were new blood in the guild. They didn't need to observe the refining of those high-level pills. Instead, the refining process of this ninth-grade primary pill was the most inspiring to them.

"What are you guys still doing here? Go and see someone taking the ninth-grade alchemist test. He is almost successful."

Some people who are curious ran to the room of the new blood examiners and said to them.

The three examiners were talking to Kuang Zhan and the other two. Unexpectedly, they were all slightly stunned when they heard such news.

"Then we have to go and see."

The old examiner came back to his senses first and said.

"Hurry, hurry, hurry."

The thin examiner also hurriedly walked out. "Only every few years can an eighth-grade high-level alchemist successfully upgrade to the ninth grade. Watching this process is not only very inspiring to us, but also the best encouragement."

"I wonder which eighth-grade high-level alchemist it is?"

The fat examiner also asked, and then reported several names in a row, all of which he guessed might be this person.

"None of them, it's a person I haven't seen before, and he's not from the guild. He started the alchemist assessment directly."

The person who called them said.

"No way?"

"So amazing?"

The three of them ran out to see, not to mention them, even Kuang Zhan and the other two were no exception.

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