Tianyu Alchemy Lord

Chapter 4348: Things are difficult to handle

"This question is indeed very confusing, because the appearance of Yin Lei Teng and Jushen Vine are very similar, except that Yin Lei Teng has blue hidden lines on its surface, while Jushen Vine does not."

said a young man.

"Ouch, that's right!"

The man beat his chest and looked annoyed.

"As expected of Second Young Master Zhan, his attainments in the alchemy path are too profound."

Someone on the other side praised.

"The eldest son of the Zhan family is a genius in martial arts, and the second son is a genius in alchemy. They are really two masters!"

"This time, Second Young Master Zhan will definitely become the new blood of the Alchemy Guild."

Facing the compliments from everyone, Second Young Master Zhan seemed to be very impressed, but he still acted modestly, waved his hands, and said: "No, no, you are flattered. This time we only recruit three new blood, Xiangshan City There are so many talents, I may not be able to pass.”

"Haha, Zander, you are somewhat self-aware."

At this time, a young man next to him suddenly sneered.

Zhan De glanced at the young man who was speaking, frowned and said displeasedly: "Kuang Zhan, I didn't offend you, why do you want to go against me?"

The young man named Kuang Zhan shrugged: "It just depends on your displeasure, it doesn't mean anything special."


"OK OK."

An elegant-looking beauty came out to smooth things over, "We are all from Xiangshan City, and we treat each other as a favor to Yao Ruorui."


Zander snorted and said, "For Sister Yao's sake, I don't have the same experience as him."

"As if I'm afraid of you?"

Kuang Zhan couldn't bear to show weakness.

"Both of you, please stop saying a few words."

Yao Ruorui pressed her hands and said.

"Zhan De, Kuang Zhan, and Yao Ruorui are all members of the ten major families in Xiangshan City. They themselves have strong alchemy talents and attainments. This time the guild only recruits three new blood. It seems that we are all accompanying the prince. Reading.”

"If I had known that the three of them were coming, I wouldn't have joined in the fun."

"What a pity. If you can become the new blood of the guild, you will definitely be trained by the Alchemy Guild. In the future, you will be able to become a ninth-grade alchemist."

"Forget it, you're here now, just treat it as exercise."

Everyone shook their heads, and as soon as the three Zhan De came out, they immediately lost their thoughts.

After a while, the examiner came out and announced the list of candidates who passed this level.

"Zhan De, Kuang Zhan, Yao Ruorui..."

The examiner read the names one by one, and finally read, "Su Chen."

"Whoever's name is called, follow me and let's start the second assessment."

Others whose names were not read had no choice but to leave.

The people who stayed behind entered another room. This room was also large, and because there were more than half fewer people, it seemed more spacious.

"In this level of pharmacological identification, write down the characteristics and taboos of the elixirs you see."

The examiner said.

Each person still had a parchment scroll. After the examiner's order, everyone unfolded the parchment scroll.

Su Chen immediately discovered that the difficulty of this level had increased. The parchment scrolls in the previous level were all painted with the appearance of fresh elixirs, but this time the parchment scrolls were painted with the shapes of dried elixirs.

When the elixir dries, it will naturally become deformed and shriveled, and many of its original features will no longer be visible.

However, this was naturally not a problem for Su Chen.

Su Chen quickly wrote down the names, characteristics, and precautions of all the medicinal materials on the parchment scroll, eloquently.

In just one stick of incense, Su Chen's blank answer sheet was filled with words.

The quarter of an hour came quickly, the examiner announced the end, everyone wrote their name on the paper, and then left.

When they came outside, everyone discussed the answer again.

However, because this level was much more difficult than the previous level, there were several questions that everyone debated non-stop, each holding their own opinions and making the argument red-faced.

At the same time, inside the room, the three eighth-grade high-level alchemists responsible for correcting the answer sheets also had a heated debate.

"You two, this matter is a bit difficult to handle!"

Among the three, a short and fat alchemist said, pointing to the four answer sheets on the table, "Based on the results of these two rounds, these four are the most outstanding, especially the one named Su Chen. The answers are all 100% correct.”

"However, only three new blood will be recruited this time, one carrot and one pit. It has been decided long ago. Zhan De, Kuang Zhan, and Yao Ruorui must be selected. How can there be other places?"

Another thin alchemist also frowned: "If the results of the four people are about the same, then we can find a reason to remove this Su Chen. But the problem is that his results are the best."

"Well, those three people each got one question wrong in the first round, and each got two questions wrong in the second round. In total, they all got three questions wrong. They are no better than Su Chen."

The last gray-haired old alchemist shook his head, "But what can we do? Should we remove one of Yao Ruorui and the other three?"

"You dare?"

The short, fat alchemist asked back.

"Don't dare."

The old alchemist sighed. He was just a ninth-grade junior alchemist. He was nothing in front of the ten major families in Xiangshan City. How could he dare to say no?

What's more, this is something that has been promised a long time ago. Once you go back on it, the consequences will be disastrous.

"Then I have no choice but to feel sorry for this little Su Chen."

The short and fat alchemist agreed.

"Anyway, he has the strength, and it will be the same next time."

The thin alchemist nodded.

"He was so unlucky that he happened to bump into Yao Ruorui and the others this time."

The old alchemist also said.

"Then I'll make the announcement."

The thin alchemist said that he was the examiner who was responsible for issuing the questions and announcing the results.

"Go ahead."

The thin alchemist walked out of the room, called everyone over, and began to announce the results.

"There are four people who passed this time, namely Kuang Zhan, Yao Ruorui, Zhan De, and Su Chen."

The thin alchemist paused and said, "These four people are coming with me for the final round of interviews."

The three of them, Yao Ruorui, all looked relaxed. Naturally, they had known about it for a long time. They knew that the family had already greeted the examiner, and as long as they entered the final round of interviews, it would be a sure thing.

Of course, if their previous grades were so poor that they couldn't even get into the final round of interviews, then it's no wonder that others can't help them.

This interview still identifies medicinal materials, but it is different from the previous form.

This time, three examiners took out the elixir that was ground into powder and asked them to smell it, and then asked them to report its name.

Yao Ruorui and the other three went on interviews one after another and all passed successfully.

Finally, it was Su Chen's turn.

Su Chen walked into the small room and saw a thin examiner, a fat examiner and an old examiner sitting side by side in the room.

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