Tianyu Alchemy Lord

Chapter 4344: First Come, First Served

"What a pity, Zheng Hao still failed."

"How can it be so easy to achieve human-level qualifications? It's really unimaginable how powerful those one-star geniuses in the Guiyi Realm can be."

"If you are a one-star genius, you are qualified to join the Taoist Sect."

"Actually, if you are really a one-star genius, I think it would be better to go to those small and medium-sized sects, where you can get more attention and more resources. What is the saying? I would rather be a chicken head than a phoenix tail. ”

"Wrong, even if you are an ordinary disciple in Dao Sect, you will have much more confidence than a direct disciple of a small or medium-sized sect."

Everyone started talking again, everyone had their own opinions.

After reaching the Guiyi Realm, star geniuses will become even more rare. Many who were once star geniuses will lose their qualifications as star geniuses or lose stars after entering the Guiyi Realm.

Originally, one-star geniuses in the Nirvana Realm were rare, but in the Guiyi Realm, one-star geniuses were even rarer. It was not surprising that they could be directly accepted as disciples by the Dao Sect.

Although Zheng Hao failed to break through, he still won everyone's support. Being able to climb the eight-story tower is already extremely extraordinary and worthy of friendship.

For a while, no one entered the tower again. Although there were many people queuing up, after these people saw Zheng Hao's results, those who thought they were not as strong as him stopped trying to join in the fun. They would definitely be kicked down anyway. , instead of being unable to challenge in the next half year, it is better to improve a little more and come back again.

"You guys wait here."

Su Chen said to the little girl and the Tao brothers, and then strode towards the nine-story tower.

However, after walking a few steps, a figure fell from the sky and landed at the door of the nine-story tower.

It was a young man who looked like an unworldly man, with a proud look on his face, and his eyes swept over everyone one by one, full of disdain.

"Hiss, isn't that Lan Zhen from Wuyu Sect?"

"What, is it him?"

"He has always been known as a genius, but I didn't expect that he would challenge him as soon as he entered the Guiyi Realm."

Su Chen frowned, he didn't care what the other party's background was, it was absolutely impossible to join his own team anyway.

"I came first, and I'll line up later!"

Su Chen said displeased.

Lan Zhen was stunned. He was a genius among all the stars in the sect. He had just entered the Guiyi Realm and was very proud of himself. Who would have thought that someone would dare to ask him to line up behind him?

"Ha ha ha ha!"

Lan Zhen sneered, "I really don't understand. First, there is no way you can pass the test of the nine-story tower. What's the point of challenging? Second, what qualifications do you have to order me?"

"Lan Zhen, you have gone too far."

A voice suddenly sounded from not far away.

Everyone looked in the direction of the voice. What happened today? More than one person dared to challenge Lan Zhen?

Wherever he looked, he saw a big man with many scars on his face, looking very ferocious.

"That's a money robbery!"

Someone exclaimed.

When he heard this name, even Lan Zhen showed fear.

They all know that Qian Jie is a veteran of the Guiyi Realm. He is already at the second level of the Guiyi Realm and is far more powerful than Lan Zhen.

"First come, first served. Don't you understand the basic rules?"

Qian Jie said calmly.

"Brother Qian taught you a lesson."

Lan Zhen clenched his fists tightly, suppressing his anger.

There is no way, the world of martial arts is very realistic, whoever has a bigger fist has the right to speak.

Lan Zhen obediently stepped aside and did not show off.

Su Chen nodded towards Qian Jie. There were not many people in the martial arts world who could speak out for justice. Although he could actually kill Lan Zhen with one punch, it still warmed his heart to see someone standing up and saying something fair.

Su Chen strode into the nine-story tower and closed the door behind him.

There is a closed space in front of you, but it is not dark. There is a light source that illuminates the space.

The space is not small, circular in shape, with a radius of about five feet and a height of only more than ten feet. The surrounding walls seem to be made of metal, exuding a cold light.

In the middle of the metal room, there was a human figure made of black metal. It was shorter than a human being, only five feet tall.


The metal humanoid's eyes suddenly lit up, exuding a powerful aura.

Su Chen could clearly see that this was a puppet of the first level of Guiyi Realm.

Su Chen casually flicked his fingers, and the puppet flew away, hit the wall hard, and then slid down.

"Good defense."

Su Chen nodded. The puppet was knocked away by him, but it only flew out instead of shattering, which showed that its defense was extraordinary.

Immediately afterwards, a row of steps appeared out of thin air in front of Su Chen's eyes, leading to the second floor.

Su Chen stepped up to the second floor. This second floor was the same as the first floor. There was still a metal puppet in the center of the room.

Sensing Su Chen's invasion, the metal puppet immediately revived and attacked Su Chen.

With a snap, Su Chen flicked his fingers again and knocked the metal puppet away, defeating the enemy with one blow.

The steps appeared again, and Su Chen continued to go up to the third floor.

The same is true for the third floor, and the next four and fifth floors... are all solved with one blow.

Outside, everyone was shocked when they saw the nine-story tower lighting up layer by layer. The speed was too fast. It was like walking at a leisurely pace without encountering any difficult situations at all.

Is this guy so strong?


"It looks like a human-level genius may be about to emerge."

Everyone was shocked. In a small place like theirs, a genius of human level might not appear in ten years.

Lan Zhen watched coldly and sneered. He could do this. The test of the nine-story tower was more difficult than the previous one. So as long as he was strong enough, he would pass the first eight floors easily.

"The fifth floor!"

"The sixth floor."

"So fast, the seventh floor."

"The eighth floor."

"The ninth floor!"

In just a moment, Su Chen came to the ninth floor.

It was still the same metal puppet. Just after rushing over, it was knocked over by Su Chen's punch.


A box fell from the top of his head and fell to the ground.

Su Chen picked up the box, opened it and smiled.

It was a first-level spiritual medicine of the Return to One Realm.

It seemed that the nine-story tower was quite generous.

Su Chen was not polite and took the first-level spiritual medicine of the Return to One Realm directly. For him now, this thing was naturally a great tonic.

After sitting and refining for a quarter of an hour, Su Chen felt the obvious increase in energy in his body and stood up.

When he went down to the first floor, he saw a mark on his hand, which flashed and could not be seen by the naked eye.

"This nine-story tower is similar to the trial of the Holy Son. Both like to stamp people."

Su Chen couldn't help but complain, then pushed open the door and walked out of the nine-story tower.

"Did you pass it?"

"It took so long, isn't it?"

"I guess I passed it, after all, the first eight floors were beaten so quickly?"

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