Tianyu Alchemy Lord

Chapter 4343 Three Levels

In the end, the princes could only turn to the queen and concubines for help, but even these concubines would have to wait a long time to see Jiang Xiao, and they could not find anyone either.

This incident caused an uproar in the court. The old ministers were filled with indignation. They thought that Su Chen was rebellious and dared to beat the prince. Did he still care about the law of the country?

They all petitioned, demanding that Su Chen be severely punished.

This formed a unified opinion in the court, but the problem was that it was useless to have a unified opinion, because no one could cure Su Chen.

Su Chen was originally the genius of the Imperial City. Now that he has entered the Guiyi Realm, he is not only invincible within the first level of the Guiyi Realm, but it seems that the second level of the Guiyi Realm cannot cure him. Maybe the third level of the Guiyi Realm can cure him, but the question is where in the Imperial Capital A third-level powerhouse from the Guiyi Realm?

Those sects?

As for those sects, maybe Su Chen and the Privy Council are far more powerful in deterring them than a few veterans, right?

Therefore, a situation has now formed. As long as Jiang Xiao doesn't speak, no one can do anything to Su Chen.

"You're awesome."

Huo Xiu was sincerely convinced. If nothing else happened, Su Chen should be the first person in this dynasty who could still sit still after beating the prince. Moreover, he beat not just one, but a group of people.

In this case, who else dares to mess with the Privy Council?

Su Chen just smiled and patted Huo Xiu on the shoulder: "Practice hard. I hope that by the time I come back, you will have broken through to the Guiyi Realm."

"I will definitely work hard."

Huo Xiu nodded vigorously.

With the trivial matters basically settled, Su Chen decided to set off for the Liuhua Dao Sect.

As for the lack of an invitation from the Liuhua Dao Sect, it doesn't matter. Now that he has reached the Guiyi Realm, it is not difficult to get an invitation from the Liuhua Fruit Club as long as he goes to the Liuhua Dao Sect.

As usual, the little girl took out the flying boat, with Su Chen sitting inside, while the Tao brothers entered the Mustard Seed space and set off together.

The distance between Liuhua Dao Sect and Shuangyue Territory is much farther than the distance between Cangtian Territory and Shuangyue Territory. It took the two of them three months to arrive at the domain of Liuhua Dao Sect - King Qing's domain.

The upper realms are also divided into big and small, strong and weak. The Qingwang Realm is obviously stronger than the Cangtian Realm. There are several Taoist sects here, such as the Liuhua Taoist sect, the Thousand Birds Taoist sect, and the Wuheng Taoist sect. wait.


The little girl piloted the flying boat to land, but since she was driving it, it was impossible to land safely, or it hit something.

The violent collision made the little girl extremely excited, shouting and screaming, but also made Su Chen speechless, and she didn't know how the adults in her family taught the child.

After the little girl put away the flying boat, she showed a look of regret. It turned out that she had just seen the place where it was abandoned.

After a short rest, Su Chen and the little girl set off. Now they are completely unfamiliar with Qingwang Domain, so they must first find where the Liuhua Dao Sect is.

Soon, they entered a small town.

Su Chen found a restaurant and sat down to eat and drink while inquiring about news.

Soon, Su Chen had preliminary information.

This is Jinyun Town, named after the nearby Jinyun Mountains, and it also belongs to the sphere of influence of the Liuhua Dao Sect.

However, Liuhua Dao Sect's sphere of influence is very large, even larger than the entire Shuangyue Domain. This is just the outer area of ​​Liuhua Dao Sect.

The Liuhua Fruit Association is a grand gathering of the Liuhua Taoist Sect, and will only be held once every twenty years. Therefore, even the remote people here know a lot about the Liuhua Fruit Association.

In other domains, the Liuhua Taoist Sect sent people to search for geniuses to participate in the Liuhua Fruit Festival. But what should people from the Qingwang Domain do if they want to participate in this event?

In fact, it is very simple. As long as you enter the territory of Liuhua Dao Sect and pass the tests one by one, you can obtain the qualifications.

As for the form of this test, it is quite novel.

In Liuhua Dao Sect, there are nine-story towers everywhere, but they are divided into three levels: human level, earth level and heaven level. As long as you pass these three types of nine-story towers, you will be eligible to go to the location of the Liuhua Dao Sect's orthodoxy.

In fact, the eldest prince and the others were only qualified to go to the location of the Taoist tradition, which did not mean that they could directly participate in the Liuhua Guihui.

For Su Chen, as long as he passed these three towers, he would be on the same level as the eldest prince, Duan Yao and the others.

Coincidentally, there is a nine-story tower in the Jinyun Mountains, which is human-level.

Only by passing the human-level nine-story pagoda can one go to the earth-level nine-story pagoda, and only by passing the earth-level nine-story pagoda can one go to the heaven-level nine-story pagoda.

It is said that if you pass the nine-story tower in a short enough time, you can get rewards. The rewards are basically martial arts, exercises or heavenly materials and earthly treasures.

Su Chen's heart skipped a beat. He didn't care about martial arts, but the more natural and earthly treasures he had, the better.

After coming out of the restaurant, Su Chen asked the Tao brothers to come out, and the group headed to the Jinyun Mountains.

According to the location they inquired about, they climbed directly from a mountain peak, and saw that a high tower was built on the top of the mountain, with nine floors in total, no windows and no doors.

It was very lively under the tower, and many people were waiting in line.

This nine-story tower can only accommodate one person at a time for trials.

Su Chen was not in a hurry, so he sat down and waited. Anyway, there was still half a year before the Congress.

Soon, the crowd started shouting: "Look, Zheng Hao has climbed to the eighth floor!"

As long as there are people in the nine-story tower, the corresponding floor will glow, and people outside can see it. The seventh floor had continued to glow for a while, and now the eighth floor finally lit up, indicating that the people inside had passed through the seventh floor.

"As expected of Zheng Hao."

"I don't know if he can go any further."

"If he can reach the ninth floor, or even pass the ninth floor, he will have human-level qualifications."

"Although human-level qualifications are not enough to join Liuhua Dao Sect, it is not difficult to join a medium-sized sect."

"This is a good opportunity to make the leap."

"I'm really envious."

Everyone was talking about it, and many people couldn't hide their jealousy.

Su Chen listened to their conversation for a while and understood that the challenge of the nine-story tower was not only used to go to Liuhua Dao Sect, but also that many small and medium-sized sects in this area would recognize the results of the nine-story tower challenge. If you perform well in the nine-story tower, you will also be a hot commodity for other sects.

But if you enter the nine-story tower and fail the challenge, you will not be able to challenge the nine-story tower again within half a year. This is also to prevent someone from being too obsessed with the challenge of the nine-story tower.

Not long after, the result came out. This Zheng Hao not only failed to pass the ninth floor, but also failed to pass the eighth floor. The light on the eighth floor soon dimmed, and the door at the bottom of the tower opened, and a disheveled person walked out.

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