Tianyu Alchemy Lord

Chapter 4315 Miss Xiaofeng

But the power of this blow should not be underestimated. The huge black panther was like an ancient monster. Under the strong impact, the old tree staggered and fell to the ground.

Su Chen chased again, and the Four Divine Fists struck again.

However, this time Su Chen did not use annihilation energy.

But it was enough. The nine layers of true essence stacked together were so powerful. With one blow, the leaves of the old tree fell in clusters like rain, and the fruits also fell one after another.

This was quite dangerous and extremely lethal, and even Su Chen had to avoid it, not daring to use his physical body to attack it.

Du Quan was not idle either, and kept attacking from the side. The power of each sword cannot be underestimated, which caused a lot of trouble to the old tree.

After dozens of moves, the old tree finally couldn't bear it anymore and was blasted into two pieces.


The little squirrels all over the tree immediately ran around until they escaped to a safe place. Then they turned around and glared at Su Chen and Du Quan, especially the purple squirrel, whose facial expression was extremely expressive.

Du Quan's expression was also very tangled. After a while, he made up his mind and said: "Although I know this is too much, I still want to say that I need this guy's tree heart!"

After a pause, Du Quan said again, "You probably didn't come here for the heart of the tree, but for the wood attribute holy martial stone, right?"


Su Chen nodded.

"That's easy. I'll exchange you for the tree heart with the wood attribute holy martial stone."

Du Quandao.


Su Chen raised his eyebrows, this guy actually has a wood attribute holy martial stone?

This old tree did not drop its essence after it died. Su Chen was a little disappointed at first, but now that he heard what the other party said, he became energetic again.

"This is not the first time I have come here. The last time I came here, I collected a lot of wood essence. In addition, some people were robbed and had wood essence on them, so I collected them all. Just synthesize a wood-attribute holy martial stone."

Du Quandao.

"Okay, changed."

Su Chen thought for a while and said.

"However, I didn't bring the wood attribute holy martial stone with me. I left it at home. You need to go back with me to get it."

Du Quandao.

If you make a trip, it won't take more than half a year anyway, so it's still cost-effective.


Su Chen nodded. If the other party was cheating, he could still let the little girl come out. With the power of the armor, she could rival the elementary level of Gui Yi Realm.

Du Quan was overjoyed and hurriedly dug out the heart of the tree.

The five-thousand-year-old tree has great vitality and is the wood attribute in charge of vitality. Therefore, its heart is rich in vitality and is an excellent tonic.

Of course, it can only restore the body below the first level, otherwise, Du Quan will not only be eyeing the old tree.

They came to the outskirts of the forest, waited for two days as agreed upon, and reunited with the Nine Brothers.

To be on the safe side, Su Chen asked Tao Jiu to stay in the forest to keep the wood essences they had collected, so that if the trip was empty, their previous efforts would be in vain.

They left the land of the wood attribute holy martial arts and rushed to Du Quan's hometown.

Although Du Quan is a genius at the Guiyi Realm, he is low-key and has little reputation.

His hometown is in a little-known town, and the reason why he tried every means to obtain the heart of a five-thousand-year-old tree was to save a person.

The little girl listened to what Du Quan said and immediately asked, "The person you want to save is a girl, right?"

Du Quan nodded. These days, he has also shown the characteristics of being boring and not talkative.

"Do you like her?"

The little girl asked again.

Du Quan did not answer, but there was a gentle look on his face.

Su Chen couldn't help but look at him with admiration. He didn't expect that this boring gourd had such a side.

When they arrived in the small town, Du Quan took them to a small courtyard with an elegant environment.

"Xiao Feng, Xiao Feng!"

Du Quan called out as he entered the courtyard, but no one answered.

The yard was only that big, with only a few rooms. Du Quan went in and out of these rooms, his face gradually becoming ugly.

There was no one in the yard.

"Brother Su, this is your wood attribute holy martial stone."

Du Quan took out a green stone from a hidden corner of the yard, full of life, and threw it to Su Chen.

Su Chen caught it without looking at it carefully, just put it away and said, "Go out and find someone to inquire about."

Du Quan reacted and ran outside the yard. He was also confused and panicked.

Su Chen and the little girl also went out. They asked some neighbors outside to inquire about the situation, and soon learned the whereabouts of Miss Xiao Feng.

It turned out that the other party had gone to a nearby place called Broken Star Sand Valley.

Su Chen originally thought it was some bully kidnapping the person, but he didn't expect that the person went out to explore on his own.

According to Du Quan, the Broken Star Sand Valley is dangerous and has many quicksand pits. If you accidentally step on it, you will immediately sink in, be covered with yellow sand, and die.

Therefore, it is very dangerous to enter the high level of Nirvana Realm.

The group of them rushed to Broken Star Sand Valley again. There were many people, so it would be easier to find people.

Broken Star Sand Valley is not far away and we arrived quickly. They moved separately, and there were few people here, so as long as they met a young woman, it was almost likely to be Miss Xiaofeng.

Su Chen walked for a while and soon saw a woman in fiery red clothes sitting on a rock in front of her.

"Miss Xiao Feng?"

Su Chen asked tentatively, and at the same time sent a signal to summon others over.

The woman in red turned around. She had a pretty face, but her face was pale and bloodless.

"I am Du Quan's friend. He has obtained the five thousand year old tree heart. Your disease can be cured. You don't need to risk your life to find a cure."

Su Chen shouted to the front. In his opinion, the other party would enter such a dangerous place as Broken Star Sand Valley alone. Most of them wanted to find a cure.

But unexpectedly, after hearing this, the little Feng girl had no joy on her face. She just looked at Su Chen coldly, then turned her head back and ignored him.


Su Chen touched his chin and was a little surprised. This reaction was not right.

Shouldn't a normal person be very happy to know that his disease can be cured?

Is there something he doesn't know?

Su Chen didn't say anything. Anyway, the signal had been sent. He would know when Du Quan came.

After a while, a figure flew over.

"Xiao Feng!"

Du Quan landed and saw the woman in red. He immediately showed a relieved expression on his face. He walked over quickly and said softly, "The mountain wind is too strong here. You are not well yet. You should go back quickly."

"Du Quan, I have told you many times, don't worry about me!"

Xiao Feng said coldly.

This tone is obviously not the tone of love between lovers.

Su Chen was surprised, but he didn't say anything. This was someone else's business. He just came to take the wood attribute holy martial stone.

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