Tianyu Alchemy Lord

Chapter 4314: Chasing and intercepting

But he has no evidence to accuse the other party, so who wants him to follow the other party?

Of course, he could also go around to the other side of the tree, but then he would definitely have to withstand more fruit attacks. Unlike now, where Su Chen attracted all the firepower, he only had to pay attention to Su Chen "accidentally" throwing them from time to time. of fruit.

The choice is naturally clear.

Su Chen was already close to the tree crown, and with a "squeak", all the squirrels dispersed.

These squirrels used to be fierce, but now they can run away faster than anyone else.

Su Chen stood on a branch. Although it was just a branch, it was still very strong.

The little squirrels had already fled, and Su Chen had no interest in chasing them.

The young man with the sword also jumped up and looked at Su Chen with complicated eyes.

At first, he looked down on Su Chen, but in a blink of an eye, he had to rely on Su Chen's strength to reach the tree, which made him look a little confused.

Fortunately, he is still a genius in the Guiyi Realm.

"My name is Du Quan, and I owe you a favor!"

The young man carrying the sword said to Su Chen.

Su Chen didn't look back, just nodded.

Su Chen was thinking about a question. If the squirrels were just throwing fruits to protect the old trees, even though they were very powerful, could they protect the old trees for five thousand years?


At this moment, the tree suddenly shuddered, and a huge force shook out, knocking Su Chen down from the tree.

Not only Su Chen, but Du Quan was also knocked down from the tree.

"Bang! Bang!"

There were two muffled sounds and the two fell to the ground.

Fortunately, with their strength, they would not be injured if they fell from such a height.

Both of them had no time to get angry, but looked ahead in surprise.

Not far in front of them, they saw that the old tree had been pulled out of the ground. The huge crown was twisted and deformed, and countless branches were intertwined with each other, turning into dozens of extremely thick arms.

"Squeak, squeak, squeak!"

The little squirrels poked their heads out from the branches and leaves, all of them were very excited. The old tree showed its power, and this time it could kill all the intruders.


Laoshu took action and shot two huge arms towards Su Chen and Du Quan respectively.

Su Chen felt relieved when he saw this scene.

The reason why the old tree can exist for five thousand years is because it itself has great strength, rather than just relying on the squirrels. Such a move means that Laoshu's trump card has been revealed.

Su Chen raised his fist and fought hard with Lao Shu.


With one blow, Su Chen was slapped into the dirt.

On Du Quan's side, he slashed out with a sword, and the fire on the sword flashed, which effectively deterred the tree man. The old tree retracted his arm in time, but the strength still formed a powerful hurricane, and the tree man was blown away. The fires were all blown out.

"The power of this old tree is really strong."

Su Chen emerged from the earth. Although he was no match for the old tree's strength, he was physically strong. This blow only made his blood boil slightly, but was far from enough to hurt him.

"Swish, swish, swish!"

The old tree shook its trunk, and hundreds of fruits fell down at the same time, as if it was raining.


Du Quan exclaimed and flashed.

If his cultivation had not been suppressed, no matter how powerful the old tree was, he could easily cut it off with one sword.

But now, Du Quan must be careful, otherwise he may die.

Su Chen didn't dare to take it hard. The explosion damage of this fruit was far more lethal than the old tree's "arm".

The two of them had just dodged away when Laoshu slapped him twice again. The attack was actually quite well planned.

"I'm afraid you won't make it!"

Su Chen snorted and activated the annihilation energy. Anyway, Lao Shu slapped him with a dark palm, and he was not afraid that Du Quan would see what was happening on his side.


With a slap of the palm, Su Chen disappeared again and was slapped into the soil.

But it was only for a moment. The old tree retreated continuously, and the leaves on the tree trembled wildly, and many of them fell down, as if they had suffered a lot of damage.

The "palm" it used to slap Su Chen suddenly had a hole. Centered around it, the surrounding leaves all turned yellow.

I have to say that this annihilation energy is so terrifying that not even this five thousand year old tree can withstand it.

Du Quan was also stunned. What happened? Why did this kid suddenly become so fierce?

Su Chen took advantage of the victory to pursue him, using his soul power flying knife to reach the extreme limit.

"call out!"

The soul power flying knife was shot, and the old tree could only use his arms to block it, but he was unable to block it. One, two, three, or more than a dozen arms were all smashed into holes. Under the huge force, they were torn apart. Tear these arms off alive.

However, thanks to the obstruction of these "arms", the momentum of the soul power flying knife was finally exhausted.

This is evident from the strength of the defense of these five-thousand-year-old trees.

Su Chen was also surprised, he couldn't kill him with one blow?

Then come again!

Su Chen rushed out, unfolded the Four Gods Fist, and bombarded him with nine levels of true energy.

This five-thousand-year-old tree is indeed very strong. It is a wood creature with strong natural defense power. It has lived for another five thousand years. Although it cannot break through the Guiyi Realm, it is definitely at the top level in the Nirvana Realm. .

In front of it, not to mention a one-star genius, even a two-star genius might not be able to benefit.

But the problem is, Su Chen is a genius beyond five stars.

Moreover, Su Chen has too many methods at his disposal, such as soul power flying knives, multiple superpositions of true energy, and annihilation energy. No matter which one is used, it is enough to increase a person's combat power by a large margin.

Now that they are all used on the same person, it is naturally even more terrifying.

The old tree couldn't bear it anymore and ran away. The little squirrels also hid in the crown of the tree and squeaked. Some even covered their eyes with their little paws.

This human being is so terrible. How could there be such a terrible human being?

Du Quan was also a little confused. He had never expected that Su Chen would become so powerful all of a sudden.

However, he reacted quickly and immediately intercepted the old tree.

He must get the heart of this old tree.


The sword light flashed across, and Du Quan went all out.

Laoshu was obviously very afraid of Su Chen, and he actually chose to take Du Quan's blow, unwilling to stop and ran very fast.

Du Quan's sword light struck the old tree, and the old tree's strong defense was immediately revealed. This blow cut a deep mark on its body, but for its thick tree body, this deep mark was of no importance at all. .

Du Quan roared angrily, drew out his long sword, and launched a powerful attack.

The sword energy turned into a huge black leopard and hit the old tree. After firing this sword, Du Quan's face turned pale.

This move placed too much load on him.

Even if he was at the Guiyi Realm, he could only use this move a few times, let alone using it in the Nirvana Realm, which made his internal organs boil and made him extremely uncomfortable.

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