Tianyu Alchemy Lord

Chapter 4279: Using Zi’s Spear and Attacking Zi’s Shield

I guess they won't be able to figure this out even if they try hard to solve it.

Yang Xian's face was full of pride. He knew that once his military training skills were exposed, he would definitely become the object of everyone's attention, but this did not put any pressure on him. At his age, what he needs most is the adoration of his peers and the admiration of the opposite sex.

"Huangfu, you still haven't given up!"

Yang Xian said condescendingly.

"In that case, let me show you my best moves!"

Su Chen laughed loudly, and then he used his hand skills, and saw a pair of armor beside him, shining with golden light.

"Oh shit!"

When Yang Xian saw this scene, his eyes widened and he almost died of anger.

Isn't this his armor?

Why is it in the other party's hands?

It's simple, because the other party is the thief who robbed him!

No wonder this guy can "calculate" when his bad luck will disappear. It's simply because the thing he used to knock him has bad luck! The bad luck that comes to him is entirely his fault!

Yang Xian was furious in an instant. He had imagined countless times what the little thief looked like, and imagined countless times how he would be tortured to death if he caught that guy.

As a result...after a long time, this little thief was actually right under his nose, fooling him around.

God knows how the other party laughed in his heart when he called him master.

Damn it, this kid deserves to die ten thousand times!

"I'm going to kill you! Kill you! Kill you!"

Yang Xian roared and struck at Su Chen with his sword.

The sword that raises soldiers is naturally extremely sharp. Moreover, Yang Xian himself is about to enter the realm of return to unity, and his military training is close to Xiaocheng. This sword can kill almost everything under the Guiyi Realm.


With a ding sound, when the sword struck the armor, it only erupted with a long series of tragic sparks, and then was bounced back, leaving not even a trace of white line on the armor.

This is a Guiyi Realm-level battle armor, and it comes in a complete set.

"Hey, we're still a little short of it. Try harder and try to draw a white line on it."

Su Chen smiled.

Hearing this, everyone was speechless.

This guy is too much of a loser. He shouldn't lead someone like this.

Yang Xian was so angry that his brain was congested, this armor belonged to him! is his! is his!

This perfect "use the spear of the son, attack the shield of the son", when it was his turn, he couldn't laugh no matter what, and his head was so angry that he was dizzy.

"You're welcome, come on!"

Su Chen rushed over and punched directly.

Yang Xian didn't dare to confront him head-on, so he quickly avoided it.

He naturally knew that the defense of his armor was invincible, and it was not something he could cut through now.

Therefore, Su Chen was already in an invincible position.

What else is there to fight?

Yang Xian put away his weapon-raising sword and said bitterly: "I admit defeat!"

He stared at Su Chen, and as soon as the kid left the Jiufeng Sect after the martial arts competition, he would order the four old bodyguards to arrest him. When the time comes, no matter how powerful you are, how can you be a match for the strong ones in the Guiyi Realm?

Su Chen still felt a little regretful that the other party surrendered before he had enough fun.

"Don't worry, let's discuss it for a while."

Su Chen smiled.

"Have you had enough?"

The strong man in the Guiyi Realm of Jiufeng Sect had a dark face, and even he couldn't stand it anymore.

This guy is so sinister!

Everyone was commenting on Su Chen in their hearts. They were so frightened by him that they gave up, but he refused to give up. This must be too damaging!

Yang Xian retreated all the way to the back of the crowd, then turned around and left. Now that he has lost, there is no need for him to stay in Jiufeng Sect.

As for being a disciple of the Jiufeng Sect, he had no interest in doing so. He only came to participate in the martial arts competition because he wanted to obtain the Lumen Zhuguo. Since it's impossible to get first place now, what's the point of staying?

No, wait...

Yang Xian stopped. If he didn't stay in Jiufeng Sect, how would he know when Su Chen would leave Jiufeng Sect?

He must kill this person. Therefore, he must stay in Jiufeng Sect and guard Su Chen. When Su Chen leaves, he will quietly follow him and let the four old bodyguards capture Su Chen. He will interrogate him first and then After a lot of torture, he was finally killed.

He wanted this boy to know what a tragic outcome would come from teasing him!

Yang Xian refused to leave. He returned to his original position and watched the battle quietly.

The battle continued, and Wang Jian and Pei Rong came on stage one after another. Both of them won easily and were considered the best at the scene.

Su Chen's eyes fell on a young man in black at the scene. This man's name was Deng He, and he was the third disciple of Master Jiufeng.

Being able to be accepted as a personal disciple by a high-level Guiyi realm naturally proves that this person has extraordinary talent. He is not only a one-star genius, but also an outstanding one among the one-star geniuses.

As soon as he entered the scene, even the junior member of the Guiyi Realm of Jiu Feng Sect was very polite and smiled, giving him enough face.

This person used to have a very high airs, but now he is flattering in front of Deng He. What is highlighted is naturally the power of the high-level Guiyi Realm, which can make a Guiyi Realm junior be like a junior to the Nirvana Realm. Nod and bow.

The first round of fighting was over, and a total of sixteen people stood out. Among the one-star talents, Yang Xian was the only one who failed to advance to the second round.

Because it was getting late, the second round would be held tomorrow, and everyone dispersed first.

Yang Xiang just moved, but was stopped by a disciple of Jiufeng Sect and asked him to wait for a while.

After a while, an old man in yellow clothes appeared.

"Intermediate level of Guiyi Realm..."

Yang Xian's expression changed.

Although his Yang family has old servants who are at the middle level of the Guiyi Realm, they cannot deny the power of the middle level of the Guiyi Realm. What's more, there are also weak and strong among the middle-level Guiyi Realm. The old man in front of him obviously belongs to the strongest group among the middle-level Guiyi Realm.

Moreover, this is not the Cangtian Territory. If he is really killed by the other party, even if his ancestor comes, it is not certain whether the Jiufeng Master can be made to bow his head or the Jiufeng Sect can hand over the murderer.

Therefore, he still had to be cautious in dealing with it.

"I've met senior!"

Yang Xian cupped his hands and said.


The old man in yellow, who was at the middle level of Guiyi Realm, nodded, raised his airs very high, and then said, "Where are you from?"

Yang Xian hesitated slightly and decided to tell the truth: "This junior comes from the Jinshui Sect in the Cangtian Region, and his family ancestor Yang Xudong."

"It turns out they are descendants of Patriarch Yang."

The old man in yellow nodded, as if he suddenly understood. No wonder this young man could raise soldiers. He came from another domain.

"Senior, do you know our ancestors?"

Yang Xian was a little surprised. If this was the case, could he ask the other party to take action and capture Su Chen?

"I've never seen him before, but I've heard of Patriarch Yang's reputation."

The old man in yellow smiled.

This means there is no friendship anymore.

Yang Xian sighed inwardly. Since there was no friendship, there was no need for the other party to sell himself as a junior in the Nirvana Realm.

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