Tianyu Alchemy Lord

Chapter 4278: Fight for a breath

"So, if you are afraid, just admit defeat quickly."

The strong man paused and gave everyone time to think, but it only took a breath or two. When no one raised any objections, he waved his hand and said, "Let's start drawing lots."

Everyone stepped forward to draw numbers one by one. It was Su Chen's turn, and he drew the number "7".

"The first game, No. 1 vs. No. 32. Get out of the queue quickly, don't wait any longer."

The first-level Guiyi Realm expert obviously didn't have much patience and shouted at the crowd.

Immediately, two people came out and started a fierce battle.

Soon, anyone with a discerning eye could see that although these two people had good combat abilities, they had not yet reached the level of one-star geniuses. But because of their close strength, the two of them fought passionately for nearly an hour, using various methods. In the end, one of them was unable to continue, allowing the other to win.

Next, it’s No. 2 versus No. 31.

This battle ended very quickly. Number 31 was a one-star genius and resolved the battle in less than a quarter of an hour.

The battles continued.

"No. 7 vs. No. 26."

Su Chen walked out and saw that contestant No. 26 was actually Yang Xian.

Yang Xian obviously didn't expect that he and Su Chen would become opponents in this round, and there was a look of surprise on his face. However, Yang Xian quickly nodded and said: "You are no match for me, so quickly admit defeat."

Yang Xian believed that after all, the other party was proficient in divination, and if he went to explore the ruins in the future, he might be able to use this guy. Therefore, he did not want Su Chen to lose publicly, so as not to embarrass the other party and hold him accountable.

As soon as these words came out, Wang Jian and Pei Rong sneered at the same time, secretly wondering where did this person get his confidence?

Su Chen also shook his head and smiled: "It's better for you to admit defeat. I am determined to win the first place."

Yang Xian was stunned for a moment, and then he laughed. Are you kidding me? This kid still wants to be first and is determined to win?

"You are just lucky enough to have obtained the Guiyi Realm martial arts, so you can enter the main match. If I take action, I can defeat you with one move, so you'd better admit defeat as soon as possible to avoid wasting your efforts."

Yang Xian snorted and said.

"Why do you two talk so much nonsense? If you want to fight, fight quickly. If you don't fight, get out!"

On the side, the strong man from the Nine Phoenix Sect said coldly, his expression extremely impatient.

Yang Xian's face turned gloomy. When did a beginner at the Guiyi Realm dare to rebuke him in person and get out of his own way?

However, Yang Xian was not crazy enough to be arrogant at this time. He just snorted and said: "Huangfu, then don't blame me for being rude!"

Regarding the Lumen Zhuguo, Yang Xian was also determined to get it.

"call out!"

Yang Xian took action, and within a few seconds, he struck towards Su Chen, slashing out with a palm, sending up flames all over the sky.

Yang Xian is not a good man or woman, so he will naturally not show mercy.

Su Chen unfolded his golden claws and stretched out his hands, only to see that his hands turned into a piece of red gold.

Seeing this scene, the Jiu Feng Sect's Guiyi Realm expert couldn't help but look shocked, showing a hint of shock.

Could it be said that this kid has already mastered the secret book of Golden Suan Claw in just two days? Is that why you can turn your hands into this color?

This is simply a monster!

Not only this Guiyi Realm expert, but also Yang Xian's expression suddenly became extremely exciting.

He didn't expect that Su Chen, who had no fighting power in his eyes, could actually fight against him.

The aura that permeated Su Chen's body couldn't be faked, it was extremely tyrannical!


The two of them exchanged blows, and Yang Xian immediately took ten steps back before regaining his footing.

After standing still, Yang Xian looked at Su Chen with an incredulous look, and felt an indescribable feeling of embarrassment and anger.

How could I be inferior to this guy?

Being suppressed by someone who didn't take him seriously was like a slap in the face that left him with a lump in his throat.

No, he absolutely cannot lose to the other party, his pride won't allow it.

"Here comes the sword!"

Yang Xian shouted, and a ball of light flew out of his mouth, unfolded quickly, and turned into a sword, spinning around Yang Xian.

The onlookers were all surprised, what kind of secret method is this?

"Is it the art of raising soldiers?"

The first-level Guiyi Realm expert exclaimed in surprise, and looked at Yang Xian differently from before.

He had heard that some people would use their bodies to warm up the magic weapons since they were young. During practice, the spiritual energy of heaven and earth would also flow from the magic weapons, making the magic weapons far more powerful than ordinary weapons. This is the art of raising weapons.

It is easy to say, but in fact, it is not easy to execute this weapon-raising technique. If you swallow the magic weapon into your body, your five internal organs will be damaged if you are not careful.

Therefore, weapons for raising soldiers must use special materials. When put into the mouth, they can be curled up into a ball shape, and then spit out for use when needed.

Because they are being nurtured all the time, these magic weapons often fit perfectly with their masters, as if they have become part of their own bodies, making them very easy to command.

There are so many benefits to raising soldiers, but the only drawback is that the materials required are too special, and many other auxiliary materials are also needed in the process of raising soldiers, and those are also surprisingly expensive.

If it weren't for the support of the big families and powerful forces, it would be impossible for ordinary people to support the cultivation of military skills.

In other words, this Yang Xian must have a great background!

Yang Xian's confidence doubled after he used the flying sword.

In the stage of Nirvana, the focus of developing military skills is to cultivate them, not to use them. Just like a person is still in the early childhood stage, he is very fragile. If the process of raising soldiers is interrupted, it will cost a lot to continue.

For this reason, no matter how Yang Xian lost to Wang Jian before, he never thought of using the flying sword.

After all, for him at that time, it didn't matter if he won, it was just a matter of fighting for a while.

But it was different now. He must get the Lumen Zhuguo, which was related to his future future. Therefore, even if the process of raising troops was interrupted, he would still take this opportunity to defeat Su Chen.

There was no way, who allowed two of his armors to be stolen by a thief, leaving him with no other means to suppress the situation.

"It's really a good way to cultivate soldiers!"

Some of the other people present also had good eyesight, and they couldn't help but take a breath, and then said.

"What is the art of raising soldiers?"

everyone asked.

The man gave a brief explanation, which immediately moved everyone.

There is no doubt that Yang Xian's ability to possess such means definitely comes from a big force!

But the problem is, even if there are high-level Guiyi realms here, everyone has been locked up in prisons before, and the resources for people in the prisons are not enough. There will not be those extra resources for Yang Xian to raise troops. , so where did Yang Xian's resources for raising troops come from?

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