Tianyu Alchemy Lord

Chapter 368 A Sword Qi

But the Seventh Prince's black true essence net is obviously not as simple as being burned with flames.

Under the continuous burning of the Heavenly Fire Baby Fire Pillar, the True Color True Essence Network was safe and sound.

Seeing that the fire pillar was useless, the Skyfire baby suddenly became manic, constantly breaking away and biting the black True Essence Net, but it was of no use, and the True Essence Net tightened tighter and tighter.

"Humph, you can't escape from my dragnet." The Seventh Prince snorted softly, and then these black true essence nets seemed to be alive, lifting up the Skyfire baby and pushing them towards the Seventh Prince layer by layer.

A hint of imperceptible cruelty flashed through the eyes of the Seventh Prince, and he stretched out his palm to pat the Heavenly Fire Baby's Tianling Cap.

Seeing this, the Skyfire Baby exploded with flames all over his body. He opened his mouth wide and spit out a pillar of fire that was half a foot thick, and burned it towards the Seventh Prince.

The seventh prince could only dodge when he saw this, but in this way he could not kill the Skyfire baby. .

In this way, a kind of balance was formed between the Seventh Prince and the Heavenly Fire Infant. No one could defeat the other, but could only be restrained by the other.

At the same time, the battle between Su Chen and Mu Qingyun had reached the fiftieth round.

Both of them were sweating profusely and their true energy was consumed greatly.

"Hahahaha, so happy." Mu Qingyun suddenly laughed, "Master Su Chen, I only knew that the old man admired you very much before, thinking that you were just an alchemy master, but I didn't expect that you were actually a martial arts wizard. Today and This battle of yours is really exciting. If I don’t use 100% of my strength to fight you, I will be really sorry for this once-in-a-century opportunity.”

As he spoke, Mu Qingyun's momentum trembled, his whole body was blazing with light, and his eyes were burning with strong fighting intent.

Su Chen was also infected by his pure fighting spirit. It had been a long time since he had fought so happily. The two were equally matched in strength, and each had their own differences in understanding the way of the sword. Such a fierce battle was like a profound discussion of martial arts, and Su Chen also benefited a lot.

The people in the stands were even more excited to watch. They could watch the battle between two equally matched top geniuses. This opportunity did not come around all the time.

"I can't believe it, I can't believe that the battle between the fifth level of the Transformation Realm and the first level of the Transformation Realm can be so powerful?"

"The battle between these two people is not at all like a battle at the middle stage of the Transformation Realm. It is not much of an exaggeration to say it is at the late stage of the Transformation Realm."

“It’s true that the waves behind us in Yangjiang push the waves ahead, and each generation becomes stronger than the last.”

"Yes, we are old, and this world belongs to young people."

Many strong men from the older generation sighed. They were all the mainstay figures in Anyang City. Some were in their thirties, some in their forties, and some in their fifties. Because it is difficult to break through each level of the Transformation Realm, many people are stuck at the seventh, eighth, or ninth level of the Transformation Realm, unable to break through to the next level.

At this moment, facing these two rising stars who were fighting in the ring, they all felt ashamed. The talents of these two people were really terrible. If nothing else happened, they would definitely be able to challenge in the future. At the tenth level of the Transformation Realm, one can even challenge the threshold of the Lingtai Realm.

Mu Qingyun's eyes were also flashing with strong fighting spirit. He found that he had underestimated Su Chen's strength before. He had really regarded Su Chen as just an alchemy expert. Although he respected him, he looked down upon him.

But now Mu Qingyun realized that he was completely wrong. Su Chen was not just an expert in alchemy.

And I originally thought that this time I could be proud of all the geniuses in Anyang City, and even without using 100% of my strength, I could win the first place in the Anyang Martial Arts Association. This idea did not waver until I saw Su Chen's true strength.

Su Chen's strength was so strong that he had to go all out.

He has only reached this level of strength at the first level of the Transformation Realm. How terrifying will it be if Su Chen reaches the fifth level of the Transformation Realm in the future?

This is no longer a genius, but a monster!

Mu Qingyun is a person who looks gentle but is actually arrogant. This can be seen from the fact that he has never used 100% of his strength before. He didn't want to be at the fifth level of the Transformation Realm and have to use all his strength to defeat the first level of the Transformation Realm. In that case, even if he won, he would be disgraced.

But now, Mu Qingyun's mind has changed. Facing a prodigy like Su Chen who cannot be judged by common sense, he must go all out, otherwise it will be a disrespect for this battle.

At that moment, Mu Qingyun shook the sword, and in the shadow of the sword, a white light with the same thickness as the sword body emerged.

Sword energy!

Mu Qingyun actually also cultivated a sword energy.

However, he had kept this sword energy as a trump card before and did not release it.

As soon as it was released, it immediately caused a gasp of air from the scene.

"Oh my god, Mu Qingyun actually condensed a sword energy!"

"You have condensed sword energy at the age of twenty-eight. Can you be considered a swordsman prodigy?"

"Unexpectedly, there are two swordsman wizards among the young geniuses in Anyang City. This is really a rare event."

Prince Anyang couldn't help but stood up from the throne again, his eyes bursting with light. Today's martial arts meeting was beyond his expectation. Each of the top three surprised him, first Su Chen, and then The seventh prince, and then Mu Qingyun.

Let's not talk about the Seventh Prince, let's talk about Su Chen and Mu Qingyun. These are definitely two young people who are expected to break through the Lingtai realm and get out of Anyang County in the future.

Throughout the history of Anyang County, there are not many such people. Every time one appears, it can bring huge benefits to Anyang County.

"After working on it for a long time, it turns out that Nangong Lin is not the number one swordsman genius in Anyang County at all. Not to mention Su Chen, the dark horse who suddenly appeared, even Mu Qingyun, who has been famous for many years, can't compare to him. . Mu Qingyun has condensed his sword energy, but he has not condensed it. How can he have the nerve to call himself the number one swordsman in Anyang County? "

At this time, someone else remembered Nangong Lin's arrogant attitude before and couldn't help but complain.

Fortunately, Nangong Lin was not there now and was carried down to recover from his injuries. Otherwise, he would have suffered internal injuries and vomited blood again after hearing these words.

Mu Qingyun used his sword energy, but there was no trace of pride or complacency in his expression. He was originally extremely talented in kendo, but he was not the kind of genius who specialized in kendo, so it was easy for people to overlook his talent in kendo.

"watch out!"

Mu Qingyun gave a light scolding and used the long sword to kill again.

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