Tianyu Alchemy Lord

Chapter 367: Heavenly Fire Shows Its Power

The ninth level of sword energy was the trump card that gave Su Chen the confidence to leapfrog and fight against the fifth level of the chemical realm. Like sword energy, it could multiply the power of sword techniques.

Su Chen activated the ninth level of sword energy and sword energy at the same time, and the power of the sword technique was not much inferior to that of the fifth level of the material transformation realm.

However, Mu Qingyun is not a fuel-efficient lamp, and his reputation as the strongest young generation in Anyang City is not in vain.

At this moment, Mu Qingyun went all out, and a trace of white energy as thick as hair appeared on the tip of the sword. You couldn't even see it if you didn't look carefully, but it was definitely there.

Obviously, he has touched the prototype of sword energy.


Su Chen's and Mu Qingyun's swords collided hard.

Su Chen only felt his energy and blood rolling, his whole body retreated a full three feet, and the sea of ​​true essence was churning.

Mu Qingyun was indeed very strong, much stronger than the average fifth level of the Transformation Realm. Even Su Chen felt extremely stressed under his full strength.

Everyone in the stands was staring at the battle between Mu Qingyun and Su Chen. This battle could be called the ultimate battle of the Anyang Martial Arts Tournament.

"It seems like there's nothing wrong with me?"

The seventh prince touched his nose and murmured to himself, "Forget it, I'll just take this opportunity to get the first place."

After saying that, he left Mu Qingyun and Su Chen who were fighting behind him, and walked calmly towards the path leading to the top of the mountain.


It was at this moment that a sky-fire baby jumped out of Su Chen's arms and his body was on fire. He opened his small mouth and spit out a pillar of fire towards the Seventh Prince.

The Seventh Prince obviously felt that there seemed to be a powerful threat contained in the pillar of fire, and he did not dare to fight head-on. He immediately dodged to avoid the pillar of fire.

But even so, the Seventh Prince's body was still rubbed by the pillar of fire, and half of his sleeves were instantly burned to ashes.

The eyes of the Seventh Prince flashed with thoughtful light as he looked at the Skyfire Baby.

"What it is?"

Everyone in the stands was originally paying attention to the battle between Su Chen and Mu Qingyun, but when they saw this scene, they all became uneasy. How many strange things did Su Chen have in him?

"It seems to be Su Chen's demon pet, but it's a human-shaped demon pet, which is a bit weird."

"How much damage can a demon pet do? If Su Chen wants to use it to block the Seventh Prince, then there is a ghost."

The Seventh Prince looked at the Skyfire Baby. He didn't know what he was thinking of, or maybe he was simply wary of the Skyfire Baby's weirdness. He said, "You are no match for me. Go aside."

The Skyfire Baby ignored the Seventh Prince's words at all, and opened his mouth and spit out another pillar of fire, forming a sea of ​​fire in front of the Seventh Prince, preventing the Seventh Prince from moving forward.

The seventh prince looked at the sea of ​​​​fire in front of him, seeming to be a little afraid and did not dare to step forward.

He looked at the Skyfire Baby, and suddenly more black light burst out from his palm, and he scratched hard at the Skyfire Baby's neck.

The Skyfire Baby quickly dodged, but even so, he was caught by the Seventh Prince.

The Skyfire Baby immediately screamed in pain, and without thinking, he opened his mouth and spit out five or six pillars of fire at the Seventh Prince.

The fire pillar sprayed on the Seventh Prince's body, and large ash scars suddenly appeared on the Seventh Prince's skin, as if the flesh and blood had been directly roasted into ashes by the fire pillar, revealing the dense white bones inside.

Everyone in the stands was very surprised when they saw this scene. Although the power of Skyfire Baby's fire pillar was great, it didn't seem to be that powerful. It actually roasted the seventh prince's flesh and blood into fly ash in one go?

The Seventh Prince seemed to be particularly wary of the Skyfire Baby's flames, and suddenly released his grip on the Skyfire Baby's neck.

The Skyfire Baby immediately rolled back seven or eight feet, far away from the Seventh Prince, and kept retching while covering his neck that had just been grabbed by the Seventh Prince.

On the snow-white neck of the Skyfire baby, there were five clearly visible finger prints, which were left by the seventh prince just now. But what is surprising is that these five fingerprints are blue and black, which is obviously not normal.

The flames on the Skyfire Baby were now much dimmer than before.

Everyone in the stands held their breath and looked at this scene in surprise. This scene really overturned their understanding. Whether it was the power of the Skyfire Baby or the ruthlessness of the Seventh Prince, it was far beyond their imagination. .

The Skyfire Baby can actually compete with the Seventh Prince who is at the fourth level of the Transformation Realm. The Seventh Prince's actual combat power is equivalent to the fifth level of the Transformation Realm. Doesn't this mean that the Skyfire Baby's actual combat power is also equivalent to the fifth level of the Transformation Realm.

The Seventh Prince's expression became more and more gloomy, but suddenly a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, with a hint of evil. He stretched out his right hand and boom, the black energy in his palm spurted out.

The black energy seemed to be the Seventh Prince's true energy, but it seemed not, because no one had ever seen anyone's true energy be black.

No, there is one, and that is Gu Qianyin, but only Su Chen and Li Shitong know about Gu Qianyin's black essence. At this moment, Gu Qianyin and Li Shitong in the stands exchanged glances, their expressions full of surprise.

The Seventh Prince raised his hand, and the black essence turned into black silk threads. The black silk threads were woven into a large black web, dense and dense, comparable to a spider web, overwhelmingly pressing towards the sky fire baby.

The Skyfire Baby roared low from his throat and ran away immediately, but the black essence followed closely behind, extending rapidly, and soon turned the entire space within one foot of the Skyfire Baby's body into a spider web-like space.

This spider web is not flat, but three-dimensional.

The sky-fire baby couldn't escape, and finally hit the Internet head first.

It struggled hard and found that although the black true essence silk looked extremely thin, it was actually substantial and incredibly tough. No matter how hard it tried, it could not break free.

At this moment, more and more people turned their attention away from the battle between Su Chen and Mu Qingyun and looked here. Seeing this scene, they were also extremely surprised.

You must know that the true essence of the Transformation Object Realm can indeed be condensed into substantial objects, otherwise it would not be called the Transformation Object Realm. But despite this, it is still rare to see warriors in the middle stage of the Transformation Realm like the Seventh Prince who can condense into silk, possess such fine control, and whose true essence silk is so tough.

Generally speaking, only those who are strong in the late stage of the Transformation Realm can have such control.

"What kind of strange martial arts is this, Seventh Prince? I have never seen it before."

"It seems that it is definitely not a martial arts technique passed down from Anyang County Prince's Palace."

There are many speculations, but no one can give a definite conclusion.

The Skyfire baby was bound by the black true essence net, and the net tightened tighter and tighter, leaving white marks on its skin.

The Skyfire Baby was in extreme pain, and it opened its mouth to spit out pillars of fire, burning the black True Essence Net.

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