Tianyu Alchemy Lord

Chapter 363: Resolving Grudges

In the stands, the people around Dean Wu all complimented him, their expressions of envy could not be concealed.

Dean Wu laughed and looked at his proud disciple, feeling a little proud.

It can be said that he has devoted half his life to this disciple, and he can't even spare much energy to take care of the affairs of the academy.

Now that Nangong Lin is a prominent figure, he also has a bright face.

"By the way, Su Chen is also a student from Anyang College, which means that among the top four in this class, there are two students from Anyang College!"

"Hiss!~This class of Anyang Academy students are a bit scary."

"Brother Wu, please teach us how to train him."

Dean Wu laughed heartily. God knew he had never trained Su Chen at all. Su Chen's rise had nothing to do with him. He could be said to have picked up a cheap genius student for nothing.

Su Chen looked a bit regretful. He was actually somewhat interested in Luo Yang. The opponent might have some kind of special physique. Fighting against him could enrich his experience, but now he has no chance to fight against Luo Yang. .

Now, there are only four people left in the arena, Mu Qingyun, Nangong Lin, Seventh Prince and Su Chen, which means that these four people are already the final top four.

The mountain path is only wide enough for one person to pass, which means that only one of the four people can reach the top of the mountain first.

If nothing else, the next step will be a melee between four people.

The four of them looked at each other with undisguised fighting intent in their eyes.


Just when the fighting spirit was strong, Nangong Lin suddenly spoke.

He walked up to Su Chen and raised his voice: "The last time you openly protected Xue Yong who made a big mistake in the academy, I didn't take full action against you because I didn't want others to say that I bullied the small. But now , you have also reached the top four in the Anyang Martial Arts Association, there is no longer the problem of bullying the small, and it is time to end this matter. "

Everyone present fell silent and looked at Su Chen and Nangong Lin.

Unexpectedly, these two people still have such a grudge?

Nangong Lin cupped his hands towards Mu Qingyun and the seventh prince: "Brother Mu, seventh prince, I hope you will do it conveniently and let Su Chen and I take this opportunity to resolve this grudge first."

Mu Qingyun nodded calmly: "Well, since you have grievances that need to be resolved, it doesn't matter if we wait aside for a while."

The seventh prince also showed his signature shy smile: "I'm young and don't understand, so I just listen to brother Mu Qingyun."

Everyone in the stands watched this scene with bated breath. Nangong Lin and Su Chen were about to face off in advance, which meant that four people would become three people.

I just don’t know whether the winner will be Su Chen or Nangong Lin?

Basically no one is optimistic about Su Chen because the gap in cultivation between Su Chen and Nangong Lin is too big.

Although Su Chen defeated Jin Linkai just now, many people also believed that Su Chen had already consumed a lot of real energy in the battle with Jin Linkai, and it was impossible to have any extra real energy to deal with another fourth-level creature in the realm of transformation. Great talent.

After all, no matter how defiant Su Chen is, no matter how powerful he is in leapfrogging challenges, his cultivation level will always only be at the first level of the Transformation Realm. This means that he will always have a fatal disadvantage, that is, the size of the True Essence Sea is far smaller than that of the fourth level of the Transformation Realm. genius.

In this competition, it is forbidden to take elixirs to restore true energy from beginning to end, which is very detrimental to Su Chen.

But no one knows that in fact, Su Chen didn't really consume much real energy in the battle with Jin Linkai just now, and Su Chen's ice and fire real energy sea is intertwined with each other, and can automatically restore his real energy during the battle. At this moment, Su Chen Chen Chen has recovered 20 to 30% of his true energy.

"Su Chen, I know you should be very unwilling now. If the four of us had fought in a melee, you might have had a chance, but now you have to be eliminated early by me. However, this is the price you have to pay for supporting criminals. "

Nangong Lin looked down at Su Chen and said.

Su Chen couldn't help but laugh. Nangong Lin was talking too much to himself. He didn't show any sign of unwillingness at all. How did he interpret that he was unwilling?

"Since you must seek elimination in advance, I don't mind playing with you."

Su Chen said calmly, flicked the sword in his hand, and the Moon-Zhancing Sword made a clanging sound.

As soon as these words came out, not only Nangong Lin, but also several other geniuses not far away were stunned. What did Su Chen mean by this, was Nangong Lin going to be eliminated early by him?

Isn't this Su Chen too crazy? Do you think you can defeat Jin Linkai and Nangong Lin, two geniuses at the fourth level of the Transformation Realm?

Nangong Lin also laughed: "Don't think that you can be arrogant in front of me with a first-grade magic weapon. To tell you the truth, you are still far away."

As he said that, Nangong Lin put away the long sword in his hand, took off another long sword from his back, and held a sword flower in his hand. The blade of this long sword actually also lit up one after another. runes.

"It's actually a first-class divine weapon!"

Everyone was a little surprised that Nangong Lin actually had a first-grade magic weapon!

Moreover, in the battle with Luo Yang just now, Nangong Lin actually didn't use this first-grade magic weapon, and he didn't use it until now when he faced Su Chen.

Not far away, Luo Yang showed a trace of bitterness on his face and murmured: "So when he fought with me just now, he didn't use his full strength?"

This was undoubtedly an insult to Luo Yang. He regarded Nangong Lin as his biggest enemy, but in the end, the other party did not regard him as an opponent at all, and even used the best weapons in the battle with him. Not sacrificed.

"It seems that your master gained a lot from the last cave ruins."

Su Chen glanced at it and said lightly. With his eyesight, he could naturally recognize that the first-grade divine weapon sword in Nangong Lin's hand was the one that came out of the cave ruins. It should have been obtained by Dean Wu. .

"What do you mean, you mean that I shouldn't rely on Master's protection?"

Nangong Lin's face darkened. He hated people saying that he relied on his master for everything.

"I don't mean that. I just want to say that your master is really good to you."

Su Chen shrugged. He remembered that Dean Wu did not go to the cave ruins at that time, which meant that Dean Wu bought or exchanged them from others afterwards.

At that time, Su Chen had already extorted 50,000 taels from each person, and asked them to find Guo Tong to help conquer the magic weapon. This meant that Guo Tong had to charge them another fee, and the fee would definitely not be less than One hundred thousand taels.

In other words, Dean Wu must have spent a lot of money to obtain this first-grade magic weapon. He spent at least 150,000 taels of silver and gave it to Nangong Lin for use. This proves that Dean Wu really values ​​Nangong Lin very much.

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