Tianyu Alchemy Lord

Chapter 362 Selling a Favor

Only a few people knew that Su Chen's combat power had not been exerted to its maximum, and his sword energy had not yet been unleashed. It is precisely because of this that it seems particularly terrifying. If the combat power is not used to the maximum, it can be evenly matched with Jinlin. So if the combat power is used to the maximum, how terrifying will it be.

"It's terrible, it's terrible. Although Jin Linkai is only eighteen years old, his combat power is definitely at the forefront among the fourth level of the realm of transformation. He is still tied with Su Chen. What is Su Chen's ability to leapfrog challenges?" How exaggerated?”

"No, why do I feel that Jin Lin Kai is at a disadvantage?"

"It's unbelievable. The power of each Su Chen's attack doesn't seem to be particularly powerful. How come the golden scales can't beat him?"

No one knew that Jin Linkai was miserable at this moment.

Su Chen's Ice and Fire True Essence Sea greatly suppressed him. One of the characteristics of the Ice and Fire True Essence Sea is that the explosive power of each move does not seem to be powerful, but it can slow down the opponent's true essence with its ice attributes. element flow velocity.

The flow speed of true energy is closely related to combat power. If true energy flows slowly, the power of each move will become weaker, which is equivalent to Su Chen suppressing the opponent's strength in disguise.

The ice attribute is a rare attribute. Jin Linkai has never fought against an ice attribute opponent before, so he has no idea about the characteristics of the ice attribute.

At this moment, he only felt as if his meridians were frozen. The speed of the true energy flowing in the meridians was at least 30 to 40% slower than usual, and even his moves were unable to exert their usual power.

However, under the full force of Su Chen's Ice and Fire True Essence Sea, he already had the strength close to the fourth level of the Transformation Realm. In addition, the strength of Jin Linkai was suppressed. Under the one-and-done situation, Su Chen actually gradually became stronger. gained the upper hand.

And this was without Su Chen using his sword energy. If Su Chen had used his sword energy, he would be able to defeat Jin Linkai in an instant.

Jin Liankai held on for another twenty or thirty moves, and couldn't help but start to think: "No wonder Yan Hui gave in so quickly just now, it turns out that Su Chen is so strong. Well, I can't get first place anyway, so why not?" Now give up and sell him a favor so that he can save some real energy. This will only do me good and not bad."

Jin Lin thought this way during the meeting, and naturally he took a fancy to the three alchemy giants behind Su Chen. Being able to sell Su Chen a favor was equivalent to selling a favor to the three alchemy giants. This deal was a good deal.

Thinking of this, Jin Linkai simply put away his stick, swept his body backwards, and landed outside the battle circle. He cupped his hands towards Su Chen from a distance and said, "I am no match for Young Master Su Chen. I surrender!"

Um? Are you giving up now?

Su Chen was a little surprised, but when he saw Jin Linkai's slightly deliberate smile, he suddenly realized it.

Su Chen was such a sophisticated person, so naturally he quickly understood that Jin Linkai was deliberately selling favors to him.

He couldn't help but laugh. Jin Linkai thought he had saved his true energy, but in fact, if he really went all out, he could defeat the opponent in one move.

But no matter what, Jin Linkai gave him a favor after all, so he nodded towards Jin Linkai.

The audience in the stands were dubious. Why did Jin Linkai give up so quickly?

If they hadn't known that Jin Linkai was not that kind of person, they would almost have thought that Jin Linkai was deliberately trying to set things off for Su Chen.

"Master Su Chen, if you have time in the future, you must come to the Jin family as a guest." Jin Lin said with a smile on his face, taking the opportunity to invite Su Chen.

Then, without waiting for Su Chen to reply, he straightened up and retreated to the rear, making way for Su Chen.

The battle on Su Chen's side was over, and the two battles there were also coming to an end.

Surprisingly, the Seventh Prince also had a surprise and defeated Lou Shun.

Lou Shun was injured in the battle, with blood dripping from his shoulder and a look of reluctance on his face. He never expected that during the battle, the Seventh Prince would burst out with the cultivation of the fourth level of the Transformation Realm, and his fighting power would be extremely powerful, defeating him with a strong posture.

In everyone's previous impression, the Seventh Prince was clearly a weak person, and his cultivation level was not even at the realm of transformation. How could he suddenly have such strength overnight.

Could it be that the Seventh Prince has been hiding his strength before?

This is too unacceptable. Lou Shun obviously went for at least second place, but he was eliminated early by the seventh prince who suddenly appeared.

Lou Shun clenched his fists tightly, his body was trembling, and he bit his lip unwillingly until it bled. He reluctantly stepped aside to make way for the Seventh Prince.

Behind Lou Shun, the seventh prince showed an enigmatic smile.

At the top of the mountain, Prince Anyang's brows had knitted into a knot. He suddenly realized that he didn't seem to understand the seventh prince personally selected by him at all.

"This seventh prince is a bit weird."

Xue Yong also frowned and said.

He and Gu Qianyin had both been eliminated before. They were both in the stands at the moment, sitting with Li Shitong and Gu Qianxue, paying attention to the development of the game.

"It's indeed a bit strange. I met this seventh prince a year or two ago, but at that time he was very shy and timid, and he didn't seem to be pretending. Now he is completely different. And at that time, he It is clear that he does not even have the cultivation level of the Condensation Realm, but now he has the cultivation level of the fourth level of the Transformation Realm. This is so subversive of common sense. Even the reincarnation of a monster cannot cultivate so fast. "

Li Shitong also said, frowning and looking at the Seventh Prince on the ring.

"The key is, what is the purpose of this seventh prince? If he deliberately hid his strength before, then why did he show his true strength now? Wouldn't it be better to show it two months earlier? Now the eldest prince has become the crown prince Well, if there is no accident, it is basically impossible to replace the crown prince, which means that no matter how evil he is, he will never be the crown prince. "

Gu Qianyin said.

"I think we shouldn't think so much. It's possible that the Seventh Prince just wants to make a splash and win the first place in the Anyang Martial Arts Competition."

Li Shitong said.

At this time, Nangong Lin and Luo Yang also had results.

After Luo Yang persisted in hundreds of moves, he was still defeated.

"I said, you alone are not qualified to be my opponent, especially in terms of swordsmanship."

Nangong Lin said lightly, with a hint of arrogance in his expression.

"Dean Wu, congratulations to you for cultivating such an outstanding disciple."

"The younger generation in Anyang City has the best swordsmanship, and he is well-deserved."

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