Tianyu Alchemy Lord

Chapter 355 The decision of Prince Anyang

Prince Anyang regained his composure in just a moment, nodded and said: "I have to thank you for telling me this, otherwise, I would still be in the dark, and I wouldn't even know when Mr. Mu separated from me. ”

"My lord, there is no need to be polite. Mr. Mu is an elder that I respect very much. I don't want to see Mr. Mu being harmed by an adulterer," Su Chen said.

Prince Anyang chuckled and did not continue the topic. Instead, he asked, "I have a question for you. You must answer it truthfully."

"Excuse me, Your Majesty."

"During the autumn hunt in the palace, when the third prince died, you must have played a big role in it, right?" Prince Anyang looked into Su Chen's eyes and asked.

When Su Chen heard this, he knew that Princess Xiling should have told Prince Anyang about what happened during the autumn hunting.

I just don’t know how much Princess Xiling told me.

At that moment, Su Chen smiled openly without any fear: "That's right."

"You are so brave. You dare to interfere in the fight between my prince's sons?" Prince Anyang smiled half-heartedly.

Su Chen innocently spread his hands and said, "This junior is just trying to protect his own people, and does not intend to get involved. What's more, it doesn't seem to be against the rules for the princes to use the power of outsiders to compete for the position of crown prince. Doesn't the third prince also Did you use a lot of external help?”

"Having said that, the eldest prince relied on your power too much during the autumn hunting." Prince Anyang said.

Su Chen shook his head: "I just try my best to protect myself and my own people. Subjectively, I don't have much intention to help the eldest prince. If the eldest prince can borrow my strength, it means that he has strong luck. Isn't the reason why the prince allowed several princes to fight to choose the one with the strongest luck? "

The Prince of Anyang County laughed dumbly: "Rumors say that you are sharp-tongued. Now that I have seen it, it is indeed true."

"Your Majesty is so complimentary."

"Then I ask you, what is your purpose of helping the eldest prince, and what did he promise you? Don't say that you are just to protect your own people. I will not believe such a lame excuse." Prince Youyou of Anyang County said.

Su Chen also smiled: "I can't hide anything from the prince. Well, the eldest prince did promise me something, but I haven't gotten it yet."

"What?" Prince Anyang asked with a hint of curiosity.

"If I tell it, will the prince give it to me?"

"Boy, you have a good idea." Prince Anyang shook his head, "If that thing is a priceless treasure, how could it be given to you so easily?"

"Is the ice and snow cicada considered a priceless treasure in the eyes of the prince?" Su Chen asked.

"Ice and Snow Han Cicada?" Prince Anyang was stunned, "You really know how to want it. That is a treasure passed down from generation to generation by any Prince of Anyang."

"It's of no use in the prince's palace anyway, so it would be better to give it to me." Su Chen simply went rogue.

Prince Anyang snorted coldly: "Don't come here to grind me down. Whoever promised you will be the one you go to."

Su Chen smiled and did not continue to struggle with this issue.

"In your opinion, how suitable is the eldest prince to inherit the throne?"

Prince Anyang suddenly asked.

It seems that Prince Anyang is still hesitant about the ownership of the crown prince and is not 100% sure about the eldest son.

But it's no wonder that the position of the crown prince is of great importance, and it is not easy to be the king of a county. Therefore, when the prince of Anyang County chooses the crown prince, he will naturally look left and right and consider a lot.

If Su Chen said something bad about the eldest prince at this time, then Anyang County Prince might reconsider the position of crown prince because of this.

After all, the eldest prince took advantage of a lot of tricks in the dispute with the third prince, and it can even be said that he borrowed a lot of strength from Su Chen.

Without Su Chen, a noble man, the eldest prince would not have been able to obtain the position of crown prince so easily.

Su Chen thought for a moment and then made an evaluation: "The eldest prince is a man with a big heart, a strong sense of responsibility, and the ability to endure a moment of anger. He is a good talent for running the county."

Prince Anyang frowned and said, "But he seems to be a little too cautious, too conservative and not aggressive enough."

"Does the prince think that a person with empty ambitions but no corresponding abilities is more suitable for the position of crown prince?" Su Chen asked with a smile.

"It seems that you are very optimistic about the eldest prince." Prince Anyang said.

Su Chen chuckled: "What I say won't have much effect. Everything depends on the prince's own wishes, right?"

"Well, hehe, everything depends on what I want." Prince Anyang finally laughed and shook his head, "Well, I can't worry about it all my life. The eldest son is a good choice for the crown prince. So Among all the sons of many generations, he is the one.”

After a pause, Prince Anyang continued, "I have been in charge of Anyang County for so many years. It's time to step down and leave everything to you young people."

"Your Majesty, do you intend to abdicate?" Su Chen asked.

"Well, I have decided. After the Anyang Martial Arts Competition, I will announce that I will abdicate and be succeeded by the crown prince." Anyang County Prince said leisurely, as if he was talking about a trivial matter as ordinary as eating and drinking.

And if there were other people present, they would be shocked when they heard this. Prince Anyang would say such a big thing as abdicating the throne so casually in front of a junior.

When Su Chen heard what Prince Anyang said, he was not surprised at all.

His eyes fell on Prince Anyang for a moment, and then he cupped his hands and said, "Congratulations, Your Majesty."

Prince Anyang smiled and said, "What are you doing to congratulate me on my abdication?"

"Of course I would like to congratulate you, Your Majesty, for putting down your worldly affairs. From now on, you can devote yourself wholeheartedly to martial arts and break through to the Lingtai realm." Su Chen shrugged his shoulders.

The Prince of Anyang County couldn't help being stunned, and then he immediately raised his momentum, and the astonishing pressure surged out like a tide. He stared at Su Chen with bright eyes and asked, "You can actually see that?"

Su Chen smiled slightly: "I am an alchemist, so naturally I can see more than the average person."

The Prince of Anyang County nodded. At this moment, he had completely put down his pretense as the Lord of a County, and spoke to Su Chen in a tone that he would treat a younger generation: "Do you think I can break through to the Lingtai Realm?"

"As long as the prince can let go of his secular thoughts, he has a great chance of breaking through to the Lingtai realm." Su Chen said.

"Haha... Then I'll lend you some good words." Prince Anyang laughed.

"By the way, how much does the prince know about the seventh prince?"

"Seventh prince?" Prince Anyang frowned, "A silent child. I promoted him to the prince because of his outstanding talent in alchemy. However, I didn't have much communication with him. What's the matter?"

"Your Majesty, please pay more attention to the seventh prince," Su Chen said.

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