Tianyu Alchemy Lord

Chapter 354: Who poisoned me?

Prince Anyang should be close to sixty this year, but he looks like he is only in his forties and is in good health.

When Su Chen came closer, Prince Anyang asked. "Young man, are you Su Chen?"

"Junior has met the prince." Su Chen bowed his hand.

Prince Ruo of Anyang County looked at Su Chen thoughtfully and curled his lips: "You are very brave and dare to call yourself a junior to me when we meet for the first time. You are still the first one."

Su Chen smiled. He naturally knew what Prince Anyang was referring to. He was the head of a county. When most people saw him, they would kowtow and bow their heads and call themselves ministers.

Juniors can only be called juniors who are closely related in the family. There is another situation where one is from a very high family but is young, so one can call oneself a junior out of politeness.

For example, in the case of Su Chen, if Su Chen is a descendant of the royal family of the Yunyuan Empire, then he is fully qualified to call himself a junior in front of the Prince of Anyang.

But Su Chen is not, so Anyang County Prince will naturally think that he is crazy.

Su Chen smiled: "Does the prince want to punish me for disrespect?"

"Hmph, no matter how angry I am, I would not dare to punish someone who is highly praised by the three alchemy giants. Otherwise, if Grandmaster Guo and Grandmaster Huang give up their jobs, or even leave Anyang County directly, how can I Aren't you dumbfounded?" Prince Anyang said calmly.

Su Chen knew that the words of Anyang County Prince were definitely not false. The value of a third-level alchemy master to a county was immeasurable. If the third-level alchemy masters left one after another, even the head of a county would be panicked.

"Why did the prince summon the juniors here?" Su Chen asked.

"It's nothing. I'm just curious and want to see what you, the genius who has been so popular in Anyang City recently, look like." Prince Ruo of Anyang County looked at Su Chen thoughtfully, "Did you know that there have been quite a few people recently? People cried to me in the court, saying that you extorted their family's wealth, and some even wrote to me to report that you had looted the wealth of a second-rate sect in Anyang City. "

Su Chen smiled and said: "I don't deny this, but I have always taken it in a gentleman's way, without any dirty robbery. The prince should also be very clear about this."

Prince Anyang chuckled and said nothing more.

From some angles, he does look somewhat similar to Princess Xiling, and they are indeed father and daughter.

"sit down."

Prince Anyang pointed to a seat below him.

Su Chen was not polite and walked over directly and sat down on the seat.

"Since the prince has called this junior here just for a small talk, then the junior just has a question that he wants to ask the prince." Su Chen said.

"Oh? What's your problem?" Prince Anyang asked.

"Three months ago, I went to the Mu family. At that time, Mr. Mu of the Mu family had a purple jade coral plum. He said it was a gift from the prince," Su Chen said.

"Oh, that is indeed a gift from this king." Prince Anyang said casually.

"Does the prince know that there is a strange poison called Jiuxiaosan on and under the purple jade coral plum?" Su Chen asked.


Prince Anyang's expression changed slightly. He was leaning on his seat leisurely, but after hearing this, he sat up directly and stared at Su Chen with a pair of sharp eyes.

Seeing the reaction of Prince Anyang, Su Chen was basically sure that the Jiuxiao Powder on the purple jade coral plum was not from Prince Anyang, and he had no idea about it.

Of course, the possibility that Prince Anyang is pretending cannot be ruled out, but this possibility is very low. Firstly, Prince Anyang's pupils and body reactions are close to natural reactions in that situation, and it is difficult to fake them. Secondly, he is a dignified prince, and there is no need to pretend in front of a junior like Su Chen.

"It seems that the prince is unaware of this." Su Chen said.

"Humph, of course I don't know who has the courage to tamper with the things I gave to Mr. Mu." Anyang County Prince showed anger on his face, "Same for Mr. Mu, why not do such a big thing? Come and tell me?"

However, after saying that, Prince Anyang fell silent. Yes, it was normal for Mr. Mu not to mention that the gift given by the emperor was poisoned. According to normal logic, it must have been the poison given by Prince Anyang. Mu How could the old man come and tell him, is his brain damaged?

"Is it really not the prince who poisoned me?" Su Chen confirmed again.

"Of course not. Mr. Mu was the confidant of the old prince. I should treat him with great courtesy. How could I poison him?" Prince Anyang frowned.

"If the prince poisoned Mr. Mu, there is a good reason, that is, prince, you are afraid that the Mu family's great achievements will shock the master. You only need to let the head of the Mu family, Mr. Mu, die quietly. With the current group of people in the Mu family, With the current situation at the top, the Mu family will definitely fall apart, and it will be impossible for them to become powerful. "

Su Chen calmly analyzed that he knew the situation of the Mu family very well, and it was all supported by Mr. Mu. In fact, the reliable Mu Baye was a character who did not have much real power in the Mu family.

If Mr. Mu dies, the Mu family will be severely damaged, that's for sure.

Prince Anyang listened silently, but did not get angry, because as smart as he was, he immediately understood the intention of Su Chen's words.

"You mean that the person who poisoned the purple jade coral plum did it to drive a wedge between me and Mr. Mu." Prince Anyang said in a deep voice.

Su Chen nodded: "To be precise, it's a two-pronged solution. If Mr. Mu dies of poisoning, then you, the prince, will lose a capable right-hand man. If Mr. Mu does not die of poisoning, but discovers the Purple Jade Coral If Mei Shang is poisonous, then he will alienate you. No matter what the situation is, you will lose Mr. Mu as your right-hand man. For you, Prince, it will be the same as cutting off one of your hands. "

"Hmph!" Anyang County Prince's expression became more and more gloomy with Su Chen's words, and finally he snorted heavily, "Who on earth dares to plot against me like this?"

"My lord, think about it, has anyone come into contact with that purple jade coral plum?" Su Chen said. The current situation is that the person who poisoned him is also a threat to Mr. Mu. Su Chen only cares about this for Mr. Mu's sake. thing. It was originally thought that the person who poisoned the house was Prince Anyang, but now it seems that Su Chen has basically ruled out this possibility.

Anyang County Prince frowned slightly and said: "The Purple Jade Coral Plum was given to Mr. Mu personally by the King. The people who handled it from beginning to end are all the confidants around me, besides myself."

"It seems that the prince needs to investigate the confidants around him." Su Chen said leisurely.

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