Tianyu Alchemy Lord

Chapter 344 What a divine creature

"Go aside!"

Xue Yong said in a deep voice.

"Hmph! A few little brats who are still young, also want to steal the sacred items from us?"

The strong men said coldly, and they all gathered around, exuding a powerful aura of oppression.

"Boy, hand over the carrot quickly, that is not something you are qualified to get your hands on." A strong man said gloomily.

"Do you know who he is? If you don't know, it's better not to talk too much here." Li Shitong said calmly.

When several people saw Li Shitong, their expressions changed slightly.

"Isn't this Li Shitong, a disciple of Grandmaster Guo?"

"Why is she here?"

You know, Li Shitong is recognized as a high-altitude flower, extremely cold and aloof, and now he actually follows a young man and speaks for him, which is simply unbelievable.

Several people couldn't help but look at Su Chen cautiously again. What kind of background did this young man have that could make Li Shitong behave like this?

"No, isn't this Su Chen?" One of them's expression changed.

"What, Su Chen? The Su Chen that the three alchemy giants jointly admire?"

The faces of several strong men changed strangely, showing fear. What they were afraid of was not Su Chen, but the background behind Su Chen.

"Yes, he is Su Chen!" Li Shitong said, "So if you don't want to have a grudge with him, leave quickly, otherwise, what awaits you will be the wrath of the three alchemy giants."

The strong men exchanged glances with each other, then gritted their teeth and made up their minds: "No matter what, let's fight! If we can get that divine object, it's not a problem to ascend in a day, so what do the three alchemy giants mean!"

After the words fell, several strong men ignored Li Shitong's warning and flew towards Su Chen.

Xue Yong and Gu Qianyin wanted to stop him, but were waved aside by several strong men. Their target was Su Chen, or to be precise, the carrot in Su Chen's arms.

"Boy, hand over the carrot and I will spare your life!"

"If you don't hand over the carrot, don't blame us for being ruthless. When the time comes, we get the magical object and fly away immediately. Who can trace us back? You guys will just be treated as unjust ghosts."

Several strong men spoke one after another, making dark threats.

"Are you threatening me? Sorry, I don't like threats the most."

Su Chen said with a smile.

"Damn, boy, don't toast and you'll be fined if you don't eat."

The expressions of those powerful men changed, and their true energy surged, and they all pressed towards Su Chen.

There were seven strong men in total, each with a cultivation level no lower than the fourth level of the Transformation Realm. The pressure they released was like a deep sea. In front of them, Su Chen was like a small boat that could capsize at any time in the vast ocean. , without any resistance.

However, what made them feel strange was that Su Chen's face did not look like he was out of breath at all. The pressure they released was like a stone sinking into the ocean, without any feedback at all.

"No matter, go ahead and kill this kid."

The eyes of several strong men were fierce. Just as they said just now, if they kill Su Chen and seize the carrot, they can fly away and never return to Anyang City. No one can hunt them down.

As long as you kill Su Chen, you can get the divine object. This is a hugely profitable thing, so why not do it.

"Suffer death!"

The seven people took action at the same time, and their true energy gathered into a huge palm in mid-air, pressing down on Su Chen overwhelmingly.


At this moment, a bright pillar of multi-colored light shot out of Su Chen's arms.

The beam of light soared into the sky, easily punching a huge hole in the palm of Su Chen's head.


The seven strong men vomited blood and fell back. The true energy they released was related to their Dantian. This time, their Dantian also suffered heavy damage. Their throats were filled with fishy sweetness, and their chests were churning with blood.

"Damn it, it's that carrot that's causing trouble, it's the attack it's unleashing."

Several strong men stared hard at Su Chen's chest, knowing that the carrot was hiding inside at the moment, but they were helpless.

"Forget it, we can't get that divine object, and no one else can get it either."

"That's right, that carrot is so cunning. I'm afraid it will run away as soon as we leave. It's impossible for Su Chen to take advantage of it."

Although they were unwilling to give in, they felt a lot better when they thought that Su Chen would not be able to obtain this magical object.

People's psychology is often like this. They worry not about scarcity but about inequality. If someone else gets something they can't get, they will feel resentful. If no one can get it, it will be easier to accept it.

At that moment, several strong men dragged their seriously injured bodies away angrily.

As soon as the figures of the powerful men disappeared from sight, the carrot jumped out of Su Chen's arms with a whoosh.

"Little Carrot, you are really smart and know who can protect you."

Gu Qianyin asked with a smile.

"I didn't do anything. The beam of light just released was released by itself."

Su Chen shrugged.

"What on earth is this? It's said to be a medicinal herb or a treasure from heaven and earth, but it doesn't look like it."

Gu Qianyin asked curiously.

"It should be some kind of medicinal herb or rare treasure from heaven and earth. However, it has undergone a mutation that we can't imagine, so its spirituality has skyrocketed. This kind of situation is extremely rare."

Su Chen said while looking at the carrot jumping around on the ground.

"So, this carrot is really a magical thing?"

Li Shitong couldn't help but interrupt, her beautiful eyes flashed, staring at the radish with enthusiasm, as if she could grab it to make medicine in the next moment.

Under Li Shitong's gaze, Luobo couldn't help but shudder.

Then, it immediately turned around and ran away without hesitation.

"Oops, it ran away. Chase it quickly."

Li Shitong exclaimed and immediately chased after him.

Su Chen and the other three also followed.

This time, the carrot did not deliberately circle around like before, nor did it stop and go. Instead, it always maintained a relatively even speed, but it was enough that the four people could not catch up with it.

In this way, after chasing for half an hour, they came to an area that they had never set foot in before.

This area seems to have reached the center of the cave space, forming a circle and occupying a large area.

But what makes people feel weird is that there is no light in this place. When the light from other places shines here, it seems to be swallowed up by something and cannot shine in.

As a result, this area looks completely dark.

Li Shitong frowned and took out a bead the size of a dove egg from his sleeve.

This is a night pearl, which can emit bright light in a dark area and illuminate the surrounding ten-meter area.

However, several people immediately discovered that the light of the luminous pearl here could only illuminate an arm's length, and beyond the arm's length, it was still dark.

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