Tianyu Alchemy Lord

Chapter 343: A Carrot

"Are they chasing that little black shadow just now?"

Gu Qianyin asked.

"What is that black shadow?"

Li Shitong asked. The speed of the little black shadow just now was so fast that she didn't even have time to see what it was.

Gu Qianyin has a solid foundation in martial arts and naturally has better eyesight. She said: "It looks like a small radish with legs. It can run on the ground and disappear in a flash."


Everyone else looked at each other. If they didn't know Gu Qianyin very well and knew that she wouldn't talk nonsense, they would almost think that Gu Qianyin was talking in her sleep. How could a carrot have long legs and run away.

"Su Chen, you are well-informed, tell me what that carrot could be," Li Shitong said.

"I don't know." Su Chen shook his head. He couldn't think of any carrot that could run with legs. What was certain was that this "carrot" was definitely not an ordinary thing.

"Stop, stop."

"do not run."

At this moment, the "carrot" ran back again, chased by the same few strong men, but they looked more tired than before, looking exhausted and about to fall to the ground at any time. .

"Mom, I'm trying to figure out what this carrot is. If it weren't for the fact that it might be some kind of divine object, I would have stopped chasing it long ago."

"Don't talk nonsense. This carrot has human nature and is definitely not a simple thing. Let's catch it and make soup and drink it. The benefits will be endless. Maybe it will just soar in the daytime. If you don't chase it, I will chase it. "

As those strong men spoke, they continued to pursue with all their strength.

The carrot seemed to be deliberately teasing them, circling this area, sometimes running fast, sometimes strolling, deliberately walking very slowly, as if to seduce those people.

Its "legs" are actually it, and sometimes it deliberately poses in funny poses like humans, but it looks so unbeatable that people want to catch it and cook it into radish soup.

And every time those strong men were about to catch it, its movements suddenly became faster, its roots flying on the ground, running much faster than human warriors, and it disappeared in a flash. film.

Just when those people thought they couldn't catch it, they found it in front of them in a humble posture, such as sitting or lying down.

This way. Those few people will be unable to restrain themselves and chase it, and then the cycle will begin again.

"This carrot seems to be teasing those people." Gu Qianyin said.

Su Chen shook his head and said: "Those people may not know that they are being teased by a radish, but they still have a glimmer of hope of catching the radish. This kind of spiritual radish is definitely not an ordinary one." If you can catch it, it will be an amazing opportunity. "

However, there was still the second half that Su Chen didn't say, that is, could these people really catch it?

I'm afraid the probability is infinitely close to zero.

Although Su Chen didn't recognize this "radish", he could tell that the spirituality contained in this radish could not be nurtured by the existing martial arts soil in Anyang County.

It is very possible that this is an ancient artifact.

A radish has spent tens of thousands of years and become a ten thousand-year-old radish. It is difficult to imagine what kind of radish this will be.

At least, a carrot that was born with intelligence and could run was really unheard of, even Su Chen had never heard of it in his previous life.

Bang bang bang!

The carrot was walking the strong men around like a dog. It was having a good time and even clapped its hands with its two roots, looking unusually unbeatable.

"Damn it."

"I don't believe it. I can't even catch up with a carrot."

Suddenly, the strong men stopped chasing, stood there, and began to discuss in whispers.

The carrot obviously didn't expect that they would suddenly stop chasing him, so he tilted his head in front and looked at them curiously.

"Let's stop chasing it. It's just a radish. It's nothing rare. I'll buy ten kilograms of radish and fry it when I get home."

"That's right, a broken carrot is still worth all the labor and effort, so I won't chase it anymore."

After those strong men finished their discussion, they deliberately spoke loudly.

Then, they really stopped chasing and just sat on the ground, as if they were about to give up.

The radish held up its chin with a root and just looked at them with its head tilted for a long time. Finally, it couldn't hold back its loneliness and cautiously approached them step by step.


Carrot stretched out a root and quickly scratched the back of one of them, then immediately jumped away to observe the reactions of several people.

Those people pretended not to care, ignored Carrot at all, and talked and laughed among themselves.

When Carrot saw this, he gradually became bolder. From stretching out a root to scratch, he gradually developed to jumping around behind several people, and finally even jumped on the head of one of them.

The strong men exchanged glances with each other, with a cunning smile on their lips.

Suddenly, the figures of several strong men jumped up at the same time, and with lightning speed, they all swarmed up and rushed towards the carrot.

The carrot was caught off guard and was tightly grasped by one of them.

"Ha...haha...hahaha..." The man held the carrot in his hand and couldn't help laughing proudly, "I caught it, hahaha..."

He was so carried away with laughter that he didn't notice that the root of the radish he was holding suddenly lifted up. The root suddenly straightened and turned into a long needle, with a cold light even shining at the tip.

"Be careful!" his sharp-eyed companion noticed and quickly reminded him.

But it was too late, the "needle" had already pricked his wrist hard, and the man was caught off guard. He screamed in pain and subconsciously let go of his hand.

Whoosh! Carrot took this opportunity to break free from his hand.

"No, it's going to run away, stop it quickly."

The figures of several strong men blocked the carrot from all directions.

The carrot rushed left and right, but found that he could not escape the encirclement of these people. A lot of water droplets suddenly appeared on his body, as if he was sweating in a hurry.

Then, it suddenly spotted Su Chen and the others standing nearby. Without thinking, it jumped up, jumped into Su Chen's arms, and got into Su Chen's clothes.

Surprised, Su Chen looked down and saw Carrot hiding in his clothes and shivering, as if seeking his own protection.

"Boy, hand over the carrot."

A strong man said in a loud voice, walking towards Su Chen.

Seeing this, Xue Yong and Gu Qianyin stood in front of Su Chen, one on the left and the other on the right.

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