Tianyu Alchemy Lord

Chapter 336: Fight until death

Later, Su Chen felt a piece of information appear in his consciousness, which should be some martial arts inheritance left by the owner of this corpse during his lifetime.

Su Chen took a rough look at these martial arts inheritances and found that they were all superficial things in his eyes and of little use to him.

Now, a group of four people were on the road again.

The discovery of the Lingtai relic just now gave Li Shitong and Gu Qianyin great confidence. Thinking about it, there shouldn't be only one corpse in this place. Since the corpse of a powerful man in the Lingtai realm was found, there should be more bones.

However, when they walked for a while, they found that things were not that simple. Although they found some more bones, these bones turned into powder when touched, unlike the bones they found before. Just as hard and incorruptible.

Moreover, there are no relics left on these bones.

They also saw some other warriors who also found corpses, but they were not as lucky as Su Chen and others before. These bones were turned into powder with just a light touch.

"Are these bones not the remains of a powerful person in the Lingtai realm?" Li Shitong asked.

Su Chen shook his head: "These bones are the remains of the Lingtai realm, but these bones are different from the ones just now. There are too many rot-eating flowers growing on them, so all the essence in them has been absorbed by the rot-eating flowers, completely It turned into ordinary bones and turned into powder when touched."

Because there was only one rot-eating flower growing on the previous corpse, it was less bitten by the rot-eating flower, so it was relatively well preserved. But these corpse bones were not so lucky. There were many rot-eating flowers growing on them, and the essence in the bones was absorbed by the rot-eating flowers.

The rot-eating flower is a very magical plant. It has obviously absorbed so much essence of Lingtai realm martial arts, but it itself is worthless and cannot be absorbed by other warriors as a treasure of heaven and earth. In other words, it is equivalent to a recycling bin between heaven and earth, specializing in recycling overflowing martial arts energy.

"I didn't expect that there are so many remains of Lingtai realm powerful people here. Is it true that as the rumors say, people in ancient times were really much stronger than they are now." Gu Qianyin sighed.

Su Chen nodded: "In the ancient times, martial arts were prosperous, and it was not unusual for Lingtai realm masters to travel everywhere. The period we are in now, compared to the ancient times, martial arts is already in decline."

The two women were fascinated by what they heard, full of longing for the grand events of ancient times.

"Hey, Qianyin, it turns out that you and I are taking the same route. We are really destined." A man's voice suddenly came from the side. It was Situ Feng whom he hadn't seen for a long time.

"Situ Feng, what are you doing here?" When Gu Qianyin saw it was Situ Feng, she immediately showed disgust. Ever since Situ Feng was beaten up in public by Grandmaster Huang at the cruise dinner last time, he probably felt that he was embarrassed to see others, so he calmed down for a while. I didn't expect to see him in the cave ruins today.

Situ Feng seemed to have completely forgotten the humiliation of being beaten in public last time. With a graceful smile on his face, he completely ignored Gu Qianyin's disgust: "Qianyin, it's rare that we are destined to take the same route, why not do it together?" Forward?"

"watch out."

Gu Qianyin didn't waste any time and immediately attacked Situ Feng with her palm. She could no longer bear this stalker. Today, she would definitely beat him until he gave up completely.

Situ Feng didn't expect that Gu Qianyin would suddenly attack him, but he laughed when he was stunned: "Qianyin, I am sincere to you, why don't you appreciate it? Forget it, I will go through it with you. It’s time to play.”

He thought that Gu Qianyin was still at the same level as before, so he didn't care. He casually slapped a palm and touched Gu Qianyin. However, he immediately felt a force as powerful as the abyss coming in, forcing him to be caught off guard. , took a dozen steps back.

"What?" Situ Feng stood still and was quite surprised. When did Gu Qianyin's strength become so powerful? He seemed to have broken through to the realm of transformation.

How is this possible? When I met Gu Qianyin in Qinghe City, she was only at the seventh level of the Yuan Condensation Realm. Only a few months later, she had reached the first level of the Transformation Realm. This is more than just a genius. That’s it.

Just like Situ Feng himself, although he was a direct descendant of the Situ family and received vigorous training from the Situ family, it took him four full years to advance from the seventh level of the Condensing Yuan Realm to the first level of the Transformation Realm. Even so, he was highly praised by his family and called a genius.

But when compared with Gu Qianyin, Situ Feng suddenly felt that he was no different from a pig.

Now that the strength of the two was equal, Situ Feng immediately did not dare to be negligent and quickly fought back with all his strength. He didn't want to lose to a woman in front of everyone, and it was the woman he was pursuing. How embarrassing.

Fortunately, Gu Qianyin had just been upgraded to the first level of the Transformation Realm, and he had been in the first level of the Transformation Realm for more than a year anyway. The combat power of the two sides should be different.

However, when they really went all out to fight, Situ Feng realized that that was not the case at all. Although Gu Qianyin seemed to have just been promoted to the first level of the Transformation Realm, and logically speaking, his combat power should be weaker than Situ Feng, but In fact, the combat power of both sides was actually evenly matched.

This is because Gu Qianyin is wearing a pair of white gloves that he got in the stream before. These gloves are first-class divine weapons and can greatly enhance Gu Qianyin's combat power, although Gu Qianyin is not yet proficient in using them. , but it has given her a fighting power that is on par with Situ Feng.

Therefore, when the two fought, it was difficult to tell the winner, which also surprised those who happened to pass by and saw this scene.

"Isn't this Situ Feng, a direct descendant of the Situ family? How come he is fighting with a woman here, and it's hard to tell the winner between the two."

"Tsk, tsk, isn't it said that Situ Feng is the young generation that the Situ family has the most high hopes for? How can it be a tie with an unknown girl?"

"That girl is no ordinary person. Didn't you see the person next to her? It's Su Chen."

"It turns out he is someone close to Su Chen, so it's not surprising that he has such fighting power."

Everyone was talking a lot, and unknowingly, they had regarded Su Chen as a magical pronoun.

But Situ Feng was under great pressure at the moment, and cold sweat was flowing down his forehead unconsciously. Gu Qianyin put more and more pressure on him, and the true energy in her Dantian seemed to be endless. , Situ Feng felt more and more that his true energy was no longer within the sea, and he seemed to be defeated soon.

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